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Psychosomatic: stomach. Possible reasons. Gastrointestinal diseases

In his work "Psychosomatics and Body Psychotherapy," the well-known psychotherapist Mark Sandomirsky wrote: "The relationship of body and mind is always two-sided.As all somatic disorders have their psychological" roots ", any psychological problems always bring psychosomatic" fruits. " The stomach diseases serve this Vivid confirmation.

Body and soul

Each of us once faced with pain and malaise in the stomach. Having felt that the problem with this important organ of digestion is brewing or has already ripened, we, first of all, turn to the doctor. After all, who can help find the cause and make a diagnosis? Only the doctor. But they, unfortunately, often do not take into account such a factor as psychosomatics, looking for external causes of pathologies, while they may be concentrated inside. If you have a stomach ache, psychosomatics In this often plays a key role.

What is psychosomatics?

This is a science that, if translated literally, binds the soul and body. This is a section of psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the physical body. Each of us knows cases when in a fit of strong emotions we felt pain. If it's an unhappy love, it hurts in the heart area, if you restrain the words rushing out, it's a throat, and if you are very worried, "sucks in a spoonful." Familiar? And there are people so closed and unemotional that almost all the body suffers from unia - back, stomach, head. There are problems in the genitourinary system. But the first thing that starts to disturb them is gastrointestinal diseases.

East is the heart of psychology

Usually psychosomatic problems do not appear in the analyzes, because they are the guilt of strong emotions, causing stress and subsequent muscle spasm. After all, the human body has a lot of muscles, and the muscles contract during emotional strikes.

It was in the East that they first studied psychosomatics and succeeded much better than official medicine, which, while recognizing the harmful effects of stress on the body, still does not give it such an important role. Most often, doctors are looking for more "mundane" reasons for that , Why the patient is diagnosed with gastrointestinal diseases.

Attention! Doctors even believe that a little stress is helpful, since it helps to keep the body in tone. True, chronic , chronic stress does not bring anything good to the body.

What emotions often cause psychosomatic diseases? Here they are:

  • anger;
  • joy;
  • fear;
  • Sadness.

These are the most powerful manifestations of feelings that we often can not control. It is established that each organ is associated with its emotion. So, the kidneys are responsible for fear, insecurity and weak will.

Poor lung function can be associated with sadness. And if the body is poorly supplied with oxygen, multiple problems begin with other internal organs.

Remember: suppress Internal experiences are a very bad and harmful practice for your body. Emotions can not be suppressed, they need to learn to correctly express. Without torn hair and broken dishes, of course, but express. Otherwise they will eat you from the inside, causing not only gastrointestinal diseases. Over time, this will cause a malfunction in the entire body.

What role does the stomach perform?

There is an opinion that our stomach is responsible not only for digesting food, but also for "digesting" impressions. And that the latter does not cause harm, you need to learn to accept and realize them, otherwise they will suffer from them, as the psychosomatics, the stomach teaches.

Be open to new impressions, but never let the negative stay for a long time - happened, accepted and went on. People are often afraid to feel defenseless. They prefer to remain silent, but do not cease to feel.

Emotions and diseases of the stomach

If problems with the stomach are caused by negative emotions, then you probably need the following list, which will help determine the nature of these emotions. So, the psychosomatics of stomach diseases will be considered by us further. Inflammation in the named organ - gastritis - usually occurs against the background of conflict in the sphere of feelings: the ability to take responsibility, grow up, find a way out of insoluble conflicts. When we do not see inner conflict, it falls into a grosser form - physical, to make the brain pay attention to itself.

Or you do not have enough sense of self-preservation. Infantiness makes you give up trying to protect yourself.

However, there is another way of developing gastritis - aggressive. When you are not consumed by anger, the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, which by its very nature is very aggressive, becomes even more concentrated. The mucous membrane does not cope with its protective function. This indicates that you are unable to forgive and forget the offense. If you tend to lock in your grievances, it immediately becomes clear why the stomach hurts: psychosomatic Here played an important role.

Some direct aggression inward, outwardly remaining calm and even peace-loving. But inside the lava spreads, which harms, first of all, to themselves. It can be a reaction to events or just anger at yourself because of failures or low self-esteem. Others freely express their aggression. But this does not help either, because conflict situations are constantly repeating. Eventually, the culmination is peptic ulcer. This is a clear psychosomatic: the stomach eats away itself.

If any of the above emotions suffocates you, it is not surprising that one of the above diagnoses soon arises. Moreover, it is these emotions that can lead to a stomach tumor.

Psychological characteristics and diseases of the stomach

In the diagnosis of stomach diseases, there is a psychological characteristic of patients. If you have one of the following features, it's probably time to try and change your character:

  1. Laziness. Because of it, all the organs start to work worse - like us, they are "lazy." Over time, if you do not do anything to turn laziness into activity, digestion deteriorates due to a decrease in the production of gastric juice.
  2. Irritability. This is how anxiety is manifested when interacting with the surrounding world, the stomach also psychosomatically reacts to it, which in turn increases the propensity to irritability.
  3. Frustration, depression, apathy, indifference to everything that happens around, slows down the work of all organs that are busy with active activities, including the stomach. Such is the psychosomatics of atrophic gastritis, which causes exhaustion of the body.
  4. Cruelty and selfishness. Surprisingly, from these emotions the stomach suffers almost always. If you demand too much from people, especially from your relatives, in the end, coldness finally appears. And immediately there is psychosomatic - the stomach instantly reacts to the lack of harmony in the relationship.
  5. Despair and resentment. Heavy karma, in the end, pours out into a lot of problems, which with great difficulty have to be overcome. If a person realizes his mistakes and believes that soon everything is normal, over time he works out karma. But the lack of understanding and acceptance contributes to the formation of resentment towards fate. There is a sense of despair and despair until you understand why these events are happening around you.

How to cope with this problem?

The psychology of diseases of the stomach requires the help of a specialist. To begin with, find the causes of stomach disease in yourself - yourself or with the help of a psychotherapist. As soon as a cause is discovered, curing its effect will be much easier. Think about the situations that led to the disease. This may be one situation, but there may be several. Remember - accept and lower. Let the emotions that are hindering you against the will disappear.

Look for positive emotions. Sport, hobbies, reading, love. Surround yourself with happiness, look for it in every day. It is there, but we do not see it, immersed in our problems, as if in a vacuum. Every person once realizes what psychosomatics is. The stomach must have hurt everyone after terrible stress or the throat contracted from unspoken words.

Psychiatrists often prescribe antidepressants or tranquilizers to their patients, while specialists in the field of alternative medicine prefer softer methods - visceral massage, which removes spasm from the abdominal organs, therapeutic hand massage, which helps to relieve stress, and other methods. Louise Hay, for example, advises the use of auto-training, which sets the emotional background to a more favorable wave.


Finding harmony within yourself is certainly not easy, and everyone is looking for it through their own path - meditation, yoga, travel, favorite thing. But if you achieve this harmony, no problem can make you an unhappy person. Be healthy and happy!

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