EducationThe science

The human brain is the unique organ of our body

The most complex organ of the human body is the brain. The genius of his work surpasses the work of all computer systems combined.

The human brain is a kind of command post for the whole of our body. He constantly receives incoming signals from all senses, such as eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin. And immediately sends response orders for all parts of the body. But the most incomprehensible function of the brain is the ability to think and create, learn, dream and hope, mourn and rejoice. Also, the brain controls the operation of all systems of the internal organs of man. Thanks to the brain, we can talk, hear, read.

This important organ is protected by a solid skull consisting of thirty-eight bones connected to each other and outwardly reminiscent of a mosaic. Scientists for a long time worried about the question how much the human brain weighs. And after certain studies, it was concluded that this organ is a pinkish-gray substance weighing 1.4 kilograms, but this weight varies insignificantly under the influence of various factors, in particular, aging of the body.

The human brain includes three main parts: a large brain, a cerebellum, and a brain stem. These parts perform certain functions, and among themselves they are closely related, answering for all the most complicated processes of the vital activity of the organism.

The largest part is the big brain. Its outer layer, which forms the so-called cerebral cortex, carries out the most important process - the process of thinking. The brain stem serves as a regulator of the internal systems of the body, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory. For the posture, balance control, muscle movement is the responsibility of the cerebellum.

The human brain has plasticity. In the event of the defeat of any of its departments, others immediately compensate for its functions.

There is an opinion that at night the brain rests. It's a delusion. The brain works full day, but only at night the intensity of its work is somewhat reduced. Therefore, its cells must constantly be enriched with oxygen and glucose. If the oxygen supply stops for at least a few minutes, the cells will begin to necrotic (die off).

It is known that the human brain processes every second a huge number of impulses coming from the body. Our body has the property of so-called filtration, the essence of which is that ninety-nine percent of unnecessary information is eliminated, resulting in the brain being freed from overload. It's no secret that there are two hemispheres - left and right. For the semantic perception of words, the left is responsible, for the color perception is the right one.

Our brain is so arranged that it is able not only to control the processes of the vital activity of the organism, but it can also be trained. Training of the mental nature very well affect the development of memory. And for the brain to quickly solve any difficult problems, he needs to constantly throw up new ideas, although he is already a very complex, multi-level and highly organized human body.

As already mentioned above, each region of the brain has its own specific responsibilities. There are so-called sensory areas responsible for our sensations, motor, which control the movements of the body, cognitive, responsible for thinking, emotional and so on.

But our brain is designed in such a way that simultaneously all the fields can not be switched on at work, otherwise a person, as they say, would simply go mad. So it is quite obvious that excessively active mental activity can do much harm.

Mankind has long worried about the question of how much the human brain works. It turns out that the brains of such great people as Pushkin and Einstein were used at eleven percent, and the brain of the average person is only five to seven percent. This suggests that the brain reserves are unlimited, and our task is to maximally learn how to manage these stocks.

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