
Drug for dry cough

In order to choose the right medicine for dry cough, you need to find out why the cough has appeared.

Dry cough is a reflex produced by the body in the case when the mucous nasopharynx, larynx and throat become swollen or dry. It appears usually after a respiratory illness or as an allergic reaction to external stimuli (dust, pollen of plants, etc.).

Dry cough is a non-productive phenomenon. There is nothing to cough, phlegm does not stand out, and the process itself is very painful for a person.

Such a cough can provoke headache, insomnia, anorexia, rapid fatigue. More terrible consequences may be the development of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum.

Pneumothorax - a phenomenon in which air bubbles fall between the pleura. They accumulate, squeeze the lung and can lead to a stop of breathing.

Pneumomediastinum - the accumulation of air under the skin of the face, neck, sometimes the whole body.

The medicine for dry cough is designed to suppress the cough reflex. It can be of two types.

The medicine for dry cough central action acts directly on the medulla oblongata. These include preparations based on codeine, glaucin, ethylmorphine, dextromethorphan, oxeladine, prenoxdiazine. All these drugs can depress respiratory functions, so they are sold exclusively on prescription, and are administered with extreme caution. These drugs include Glikodin, Alex plus, Tussin, Broncholitin, Pentoxinurin (Sudutussin), Prenoxidiazine (Libexin), Kodelmikst, Kodipron, Codterpine, etc.

The medicine for dry cough peripheral action is aimed at reducing the excitability of cough receptors. It is made on the basis of acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene, extracts of medicinal plants.

For example, herbion from a dry cough is made on the basis of an extract of plantain leaves, mallow with the addition of ascorbic acid.

Perotussin, Licorice root and other medicines of industrial production also belong to herbal preparations.

But cough is helped not only by pharmacy drugs. Dry cough is treated folk remedies, tested by a single generation of healers and healers.

In case of infection, you can use baking soda as a medicine for dry cough. Inhalation or rinsing with a solution of soda will help get rid of the infection, soften the mucous membranes. You can do inhalation with eucalyptus or garlic oil.

For rinsings or inhalations, you can use oregano, Ledum, mother-and-stepmother, mint, St. John's wort, other herbs. For example, mix a little chamomile, plantain, hips, dog-stepmother, brew the collection like tea, sweeten with honey and drink a third of glass several times during the day. In the same way, you can brew linden and thyme flowers.

In addition, some vegetables and fruits are good.

For example, you can take an ordinary banana, rub or grind in a blender, pour a glass of boiling water with a spoonful of sugar. Warm up on low heat and drink in small sips during coughing attacks.

Well softens the throat of dried figs, which boiled for 20 minutes in milk. Warm milk with figs removes cough, soothes, warms.

For years, onion syrup was tested. To make it, you need to mix the crushed onion-turnip (2 heads) with 50 grams of honey, add 100 grams of sugar, cook slowly for 10 minutes. The resulting syrup is drunk on a spoon 4-6 times a day.

People of the older generation remember how well the popular medicine works from radish. To make it, take a large black radish, wash it. In the middle, cut the cavity (about half the volume), pour honey into it. Give it a day, and then take a large spoon three times a day. In the radish is added every time exactly as much honey as it was taken from it. The juice of black radish with honey not only relieves cough, but also strengthens the immune system.

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