Spiritual developmentMystic

Privorot on the photo

So, you desperate to seek the location of a loved one in the usual ways and decided to reach your goal with the help of the ancient magic of the spell. After a moment's thought, you have chosen the most simple way in modern conditions - a love spell in a photo. However, you probably gnaw some doubts. And for carrying out any magical ritual, you need the steel will and full concentration, so before starting the ritual, you must answer all the questions below in the affirmative.

So, the first question is - do you know exactly how to spell on a photo? It is not so much about performing magical actions, as they serve only as assistants in directing your will, but in the ability to direct your spiritual energy to achieve a specific goal.

Before committing a ritual, you must disable everything that can distract you: phones, computers, etc. If during the ritual you lose concentration for at least a second, the result will be zero. Then you need to achieve a state of complete peace of mind, no thought should disturb your mind. Ultimately, all you have to think about is that you are ALREADY with your loved one. Such work with one's own consciousness is extremely important and is the key to success.

Having reached a similar state, which can be characterized as a trance, you can begin, in fact, a love spell in a photo . Get a photo of your loved one. It is desirable, that the most part of a photo was occupied with the person, and eyes were clearly visible. Try to make contact with a person using his photo, feel a mental connection with him. Photography is the strongest means of establishing contact, so even if you are new to magic, you can get it.

Only by establishing a contact, you can move to the next part. Get your picture. Attach your photos to each other and sew them with red thread, making holes in the four corners. Then you need to drip the holes with wax from the candle and put the pictures in a white envelope without the inscriptions. In the course of the ritual, one can also read conspiracies or make inscriptions on photographs. However, instead, it is sufficient to direct the flow of your spiritual energy and all sincerity of feelings to any person with whom you have established contact.

The success of the spell depends not so much on the accuracy of the performed actions, as on the sincerity of your feelings and spiritual strength. Strong spell on the photo yourself Can only carry out a strong man. So the second question is, do you consider yourself capable of accomplishing such a difficult magical action, how to make a person love? Perhaps, for starters, you need to practice in simple things, such as lifting a headache. If you are not capable of magic, you can not relax and make contact, then you can not get a love spell on a photo, and you better ask for help from capable people.

However, there is another third important question, on which it is worth a good thought, before implementing a love spell on the photo yourself Either with the help of professionals. Do you really want to force a person to love? And you will not understand, having achieved success, that his love will be insincere. Of course, ancient books tell us that it is impossible to make a person fall in love - magic can only awaken hidden feelings. And yet, is it not better to trust the natural course of things?

If you are absolutely sure of your actions, the spell proposed in this article should work. And remember that magic is not a ritual or a spell, but a deliberately directed willpower. So the key to your success is relaxation, concentration and attentiveness.

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