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Is it true that many mushrooms are a bad sign (for war)? Folk signs about mushrooms

Many mushrooms are a sign that is considered bad in the people. It originated only a few decades ago and promises humankind a disaster, war, death. Where did this conviction come from? What other beliefs are associated with mushrooms? The answers to these questions are given in this article.

Many mushrooms - to war, death

Why mushroom pickers for many years have been suspicious of an unprecedented crop, which in the old days rejoiced? There is a saying "a lot of mushrooms - a lot of coffins." In this case, the mushroom abundance is associated with the approaching bloody war, which will take many human lives.

It is interesting that the above-mentioned sign is directly connected with the Great Patriotic War, before it did not exist. In 1940, an unprecedented mushroom crop was noted, and in 1941 the armed forces of Nazi Germany invaded the territory of the USSR. Since then, the abundance of fungi has always been considered a negative omen by the people.

White mushrooms

There is another popular folk sign. A lot of white mushrooms is a sure sign that next year the abundance of the harvest can not be expected. This is due to the periodic degeneration of the mycelium, and therefore the annual high yield of soybeans is not possible.

Another sign combines white mushrooms and fly agarics. Having discovered the fly agaric in the forest, the mushroom picker should look around carefully. There is a high probability that rowworms grow nearby. This belief has existed for many centuries. It is also believed that the thickets of ferns indicate that near the ice cap boletus.


Many mushrooms - a bad sign, but she can not only warn about the coming bloody battles, deaths. If this situation persists throughout the summer, people should prepare for a long and harsh winter, so that they can survive without loss. If June is sultry, it is not worth counting on the plentiful appearance of the mushrooms, they will be very few. If there are a lot of midges in the summer, then there is no doubt that an unprecedented harvest awaits the mushroom pickers.

In people popular and a sign associated with the fall leaf fall. His start warns that it's time to collect the last year's mushroom layer, another chance may not be presented. Surprisingly, the harsh and cold winter, according to popular belief, promises an unprecedented harvest of mushrooms. Discovering them in late autumn, you can be sure that the cold will not come soon.

Search and find

How else does experienced mushroom pickers help people's signs? It turns out that the role is played by clothes and shoes, in which a person goes to the forest for a harvest. If he remains barefoot during the search, only old mushrooms, or even poisonous ones, are waiting for him, so do not forget about shoes.

Another sign is that the grass is helping to find the mushrooms. For successful hunting it is necessary to put in a pocket a few grass blades, stopping the choice on dissimilar. Also, popular rumor recommends sticking a branch from three trees in a handkerchief before going to the forest for a mushroom crop. Instead of a handkerchief it is allowed to use any cap.

Collect mushrooms

What other folk signs are associated with mushrooms? If you touch the mushroom, but do not break it, then its growth will necessarily stop. The same force is attributed to the look thrown at him. Seeing the hare during the collection of mushrooms, it is necessary to follow him, the animal will certainly lead a person to mushroom places. However, it is forbidden to step on the trail of the beast, without first lifting up this or that object, for example, a stone. The raised object must be thrown over the trail.

Collect in the forest a lot of mushrooms - to the war, which should soon erupt. This sign also exists with the infamous 1941, many mushroom pickers still believe in it.

Mushrooms on the wall

Of course, not always people connected the abundant mushroom crop with the approaching war. Initially, their appearance in large numbers was considered a good omen. Especially it concerned the cases when mushrooms began to grow on the wall of a private house (external). It was believed that mushrooms promise owners of the room abundance, wealth, joy.

Why mushrooms growing on the wall, associated with the material well-being of the owners of housing? The basis of the belief is based on another sign, which claims that a plentiful mushroom crop predicts a generous crop of cereals. Consequently, the inhabitants of the house will not know the lack of bread, they will always be full and satisfied. Now it is believed that to see not only in the forest, but also on the wall a lot of mushrooms - to war.

Vegetable world

When you can count on the yield of the boletus, if you focus on the popular belief? It is believed that they can be collected immediately after the first fluff starts to fly from the aspen. Flowering of pine indicates that it is time to start looking for a granular oil can, the efforts of mushroom pickers will certainly succeed. In winter, it is necessary to pay attention to whether a lot of snow lies on the branches of trees. If there is not enough snow, do not expect a plentiful harvest in summer and autumn, this applies not only to mushrooms, but to berries.

What are the folk features of mushrooms associated with flowers? For example, it is believed that the bloom of the lilac predicts the early appearance of field mushrooms in large quantities. You can go for a crop about two weeks after it starts to bloom. Jasmine blossoms are associated with the forthcoming appearance of white mushrooms.

Why wait for hunters for mushrooms from flowering heather? People's rumor claims that this event heralds the appearance of redheads. Also worth paying attention to the flowering of willow-tea. This indicates that it is time to go to the forest for poderezozikov and boletus.

Special dates

Christmas Eve is traditionally celebrated on the sixth of January. Mushroom pickers must always pay attention to whether there are many stars in the sky on a Christmas night. If yes, then there is no doubt that there will be a large number of mushrooms in the summer. A similar sign is connected with the appearance of berries.

Ivanov's day, which is celebrated on May 21, is also considered a special date. The downpour that happened on this day predicts a plentiful mushroom crop. Lukyan's day-windbreaker (June 16) also makes a prediction for mushroom pickers, it's great if on June 16 the rain does not stop throughout the day.

The seventh of July is another day, helping to understand if many mushrooms are expected. The sign says that if the night is stellar, you can count on an unprecedented harvest. Day of Natalia-fescue has been celebrated for many centuries on the eighth of September, people's rumor orders at this time to go to the forest for mushrooms.

Rain and mushrooms

Rain - another factor that recommends taking into account the signs popular with the people. For example, if April is rich in downpours, the summer months promise to be mushroom. Rain, going to the Annunciation, also predicts a plentiful harvest, which will please mushroom pickers.

If July is rainy, you can rest assured that there will be a lot of mushrooms in the next few months. If the showers are rich in spring and summer, you should count on an abundance of mushrooms. At any time of the year, evening rain is considered a correct prediction of the mushroom day.

Various signs

Of course, people take not only the time of the appearance of mushrooms, but also the place of their growth. When you can find many mushrooms under the trees? The sign insists that it is necessary to look for them there in the heat. This is due to the fact that they need a shadow. If it's warm and damp, they basically concentrate on the glades. The first summer fog signals a mushroom pore. Experienced hunters for mushrooms also pay attention to the steam fog hanging over the forest. If the summer is rich in fog, there will be no shortage of mushrooms.

It is believed that in the waning moon to go to the forest for mushrooms is useless, the harvest will be very scarce. While the gathering moon will not return to the growing moon without a rich booty. Approximately on the tenth day after the full moon, one can count on the abundance of mushrooms. If russules appear earlier than ceps, mushroom pickers are waiting for an unsuccessful period.

It's bad if honeycomb appears ahead of time. Summer will be unfavorable for inveterate mushroom pickers. Chanterelles must be looked for under yellowed or yellow leaves, where they hide. The abundance of redheads predicts mold on old foliage.

What else do you need to know?

What else is necessary to remember a person who wants to collect a lot of mushrooms? The sign says that, before starting to hunt for the harvest, the collector must necessarily hang the earthly bow to the forest. Also, folk wisdom recommends sending for mushrooms early in the morning, in which case the mushroom picker will not return without prey. The same who will neglect this advice, waiting for some fly agarics.

In addition, there is a popular sign that does not recommend the use of a plastic bucket for the collection of mushrooms. It is much better to use a wicker basket for this. It is believed that due to this fungi have the ability to breathe, which favorably affects the taste of the harvested crop. Also, our ancestors believed that the greatest number would be found by someone who is slow. Hunting for mushrooms does not tolerate fussiness, haste, otherwise they just "hide".

Instead of output

Is it worth it to unconditionally trust the signs described in this article? Many of them are not the fruit of anyone's imagination, but the result of many years of observations of our ancestors over the plant world, as a result of which certain natural patterns have been discovered. Consequently, they help mushroom pickers to collect a rich harvest and save time going on the quest. Rely on them or not - everyone decides on their own.

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