BeautySkin care

Retinoic acid for facial skin: instructions for use, effectiveness and feedback

Retinoic acid is a synthesized substance. It is made on the basis of vitamin A and other components. It differs sensitivity to light and has a low-molecular compound, due to which it penetrates well through the membranes of cells.


Retinoic acid in cosmetology is widely used. Most often it is used to treat acne and psoriasis, peelings, as well as to remove age-related changes on the face. Creams and ointments on its basis can be used at home, but a number of procedures are performed by a specialist.

Retinoids, as constituent agents, have a positive effect on the growth and maturation of epithelial cells, as well as on the functioning of the immune system.

For the purpose of correct treatment, even home procedures should be performed after the appointment of a doctor.

Vitamin A and its importance

In addition to cosmetology, retinoids are used in medicine, in particular in the fight against cancer. It is known that oncological diseases are often provoked by insufficient intake of vitamin A. Studies have shown that retinoic acid is capable of suppressing the development of cancer cells.

Vitamin A in its natural form is found in products such as:

  • Dark green, yellow and red vegetables;
  • fish fat;
  • a fish;
  • Cod liver.

Action of the substance on the skin

Retinoic acid is often a component of many cosmetics for the face and body. It is proved that it is capable of rendering such actions as:

  • Elimination of age spots;
  • Mitigation of scars;
  • Fighting acne;
  • Reduction of wrinkles and stretch marks.

However, in some cases, there may be irritation, so before using a face cream with such an ingredient or peeling procedure on its basis, consult a specialist.

Precautionary measures

Retinoic acid can be a very effective remedy for your skin if you use it competently. So, for example, after you have applied a face on its face, you can not be exposed to sunlight, do not forget about sunscreen. One of the characteristics of an acid is giving the skin a receptivity to light.

You can not use it if:

  • Skin is too sensitive;
  • There is an allergy;
  • There are skin diseases;
  • There are viral infections;
  • There are warts on the skin;
  • There is hepatitis;
  • You are pregnant or are breast-feeding.

To the substance does not accumulate in the tissues in excessive doses, you can not be too zealous. For example, exfoliation with retinoic acid or a mask based on it can not be done more than once a week, preferably even less often.

Effective method

Retinoic peeling is an excellent technique to make the skin clean and smooth. It has a median effect. It is based on the use of acid, which allows you to retain moisture and restore the cells of the epidermis.

He has such actions:

  • Eliminates pollution;
  • Relieves inflammation and bacteria;
  • Makes the skin more healthy externally, improves its structure;
  • Pulls it up;
  • The skin is bleached;
  • Black dots, wrinkles and blackheads are removed;
  • Possible dermatological diseases are prevented.

Peeling is not harmful, during the procedure live cells are not destroyed. It slows the aging of the skin and gives a noticeable rejuvenating effect, which lasts an average of about 4 months.


Retinoic peeling is performed both by a specialist and at home after consultation with him. One session lasts about three hours. For the procedure to be successful, retinoic acid must be applied correctly. Instructions for the use of funds on its basis provides for the preliminary application of the formulation with salicylic acid for preparation. Further, depending on the concentration of the active substance in the agent, it is different.

In the first case, the composition should be applied up to 3 times inclusive. It all depends on the condition of the skin and its type. As auxiliaries are used ascorbic, phytic and azelaic acid. The procedure is terminated when the face turns red, then a special facial care product is applied after the peeling.

And in the second case, retinoic acid is applied to the face, including the eyelid region along the ciliary margin. The exception is the means with depigmenting components. Eyelashes and eyebrows do not touch.

When the mask hardens in 20 minutes, it turns into a film. After another 10 hours it needs to be washed off or removed, the skin is not touched during the day.

As for the concentration of retinoic acid, it is prescribed by a physician based on individual characteristics. The course of procedures includes 3 to 5 sessions, which are held every 3-6 weeks.

Effects of peeling

Most often after the procedure, the skin can be flaky. But you do not need to speed it up, but you can apply a moisturizer. Sometimes, as a local inflammatory reaction to irritation, edema develops. They arise after the permeability of capillaries increases with the action of retinoids. Most often, they form on the neck, around the eyes and other areas, especially those who have thin skin.

Often, it becomes more sensitive, so one should not subject it to strong thermal changes and effects, otherwise the complication can be aggravated and greatly prolonged.

Sometimes after exfoliation, the areas darken, and if there are liver problems, rashes may appear.

However, all these consequences in a properly conducted procedure are not manifested, and peeling has the desired effect.

Also, in order to prevent this, it is necessary to take into account contraindications, which are already listed above.

Ointment for face

For home use of acne is released in a special form retinoic acid - a drug in the form of a special ointment based on vitamin A. It also restores epithelial cells and can depress the work of the sebaceous glands.

The key active substance of the ointment is isotretinoin (retinoic acid). It has such actions on the skin:

  • Slows down the aging process by effectively eliminating wrinkles;
  • Does not allow to divide cells from follicles, which subsequently prevents the formation of comedones;
  • Reduces the rate of work of the sebaceous glands, which does not allow the formation of new inflammatory foci on the face.

This ointment is not the only way to improve the skin. You can find another enriched cream with retinoic acid based on vitamin A. Such remedies effectively fight wrinkles, blackheads, inflammation and other problems that are characteristic of the skin of the face.

How to use?

Instruction for the ointment provides for its application to the face twice a day: morning and evening. But to begin with it is better to start only with an evening reception just before sleep. The skin should be washed beforehand.

If it has sensitivity, but the agent should be applied only to the affected areas and a thin layer. It is highly desirable to make a test for allergy and sensitivity.

In the treatment of acne with the help of this tool can appear strong peeling. Then put the ointment on for a couple of days and replace it with moisturizers.

What people say

Naturally, in each case, retinoic acid acts differently. Reviews of the funds on its basis are also different.

If we talk about ointments, then they are quite contradictory. Some people write that it helped to cope with pimples, and others - that the skin is better, but they are not lost. Still others believe that retinoic acid in the composition of the ointment helps, but not as much as other means of a similar purpose. At the same time, there are practically no negative reviews, someone did not help to cope with pimples, but it is also suitable as a moisturizing cream or preventive measures.

As for the peeling procedure based on retinoic acid, there are also almost no complaints. In general, all note the excellent effect of rejuvenation, which lasts for several months.

Such side effects as sensitivity and the appearance of spots on the face, practically do not occur, but the peeling happens often, which causes considerable discomfort.

Patients often experienced unpleasant pain during the procedure and for the first time after it, but they quickly passed. Sometimes there were cases of the appearance of spots, but this was due to the presence of certain diseases or individual characteristics of a person.

And the only significant drawback of this procedure is that everyone considers its high cost.

It can be concluded that retinoic acid in cosmetology, in particular with face care, is quite effective in combating age-related manifestations and unwanted rashes in the form of acne or black spots.

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