HealthHealthy Eating

Seeds are a good you did not know about

Doctors are concerned about the fact that the intake of vitamins of pharmaceutical origin is steadily increasing. When they are joined by nutritionists who believe that our nutrition, to put it mildly, unhealthy, we can imagine where many of our sores and nervousness come from. At the same time, generous gifts of nature can fully meet the needs of our body in nutrients. And do not look far! Take, for example, all of us familiar seeds. The benefits of small and not very attractive visually sunflower seeds are so great that they belong to one of the healthiest natural products.

Sunflower came to Europe only in 1510 and for several centuries was considered an ornamental plant. Only later he was cut off and gnawed seeds, but only in 1840 a Russian farmer came up with the idea of squeezing oil out of the seeds.

Flowering sunflower fields provide bees with nectar and pollen. Of flowers are made antimalarial and antipyretic drugs. When quinine does not work or is absent, the patient is given a tincture of sunflower flowers. Ointment from it heals wounds.

From seeds of sunflower is squeezed almost the best oil in the world, and after pressing remains cake - an ideal food for animals. Cellulose is extracted from the stems or burned to produce potassium fertilizers.

Sunflower seeds: benefit and harm?

They contain about twenty-four percent protein, which is more than meat. They lack only one brick - the amino acid lysine. And it's not that it's not there, just not enough. If it were not for this, it would be possible to consider that the most valuable product is seeds.

The benefit is also due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fats, depending on the species, are from twenty to thirty-eight percent.

Seeds, the benefits of which are huge for the skin, are due to this very large content of vitamin E, as well as fat-soluble vitamins - A and D. There are also a lot of vitamins from group B. It should be noted that sunflower seeds are the richest source of vitamin B6. This vitamin, together with zinc, which seeds also contain a lot, and is an excellent remedy for good beautiful and smooth skin, it also defeats seborrhea and prevents the formation of acne.

It is also known that seeds are good for the prostate.

Sunflower seeds contain twice as much iron as raisins, which is considered one of the richest natural sources of this microelement. A lot of them are minerals, calcium and potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Sunflower seeds are recommended for people of all ages. They are used in a diet for diabetics, with skin diseases, obesity and rheumatic disease. If someone is threatened by a heart attack, multiple sclerosis should be especially fond of sunflower seeds.

However, they can not be abused because of the high calorie content (in one glass of sunflower seeds, about four hundred calories). Nevertheless, "unhealthy" snacks can successfully replace the delicious sunflower seeds. The health benefits of their use is also in reducing the level of "harmful" cholesterol, lowering blood pressure. They favorably affect the hair and nails.

The compounds present in the seeds also have anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic effects.

Despite all their dignity, seeds can still deliver certain troubles. First of all, loosening them damages the tooth enamel and, as a result, spoils the teeth.

It is not recommended to eat salted seeds because of the high sodium content in them, which leads to increased blood pressure and even heart disease.

It should be noted that frying kills the bulk of the nutrients contained in the seeds. Therefore, the overcooked product will not do you any good.

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