
Medication "Atrikan": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

What is the medicine "Atrikan"? Instructions for use, price, reviews and contraindications to the use of this drug will be discussed below.

Form, package, description, composition of oral medication

In what form is the medicine "Atrikan 250" manufactured? Instruction for use informs that it can be purchased in the form of soft capsules (enteric-soluble), which have a yellow or yellowish-brown color, and also an oval shape. Their content is a gray-brown oily mass of a homogeneous consistency with a weak characteristic odor.

As the main ingredient of this drug is a drug called tenonitrosol. Also in the capsules are: soy lecithin, peanut butter and hydrogenated soybean oil .

The drug "Atrikan", the instruction on which application will be considered further, is packed in blisters and paper packs, respectively.

The main medicinal properties of the drug

What is Atrikan? Instructions for use indicate that this antiprotozoal drug, which shows a pronounced therapeutic effect against trichomonads. Also it should be said that this drug is able to manifest and anti-alcohol (that is, disulfiram-like) properties.

Trichomonas are called the causative agent of an infectious disease of the urogenital system - trichomoniasis. In prevalence among diseases of the genitourinary sphere, this microorganism ranks first. Also, trichomoniasis maintains its primacy among pathologies that are sexually transmitted.

According to WHO, about 11% of the world's population suffers from trichomoniasis. Each year about 175 million people become infected.

The considered disease is dangerously serious consequences, which can cause the development of infertility, pathology of pregnancy and other things. The main habitat of Trichomonads in the male body are the seminal vesicles, the urethra and the prostate gland, and in the female - the vagina.

After the first ingestion of Trichomonas in the human body, it always causes the development of urethritis. As a rule, infection with this disease occurs during sexual intercourse, as well as in contact with the carrier of infection or a sick person.

How to cure trichomoniasis? To treat such a disease, doctors often prescribe the drug "Atrikan". Instruction for the use of this tool is mandatory for reading, as it has special contraindications and side effects.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug for oral administration

Are the elements from the Atrikan capsule sucked into the bloodstream? Instruction for use says that their contents are absorbed rather quickly from the organs of the digestive tract.

This drug is withdrawn very slowly, which allows him for many hours to maintain in the blood of the patient the necessary trichomonocidal concentration.

Indications for ingestion of enteric capsules

If there are any diseases, can the drug be prescribed to the patient? As it was said above, this medicine shows itself well only with trichomoniasis of the genitourinary system in men and women.

Contraindications to ingestion of enteric capsules

In what cases is it forbidden for a patient to prescribe a medicine "Atrikan 250"? Instructions for use and feedback from specialists indicate that contraindications to the use of this drug are the following conditions:

  • Liver failure, acute or chronic;
  • Increased sensitivity to the main component of the drug - tenonitrosol, as well as to other substances of the drug;
  • childhood.

Medication "Atrikan 250": instruction, application

The doctors' comments warn that the medication in question is intended only for oral administration. In what dosage should it be used? According to experts, it is desirable to take one capsule twice a day (in the mornings and evenings) during a meal. It is highly recommended not to exceed the above-mentioned daily dosage of the drug.

The duration of this medication is 4 days.

If you miss a single or multiple doses of the drug, you should resume it at the usual dose.

Side reactions after taking medication

Reviews about "Atrikan" report that after receiving the drug in question, patients often develop the following negative reactions:

  • Nausea, loss of appetite and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium;
  • Urticaria, itching and skin rashes.

In the event that any of the above side effects are significantly aggravated or the patient observes any other reactions not indicated in the instructions, you should immediately notify the doctor.

Cases of overdose, drug interaction

There is no information about symptoms of an overdose with this drug.

According to the attached instructions, this remedy is incompatible with medications containing ethanol.

Special Information

What should I know before taking these capsules? During treatment with the drug "Atrikan" you should avoid the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs that contain ethanol.

To conduct therapy with this medication is necessary for both sexual partners.

During treatment it is not recommended to wear contact lenses.

Reception of the capsules in question can stain the sclera and urine yellow.

When changing the number of blood leukocytes against the background of consumption of this drug, you should immediately contact the doctor.

The drug is actively used to treat trichomoniasis only in adults. During the treatment of this disease, sexual contact should be avoided.

Price and consumer reviews

Now you know that the medicine "Atrikan" is being treated. Instructions for use, the price of this medication is also provided in this article.

You can buy the drug in any pharmacy. Its cost is about 430 rubles. What do consumers say about it? Patients claim that this is a very effective and quick-acting remedy for the treatment of trichomoniasis of the genitourinary system. Already after a few days after the initiation of therapy, the patient's condition improves noticeably. Laboratory tests fully confirm this.

The shortcomings of this drug include its high cost, as well as the possible development of side reactions. Analogues have more affordable value.

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