
Rash on the forehead

The rash on the forehead appeared every man at least once. Of course, it looks far from aesthetically pleasing. The rash on the forehead appears more often than in other areas of the face. This is due to the fact that it is in this area is the largest number of sebaceous glands.

Of course, the rash on the forehead itself can not bring significant health damage. However, it refers to unpleasant defects on the skin. Moreover, a rash on the forehead may indicate the development of any unhealthy processes in the body. As a rule, this defect annoys adolescents.

Rash on the forehead. Causes.

It should be noted that in most cases the manifestation of a skin defect is a reaction of the body to some unfavorable process.

In order to correctly select the treatment, it is necessary to evaluate the nature of the rashes: small pimples on the forehead, large, single. In addition, it is necessary to understand the frequency and intensity of their occurrence. In case of profuse and regular rashes, it is better to consult a specialist.

Among the most common causes of rash on the forehead are the following:

- imbalance in the intestinal microflora;

- individual medicinal products;

- disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas or gallbladder;

- Inadequate or incorrect hygiene of the face.

Any intestinal disorders, mainly, indicate a bad diet. In the diet, you must limit the amount of fatty and sweet food. It is recommended to replace tea and coffee with freshly squeezed juices. At the same time, nectars are recommended not only fruit, but also vegetable, as the latter are also enriched with vitamins. An effective way to help normalize intestinal work is to drink every morning a glass of kefir on an empty stomach. In the absence of effect, it is advisable (after consulting with the doctor) to take the drug "Linex" or another medicine. It is recommended to include in the diet products containing fiber (fruits, cereals, vegetables). Do not neglect and dishes from low-fat meat varieties (turkey, chicken, rabbit).

When influencing the skin condition of a person, the impairment of the pancreas or gallbladder by self-treatment is extremely unsafe. It is more expedient to consult a specialist (gastroenterologist). He will prescribe the necessary tests and select the most effective and appropriate treatment.

In some cases, acne can result from the intake of dietary supplements, hormonal drugs, oral contraceptives, vitamins, antibiotics.

Very often, rashes appear due to lack of proper face hygiene.

To alleviate some of the symptoms of an unpleasant condition, it is recommended to use only suitable means for the type of skin. In addition, you should use the cosmetics of proven and high-quality manufacturers to avoid even more irritation.

In water for face washing it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon. Thus, you can slightly dry the skin.

Every morning, you should always wipe your face with an ice cube. In this case, instead of water, use a decoction of chamomile, plantain or mint.

Regular use of special masks for the skin will help maintain her tone, saturating her with useful substances.

Aloe vera juice is very effective . In addition, it is possible to use a mask based on a gerbera cereal. To do this, pour it with boiling water. Cooled porridge is recommended to apply to the face for thirty minutes. A finely grinded mixture of carrots and cottage cheese is also effective. It is also recommended to keep on the face for half an hour.

It should be noted that the appearance of rashes is easier to prevent than treat. However, the most effective tool, tailored to individual characteristics, can only be selected by a specialist.

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