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Runny nose in a child up to a year how to treat? Folk recipes

A child's malaise always worries his parents. Most often, babies suffer from runny nose. Only after this, the children have a cough, weakness. In some cases, the temperature rises. It is worth noting that not always mucous discharge from the nasal passages indicates a disease. Sometimes this process is physiological. This article will tell you why there is a runny nose in a child under one year. How to treat this symptom will be described below. Also you will learn the opinions of specialists on this issue. It is worth mentioning that it is possible to give a child a cold in the home.

Contact your doctor

If there was a runny nose in a child for a year, how to treat it? To begin with it is necessary to visit the doctor. Doctors say the following. The method of correction directly depends on what caused the appearance of this symptom. In most cases, it is a viral infection. Less common cold (snot) appears due to bacterial damage. Also, the baby may be prone to an allergic reaction, which results in the release of mucus from the nose.

If the pathology has appeared in a newborn, then in this case it can be a physiological rhinitis. In this case, treatment should be selected appropriate. We will understand why there is a runny nose in a child for up to a year, how to treat it and prevent it later.

Physiological sopelki

Before you treat a cold in a baby, you need to show the doctor a crumb. In most cases, newborns have physiological snot. Their appearance is explained by the following.

During the stay in the womb of the mother the baby is in a liquid. It can penetrate the ears, nose, mouth of the child. After birth, this mucus departs on its own. Only in emergency cases it must be sucked off by a special device after the cord is cut . Next, in the first month of life, a small spout can make grunting sounds. The treatment is to use an aspirator and the drug "Aqua Maris". Proceed according to the following scheme. Dip two doses into each nostril of the baby. After that, use an aspirator to suck off the mucus from the spout. After that, you need to use oil from the cold. Twist the cotton bud and moisten it in baby oil. After this, clean these spouts with a spout and remove the remaining crusts.

Allergic rhinitis

How to treat a cold in a baby if it is caused by an allergy? Many children suffer from hives or rhinitis. With the right approach to treatment, these pathologies go away on their own with age. That is why it is so important to turn to the doctor on time, and not to correct yourself.

When an allergic rhinitis occurs , the stimulus must first be set. For this you need to pass some tests. Drugs for the correction of pathology can be the following: "Avamis", "Tafen", "Fenistil", "Zirtek" and so on. For children of the first six months of life, use "Vibrocil". It is worth noting that many allergy medicines cause drowsiness. Means for topical application can provoke habituation with prolonged use.

In the treatment of an allergic rhinitis , all irritants must be eliminated. The house needs to be cleaned. Try to abandon the carpet on the floor and walls. Carefully wash the curtains and upholstery upholstery. Mattresses and pillows should be treated in a special dry cleaning. Also revise household chemistry. Sometimes a new powder or a bathing agent becomes the cause of the allergy. Baby clothing also requires thorough cleaning. Parents and relatives in contact with the baby should give up perfume, tobacco and other irritants of the respiratory system.

Viral character

If there is a fever, cough, a runny nose in a child, how to treat a baby? In most cases, these symptoms indicate the acquisition of a viral infection. A small child can get sick 8-10 times a year. This is an absolute norm and should not cause concern to his parents. If the virus is infected with a virus, the rhinitis may be disturbing for about one week. When correcting the symptom disappears faster. The temperature in this case lasts for more than three or five days. If the fever is more prolonged, then it is already a matter of bacterial pathology.

Treatment of viral cold always requires the use of antiviral drugs. In addition to fighting pathological microorganisms, drugs help to strengthen immunity during the period of illness. To such facilities include suppositories "Viferon", "Genferon", "Kipferon" and others. Among the tablets are the following drugs: Anaferon, Isoprinosine, Ergoferon, and many others. Often pediatricians prescribe homeopathic remedies and supplements to food. Among them - "Ocillococcinum", "Aflubin", "Agri" and so on. For local use, the following compounds are used: Derinat, Interferon, IRS-19, and the like. All these medicines should not be used at will. It is necessary to consult the doctor beforehand and get his permission.

Bacterial pathology

If the temperature and cold in a child, how to cure the baby? With an increase in the thermometer for more than five days, it is a matter of attaching bacterial infection. In this case, you can not do without the use of antimicrobial medicines. They can be prescribed for oral administration or topically.

Among drugs that are used inside, you can identify drugs based on amoxicillin ("Flemoxin", "Amoxiclav"). Also often prescribed funds with azithromycin ("Sumamed"). All these compounds are capable of affecting the intestinal microflora. That is why when using antibiotics for the treatment of the common cold it is necessary to conduct a course of reception of beneficial bacteria in parallel. From preparations for local use it is possible to allocate the following: "Isofra", "Polidexa", "Protorgol", "Bioparox" and so on. They can be used as an independent medicine or in complex therapy.

Inhalation - help or harm?

A good tool in the treatment of a runny nose and a cough is an inhaler. It is worth noting that at high temperatures it is impossible to produce such procedures. Otherwise, you will seriously harm the child.

Inhalations can be carried out with the help of many medicinal solutions. Also, decoctions of plants are often used. Many parents attribute this method of treatment to folk remedies. However, doctors still singled out him as a medical intervention.

Folk recipes

If there is a fever and a runny nose in the child, many mothers try to cure the crumbs with folk remedies. Perhaps this is correct. Many recipes allow you to stop using medicines. However, it is worth consulting with a doctor before using them.

  • Warming. Pour five tablespoons of mustard into a warm bath and put the child there. Such water procedures should last at least 15 minutes. After that, wrap the baby and put it in bed.
  • Onion and garlic. When thick green mucus appears, antibacterial drops can be prepared. Take five milliliters of onion and garlic juice. Mix the liquid with a few drops of liquid honey. Enter one dose in each nasal passage three times a day.
  • If the baby does not have temperature, and the rhinitis is not caused by sinusitis, it makes sense to warm up the sinuses. Fry the salt in a dry frying pan. Pour the white stuff in the towel and tightly fold it. Attach an envelope to one side of the nose for 10 minutes. After that, also warm up the second part.


So that you do not have to think about how to cure a runny nose, carry out preventive procedures. Here are some tips, adhering to which, you can reduce the number of illnesses of the child:

  • Rinse the tip of the crumb with salt solutions.
  • Organize the baby for proper nutrition. Daily in his diet must be present vitamins and useful elements.
  • Walk with the child at least twice a day.
  • Apply herbal oils for breathing.
  • Wash your hands often.


Now you know why a child may have a runny nose for up to a year. How to treat a symptom in one or another case is described in the article. Remember that some folk remedies can trigger the appearance of an allergy. Be careful while carrying out such manipulations. Health to you and your baby!

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