
Preventive maintenance and treatment of a pediculosis at home

Some people have no idea about pediculosis and lice never seen before. Those who happened to encounter them, survived if not catastrophe, then shock, no doubt. On the agenda - a lot of questions. Where did this infection come from? Where to run for help? How to get rid of this abomination? To prevent the unpleasant surprise, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to treat pediculosis at home, and in the process - also with the peculiarities of lice and diseases caused by them.

Pediculosis: what, in fact, is it?

The tricky word "pediculosis" is the trivial infection of a person with lice. What is important is one nuance. Lice can be in animals, but they do not have any relation to pediculosis. In the place of parasitism, these creatures are divided into 3 types - pubic, head and ward. Pediculosis, caused by them, is called, respectively, pubic, head and ward. Ectoparasites strictly adhere to their "own" territory. Under natural conditions (on one person), they never mix, but in a lab with forced crossing they give a viable offspring. Carrying out treatment for pediculosis at home, it is necessary to take into account that lice are different, which means that the methods against them are also different. This statement is reliable, since the structure of the legs in each species is such that parasites can only use hairs of a certain section. The head louse is round in the section of the scalp, pubic is the triangular vegetation of the pubis, armpits and other parts of the body, and the dress does not exist at all in the hairline.

Common features of lice

Despite some differences, lice have a lot in common. So, in the course of evolution, all species lost their wings, but acquired the ability to quickly move through the body of the victim. On the head of lice are extremely developed piercing-sucking organs, consisting of two modified lips-stilettos and a proboscis with "teeth." The salivary gland also leaves here. Saliva of lice prevents the blood coagulability of the victim and almost always when it gets into the wound causes itching. This is the main symptom that "hints" that the pediculosis is caught. Means for treatment, it is desirable to choose the least toxic, not causing irritation of an already traumatized skin. All lice are very responsive to environmental conditions. So, they feel great at +28 degrees. At a temperature of +22 and from +40 о С development of nits stops, but they do not die, but only fall into anabiosis. Nymphs cease to eat under such conditions. At +10 о С adult individuals leave the host, and at +55 о С and -13 о С perish within 5 minutes. Nits can withstand more extreme temperatures, namely +60 о С and -20 о С. They instantly die at +100 degrees. Without food, parasites live up to 7 days.

Reproduction of lice

Lice of any kind have males and females. The first is always smaller, their life is half as long. The latter live up to 40 days, having managed to postpone up to 140 eggs during this time. In the population, the number of females always dominates. Louse eggs are called nits. The females attach them to the hairs with a fairly strong glandular cement. The treatment of pediculosis at home should be based on funds that kill both adults and nits. Eggs of lice are large enough, visible to the naked eye. They remotely resemble a comma or bags of gray-white color. Live nits are more saturated color, and when pressed, they make a characteristic click. The dead are duller, as if empty. Hard to remove from the hair, and those and others. Each female is able to postpone up to 10 eggs a day.

Head lice

The disease is caused by head lice and manifests itself on the scalp, eyebrows, beard, mustache. The female of the head louse reaches 4 mm in length, the male grows up to 3 mm. You can get infected only from a person suffering from pediculosis when using common combs, hairpins, headgear, bed linen (pillowcases, pillows) or with close contact involving touching hair and heads. This pediculosis is most common in children. Treatment at home is done by medical and folk remedies. Any of them should not have serious side effects.


  • Permanent itching of the head;
  • The child can become capricious, inattentive;
  • Eczema, pyoderma, crusts, puffiness and irritation of the skin in places of scratching.

To catch lice a child can in a manger, a kindergarten, a school, a camp, wherever children closely communicate with each other.

Treatment of head lice

For many parents this is a catastrophe - head lice in children. Treatment at home will not give sense, if not to identify and not exclude the source of the disease. Parents should not hesitate to report the problem to the children's institution to check all the children in the class or group for lice. In pharmacies are sold many types of shampoos. Not all of them act the same way.

"Pedilin" is good because it kills both lice and nits, but has side effects in the form of allergic rashes, nausea, vomiting, seizures. However, all this happens when the product gets into the mouth. Nevertheless, "Pedilin" to children is not recommended.

"Parasidosis" is sold with a scallop for combing the dead nits, but also not suitable for toddlers.

There are also "Nok", LiceGuard and others. All of them have a restriction on age.

Sprays and other products

In connection with the fact that the head one is the most massive pediculosis, the methods of treating the disease are widely developed. In addition to shampoos, sprays are on sale.

Nyuda is based on silicone. Getting on the hair, it envelops the lice, preventing their breathing.

"Paranita" has a similar effect. The disadvantage of these funds is that they do not work for nits, that is, treatment needs to be done repeatedly.

"Pediculen Ultra" kills both eggs and adult parasites, but it is not recommended for use in the treatment of children younger than 5 years pregnant and lactating.

Treatment of pediculosis at home can be done with ointments (mercury, boric, "Nix"). They are not very convenient to use and have an age limit. "Knicks", in addition, has side effects.

Very popular is the scallop "AntiV". The only drawback of the means is a high price.

Headgear, pillowcases, combs, towels, ribbons of a lice that has fallen ill should be boiled or treated with steam. All family members should also undergo preventive treatment against lice.

Folk methods

Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies at home before, when there was no such abundance of drugs, was carried out quite successfully. Among them are:

1. Kerosene and any vegetable oil should be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. Blend the head with a mixture, cover with a plastic bag. After half an hour carefully rinse, dead nits to comb out or choose by hand. The product is effective, but after its application, dandruff may appear.

2. Cranberry juice, diluted with water, lemon juice, vinegar. Any acidic medium kills adult nits and destroys the egg shell, but causing skin irritation.

3. Tar soap. The agent for obtaining the effect must be applied several times.

4. Paint for hair.

Effective and non-toxic is the mechanical effect of hot temperatures (up to 55 degrees). You need to wash your hair and blow it dry with a temperature that you can tolerate with difficulty. Also, an electric rectifier or an electric comb for styling is used.

Dead nits with hair need to be cleaned. This is done by a thick crest, and to facilitate the process, balm, fish oil, and combing liquid are applied to the hair.

Use dichlorvos, dust and engine oil is not possible because of the high toxicity of these products.

Treatment of pediculosis folk remedies (such as essential oils or decoctions of wormwood) are effective only for the prevention. The broths are rinsed with hair, the oils are applied to dry strands in a quantity of several drops. Preventive measures include teaching the child not to use other people's hats, hairpins and combs. Any other prevention from infection with head lice does not help.

Pubic pediculosis, or fthiracy

The disease is caused by pubic lice. Outwardly, they resemble a minicab and have a second name - ploschitsy. Parasites live in the area of the pubis, in the armpits, on the chest, stomach, in any part of the body (except the head), where there is a suitable hair covering, even in the auricles, on the eyebrows and eyelashes, in the anus and genitals. Ftyariase is referred to venereal diseases, since it is mainly transmitted during sexual intercourse. In connection with this, pubic pediculosis is more common in adults. Treatment at home involves the simultaneous treatment against lice of a sexual partner (wife, husband). You can also grab a pubic louse with bed and underwear, in swimming pools, in saunas and massage rooms.


  • Severe itching in places of bites;
  • A rash on the abdomen, in the groin, under the arms, on the hips, sometimes on the face;
  • Blue spots in places of barking lice skin due to the reaction of hemoglobin with saliva parasite (with pressure they do not disappear);
  • Crusts, vesicles and papules on the skin;
  • Sometimes from scratching can begin secondary infection, dermatitis, eczema, pyoderma.

Treatment of fthiroid

Treatment of pubic lice in the home begins with the shaving of the hair (pubis, armpits, mustaches, beard). Further on the body is applied any aerosol or gel with pyrethrin, pyrmetrine, melatonin ("Spray Pax", "Pedilin", "MediFox"). The agent is left for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed off. Concentrates Medifox and Avicin are also suitable. When using them, be sure to dilute with water, as indicated in the instructions.

At the same time, bed and underwear is subjected to boiling. After drying, it is ironed and sealed for 3 days. Linen (only underwear!) Can be treated with A-Pak aerosol, after which no washing is required.

In the treatment of fthiarasis on eyelashes, eyebrows, in the auricles use a mercury ointment. It is applied up to 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

Preventive maintenance of disease consists in refusal of doubtful sexual partners and in an interdiction for using another's bed linen and bed linen.

Lapidary pediculosis

The disease is caused by lice. On a man they only feed, but live in folds of clothes and in a pile, there also breed and lay eggs. The male louse grows 4 mm in length, the female - 5 mm. Under acceptable conditions parasites live up to 40 days. The female is capable of laying about 400 eggs during this time. You can pick up louse lice only with household contact (use of things of the person infected with them, bed linen). The most likely sites of infection are hotels, trains, hospitals, where hygiene standards are not observed. The louse can suffer serious diseases: typhus and recurrent typhus, trench fever. Therefore, the most dangerous is exactly a pedicure. Treatment and prevention here directly depend on the cleanliness of the linen, clothes and the human body.


  • Severe itching;
  • Rash on the body (abdomen, hips, back, neck, less often the chest and underarm areas);
  • Cyanotic spots in places of bites;
  • May develop furunculosis, folliculitis, pyoderma, eczema, hyper- and hypopigmentation.

Treatment of pediculitis

In this disease, hygiene plays a major role. Clothing, bedding, even soft toys (if any), bed and preferably the whole house should be carefully processed. The usual washing of clothes in the washing machine is not enough, because the nits of the louse are not killed. Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies consists in boiling everything that can be boiled, followed by a long drying in the sun (up to 3 days) and ironing, especially in the fold area. The body should also be thoroughly washed, then wipe the skin with menthol (1%) or carbolic (4%) alcohol. If there are furuncles, papules, a rash, you can use therapeutic ointments. It is good to apply for the treatment of clothes (but not the body!) Spray "A-Par". Things in this case do not need to boil.

Another way is to handle things cold. Given that lice perish at -13 degrees, and nits - at -20, in winter, you can hang out the patient's clothes for frost. This method is convenient when destroying lice on objects not intended for heat treatment. On the street, things should be about a week, after which they are washed in the usual way.

Prevention consists of hygiene, regular body washing, washing and ironing of things.

Misconceptions about lice

Stubborn, complex, and most importantly - reasonable is required with a disease such as pediculosis, treatment. Reviews often target those who have not yet encountered the problem, on frequent hygiene procedures.

Misconception 1: infection with head and pubic lice can be prevented by hygiene. Rather, on the contrary: lice with pleasure settle on clean heads and bodies, because there it is easier to attach them to the hair of nits. Only louse lice can be avoided by using perfectly clean ironed linen.

Misconception 2: lice leap high. Their limbs are not capable of jumping, therefore it is impossible to get infected from a lousy person, being with him, for example, in transport, if there is no physical contact (touch).

Misconception 3: lice are transmitted from animals. The structure of animal hair and human hair is different. Lice of cats and dogs are simply not able to use the hair of people, so they never pass on to them.

Misconception 4: you can get rid of lice, walking without a hat in the cold. Lice do die in the cold, but with a living person, body temperature never reaches critical for parasite marks. Only lame corpses leave their louses.

Misconception 5: lice come only from the poor and the poor. These parasites do not care who lives on. The difference is that the rich are buying money from lice in pharmacies, the less well off are more often using folk methods, and the beggars do not fight at all with lice.

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