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Scientist Charles Darwin: biography, theory and discovery. Charles Darwin: A Short Biography

Charles Darwin - one of the most versatile researchers in the history of mankind. Naturalist, traveler, author of the theory of evolution - that's a small part of his vast achievements and merits.

Childhood and youth

A brief biography of Darwin does not describe the scientist's enormous contribution to the development of modern dissiplines, but it begins in 1809.

The scientist was born on the twelfth of February in an English large family in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

According to the data that Darwin left about himself, the biography reports that the father of the boy was engaged in finances. He was also a successful doctor. The activities of Robert Darwin allowed the family to live comfortably. Subsequently, the father was proud of the fact that his son - Charles Darwin. A brief biography of the scientist confirms that father and son have supported each other all their lives.

The boy's mother left our world in 1817, and very little was known about her.

A brief biography of Darwin tells us that Charles's grandfather, Erasmus, was a doctor, philosopher, and literary man. In general, all members of the family were people with a high level of intelligence and culture.

What kind of education did Darwin get? Biography tells that in 1817 he started a course at a local day school, and a year later was transferred to Anglican.

Young Charles was a very clever child. But at the same time he did not like to study at school and considered the school curriculum to be extremely boring.

In his free time, he preferred to collect and study insects, shells, unusual stones. I watched the natural processes - the flowering of trees and shrubs, the flow of rivers, the direction of the wind. He was fond of hunting and fishing.

Charles Darwin. Short biography. University education

In 1825, the father listened to the requests of his son and sent him to study at the University of Edinburgh. Robert wanted to see the boy as the successor of the medical dynasty.

He devoted a lot of time to the study of biology, in particular, marine invertebrates, algae. He was fond of taxidermy, natural history and geology. He took an active part in the activities of the university museum, where the largest collection of plants was collected in Europe.

After two "terribly boring" years of study, he abandoned his studies.

At the insistence of an angry father decides to transfer to the theological faculty of Cambridge, where the teachers will be able to learn the name that subsequently thundered around the world - Charles Darwin. The biography mentions that the applicant reads church books thoughtfully for admission. Engaged individually with a teacher in his native Shrewsbury.

Darwin opens a new page in his life. Biography of this period of life of the great scientist tells: immediately after the end of the Christmas holidays in 1828 he successfully passes the entrance exams.

The years of study were remembered by riding lessons, hunting, collecting beetles, studying literature, mathematics, physics, geography.

He graduated in 1831. Despite the fact that he did not shine with special success during his studies, his knowledge allowed Darwin to appear on the list of the top ten graduates.

After graduation, the university began to doubt the truth of the dogmas of Christianity even more.

Charles Darwin: a brief biography. Naturalistic activity

In the never-ending quest for realization of the potential, the scientist gets acquainted with the famous botanist John Henslow, who took the graduate to the team of nature researchers of South America on the Beagle ship. Subsequently, the eminent scientist was very happy that Charles Darwin was on the team. The biography, studied in detail by historians of science, confirms this statement.

Charles's father was against the trip, considering it a waste of time. Only thanks to the intervention of his uncle, Josiah Wedgwood II, Robert Darwin surrendered and gave a parting blessing to his son.

For more than five years traveling the team visited Peru, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Europe, Australia, Africa.

In the Galapagos Islands, the researcher was especially interested in mockingbirds, which were somewhat different from those in England. He studied turtles, the species of which differed even on the neighboring islands.

The scientist studied with interest the local territories, flora and fauna. The result of the expedition was a huge collection of stones, minerals, herbs, stuffed animals and birds. Were made descriptions of the appearance and anatomy of many invertebrates.

All the observations were recorded in a diary, which Charles relied on when writing scientific works in the next twenty years. The research was published under the title "Journey around the world on the ship" Beagle ". The scientist has gained worldwide fame both in the academic community and among ordinary people.

In addition, Charles formed a vocation and meaning in life - Darwin did not see life without science.

Scientific activity

In a five-year journey grew up as a scientist Darwin. Biography reports that after his completion, Charles moves to Cambridge. But very soon he moves to London, where he joins a society of scientists, with whom he mainly communicates during the next five years.

This period of Charles's life was marked by a stormy, fruitful activity - fundamental works were written, many hours spent in heated discussions. For the love of the stubborn desire to prove the thoughts and ideas of the researcher is chosen as the chief secretary of the society of geologists.

Thrust to change

Life in a large city is pressing more and more on the scientist. And the body copes worse with attacking diseases.

In 1839 he married Emma Wedgwood and already in 1842 moved to the acquired estate "Down".

Subsequently, the wife will give Darwin ten descendants.

Far from the city fuss, Charles can devote himself entirely to his favorite pursuits - walking, fishing, hunting, watching the nature,

A solid inheritance and income from written books allow you to plunge into your favorite business.

In 1842 the work of Darwin was written "Zoology of travel to the Beagle."

In 1859, the revolutionary at that time book "The Origin of Species by Natural Selection" was published.

The author's arguments contradicted the accepted opinion in the society, supported by the Bible's writings on how the world was created. Proceedings described in detail why it is worth considering the possibility of millions of years of independent development of nature - plants, animals, man. Subsequently, the theory was named after the researcher - "Darwinism".

The idea was carefully reinforced by the material obtained during the long-term observations. "Darwinism" became very popular and, despite the scandal, brought a good profit to the scientist.

Further works and merits

In 1862 the book "Pollination of orchids", then - "Climbing plants" and "Insectivorous plants".

In 1868 - the continuation of the "Origin of Species ..." - "Modification of domestic animals and cultivated plants".

In 1871, the world saw the book "The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection."

And in 1872 - "Expression of emotions in humans and animals," in which the scientist viewed the origin of man from ape-like ancestors.

Of course, they did not have such popularity, but they allowed the scientist to get several prestigious awards, among them - Kopleyevskaya gold medal from the Royal Society of London.

In subsequent years he became an honorary doctor of science in Breslau, Bonn, Leiden universities, as well as a corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy.

It should be noted that the Russian Orthodox Church did not pay tribute to the works of the scientist and tried in every possible way to slander him. Many representatives of the intelligentsia had to stand up for the defense. Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy actively defended what the scientist believed. Biography confirms this data.


The famous scientist left our world on the nineteenth day of April 1882 at the age of seventy-three.

Despite world fame, he remembered descendants as a modest, friendly, tactful person. Scientist Darwin, whose biography is studied in all modern universities, is buried in Westminster Abbey, near Isaac Newton.


Charles Darwin has become one of the most prominent scientists of all time. His works, which prove the origin of living beings from common ancestors, are the basis of the modern synthetic theory of evolution, biology, and genetics.

Directed by John Emiel, a short autobiography of Darwin was shot - the 2009 film "The Origin of Species."

Recognized as one of the most outstanding British of all time.

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