EducationThe science

White dwarf, black dwarf

In astronomy there are many undiscovered, mysterious, and sometimes simply amazing phenomena, one of them is a white dwarf. Among the first to study these heavenly objects engaged scientist Wilhelm Bessel. He found them quite by accident. The object of his initial research was the brightest star - Sirius. The scientist's interest was caused by an unusual trajectory of the planet's motion , namely, the fact that it was undulating. Bessel began to look for probable causes that could lead to such strange, in his opinion, phenomena.

Constant observations of Sirius pushed the scientist to the idea that in the immediate vicinity of the planet there is another unknown star that is not visible, but its gravitational influence exerts a strong influence. This was confirmed by the revealed periodic fluctuations in the motion of Sirius. Another discovery was made by an astronomer. He suggested that if the white dwarf actually exists, then the period of revolution of both Sirius and the unknown planet around their common center of gravity is approximately equal to 50 years. The planet Sirius still attracts scientists from all over the world with its double enigma and remains a desirable object of scientific research.

If you simply describe a white dwarf, then it is an object of a mysterious nature that is securely hidden in remote corners of our universe and represents the remainder of a star. In the old days, when optical technology did not yet have such large resolution capabilities, it was believed that a white dwarf is a rare phenomenon, but today scientists claim the opposite. According to American astronomers, the number of these formations exceeds 10 billion, which is 5% of the number of stars that are supposedly in our galaxy.

Scientists believe that dwarf stars are our closest neighbors. The white dwarf has an atmosphere, the thickness of which is several hundred meters, it includes many chemical elements known to mankind. For example: calcium, iron, hydrogen, titanium oxide, helium and carbon. Its diameter has a constant value of 40,000 km. There are two types of white dwarfs: hot and cold, having an atmosphere entirely composed of helium. As part of the first scientists found a supply of hydrogen, which is 0.05%.

Planet-dwarfs behave like a heated cannonball that changes temperature, while emitting energy. The dimensions of these celestial bodies are always unchanged. Astronomers have calculated the greater the value of their mass, the smaller their radius.

A white dwarf has only one kind of energy - thermal energy. Its cooling can be compared with the cooling of a metal rod, which was taken out of the brazier. At first the process proceeds quickly, but as soon as the temperature inside has fallen, cooling becomes slow.

According to scientists, during the first hundred million years in the white dwarf, the luminosity will drop only by 1% of the total luminosity of the Sun. In a trillion years, a black dwarf can form from it. Both of these bodies have so far been little studied, but are of great interest and are constantly in the field of view of scientists.

An interesting example of calculating the weight of a person with gravity on the surface of white dwarfs. Suppose a person has a weight on the Earth of 75 kg, then on the Sun his weight will be 2 tons, and the planet-dwarfs would increase it to 120-140 tons.

The big star of the universe loses its energy for millions of years, and its dwarfs save and stretch the thermonuclear age, existing more than billions of years. The puzzle remains much larger than the probable ways to solve them, but there is a hope that soon the veil of secrecy will be ajar. In particular, recently active work is being conducted by astronomers from the University. Washington.

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