
Capsules "Vagilak": reviews and mechanism of action

Today the diagnosis of "dysbiosis", unfortunately, is very common. But not everyone knows that this pathology is associated not only with the intestine. Increasingly, there is a violation of the microcenosis of the vagina, both in women and in adolescent girls. According to statistics, about half of women today suffer from such disorders, but often the dysbiosis of the vagina occurs without significant clinical symptoms. Meanwhile, the change in microflora is not the best way to affect reproductive health. The doctors proved that there is a connection between this pathology and the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy.

Many already know the candles "Vagilak". However now in drugstores there was a tool both in the form of capsules, and in tablets. The drug "Vagilak", reviews of which many women have left, is a biologically active supplement that is designed to restore the microflora of both the vagina and the intestine. It produces a pharmaceutical company Yadran (Croatia). It consists of lactobacilli, which actively penetrate through the intestinal wall into the vagina. Capsules containing beneficial bacteria dissolve only in the intestines, bypassing the stomach.

Tablets "Vagilak" - this is a new generation of probiotics, the drug is created specifically for young girls and girls who are not allowed to administer vaginal suppositories . However, women of childbearing age note that this form is very convenient to use.

The effect of capsules "Vagilak", the reviews of pharmacists point to this, is based on the fact that the drug is quickly absorbed into the intestines and enters the urethra and vagina through the blood vessels. Here colonies of lactobacilli grow, which leads to normalization of microflora. Useful bacteria form an acidic environment, which is disastrous for opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, their growth is inhibited. In addition, lactobacilli, as is known - normal inhabitants of the intestine, and because at the same time they heal and its mucous.

Indications for use

The drug "Vagilak", doctors' reviews confirm this, they successfully use:

  • With inflammation of the genitourinary sphere in women (in complex therapy);
  • For bacterial vaginosis in girls older than 10 years, pregnant and elderly women;
  • For the sanitation of the genital tract during preparation for childbirth;
  • In the period of preparation for diagnostic manipulation or gynecological operations;
  • For the sanitation of the genital tract before the introduction of the intrauterine device;
  • In the complex therapy of diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse;
  • After and during treatment with antibiotics and virostatics;
  • With inflammatory processes in the vagina on the background of estrogen deficiency.

Strains of lactobacilli, which are part of the "Vagilak" remedy, experts' reviews emphasize this, are resistant to spermicides. Capsules can be taken against the background of using contraceptive suppositories, for example, "Pharmatex".

The only contraindication to use is the intolerance of the components of the drug.

Mode of application

Capsules "Vagilak" should be taken daily one by one with food, washed down with a small amount of liquid. If the drug is prescribed against the background of antiviral or antibacterial therapy, the dose is doubled. It is necessary to differentiate by time the reception of virostatics or antibiotics and this drug. Between receptions should take at least two hours.

The "Vagilak" remedy, the testimonies of the patients testify, does not act instantly. In order for colonies of beneficial bacteria to grow on the mucocutaneous urinary tract and actively suppress opportunistic flora, it should take at least two to four weeks. With long-term admission, the drug is able to restore normal biocenosis, which is the best prevention of the development of inflammatory diseases in women.

Store the product necessary at a temperature of up to 25 ° C, in a dark and dry place. The drug is dispensed without a prescription.

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