
"Retinol palmitate"

"Retinola palmitate" is a drug that belongs to the pharmacological group of vitamins. It is used as an adjunct to the main therapy of diseases: infectious (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, dysentery, measles), skin (hyperkeratosis, frostbite, wounds, burns, eczema), conjunctivitis, keratomalacia, retinitis pigmentosa, rickets, hypotrophy, mastopathy. However, the main purpose of the drug is the elimination of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis A. "Retinol palmitate" is also used in the treatment of epithelial tumors, leukemia as a means to increase the resistance of hematopoietic tissues to the action of various cytotoxic agents.

The preparation is produced in the form of an oily solution in capsules. The main active substance is retinol palmitate, the auxiliary components include refined sunflower oil, nipagin, glycerin, gelatin, purified water.

This drug is almost completely absorbed when ingested. However, in the body it is distributed unevenly: significant amounts are in the retina, the liver, the smaller - in the lungs, kidneys, heart, lactating mammary glands, adrenal glands. The products of the metabolism of the drug are excreted with bile, feces. Excretion takes place rather slowly, so a repeated admission leads to accumulation and appearance of side effects.

Retinol palmitate has a complex pharmacodynamics. It activates redox processes, directly stimulates the synthesis of pyrimidine and purine bases, participates in providing energy to metabolic processes (creates conditions for the synthesis of ATP). These effects are achieved due to the special chemical structure of the active substance, which contains a considerable number of saturated bonds. The drug also stimulates the formation of protein, which is necessary for the growth of cartilage and bone tissue. It also prevents excessive keratinization of the epithelium (hyperkeratosis), increases the body's resistance to infections. Under the influence of the active substance, the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex is enhanced, the release of thyroxine is inhibited, normal activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands is ensured.

"Retinola palmitate", the instruction to which describes in detail all the indications, the way of application and dosage, but has some contraindications, the knowledge of which will avoid undesirable side effects. The drug is forbidden to take with increased individual sensitivity, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Among the side effects should be noted deterioration of the general condition, manifested by headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, gait disorders, tenderness in the bones of the lower extremities. Other effects include a feeling of nausea, vomiting, fever, skin peeling, symptoms of hypervitaminosis A, skin rashes.

Before using this drug, you should carefully consider all possible drug interactions. Oral contraceptives and estrogens significantly increase the absorption of active substances, which can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis. The intake of corticosteroids and alcohol reduces the therapeutic effect of the drug. Therefore, in some cases it is advisable to refuse to take "retinol palmitate". Reviews about it, despite the possibility of many side effects, are almost always good. This is due to the high bioavailability and effectiveness of the drug in combination with relatively low prices for it.

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