
Preparation "Divigel" in the planning of pregnancy: reviews. How to take "Divigel"

The female organism is subject to strong cyclic changes. They occur on average during one lunar month. Due to these phase changes, a woman can reproduce offspring. It should be noted that no man is subject to similar changes in the hormonal background.

Sometimes there are situations when a woman needs some correction of the hormonal background. For this purpose, appropriate medications containing estrogens or progesterone are prescribed. To the first group of medicines is the "Divigel" remedy. When planning pregnancy, this drug is very in demand. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article. Also you will learn about the way the "Divigel" means work when planning pregnancy, how to take it, and what contraindications are.

Effect of the drug

The medicinal substance "Divigel" is released in a gel-like form. The product is packed in convenient tubes. It should be noted that the drug can contain a single and a double dose. This should always be considered when using the medication.

The remedy "Divigel" when planning pregnancy reviews has only positive. There are several main reasons for this. Women who took this medicine under the supervision of doctors achieved the desired effect. This means that the drug has helped.

After application, the product begins to be absorbed instantly into the skin. In the female body, the drug is converted into estrogens ( first-phase hormones ).

"Divigel" remedy for pregnancy planning: reviews of women

One of the advantages of this drug form is convenient packaging. The drug is available in tuba. It is very easy to get the necessary dose of medicine from it. If the product were sold in a jar, then the application would not be so practical.

Also, the convenience of packaging lies in the fact that sunlight does not penetrate through it, which has a harmful effect on hormones.

Another plus is the absence of a negative effect on the liver. Thanks to this "Divigel" means when planning pregnancy reviews has only positive. Many women who have problems with conception have to take strong drugs and hormonal drugs, which have a negative effect on the liver.

The remedy "Divigel" has no properties absorbed into the blood. That's why you can avoid passing the drug through the hemopoietic organ. The drug acts locally and penetrates deep into tissues, affecting only the sexual organs of a woman.

In addition, the "Divigel" tool when planning pregnancy reviews is good because of its high efficiency. If a woman has a problem with the production of estrogens, the maturation of the follicles in the ovaries simply does not happen. This drug is able to solve this problem.

After application to the body, the substance is absorbed into the tissue and converted to estrogen, which is produced in the first phase of the female menstrual cycle. Due to the action of the substance, active growth of the follicles and the buildup of the endometrium begin. With proper application, ovulation occurs already in the first month of this treatment.

How to apply the remedy "Divigel" when planning a pregnancy?

Instructions should always be carefully examined before using a particular preparation. Before taking any hormone, you need to undergo a preliminary examination. Never take the "Divigel" remedy on your own when planning a pregnancy. Who helped this drug, used it on the prescription of a doctor.

If you donated blood to the hormone level and found that there is a significant lack of estrogen, then most likely you will be prescribed the drug "Divigel". In this case, the doctor should always take into account the results and select an individual dosage of the drug.

The drug is administered exclusively in the first phase of the cycle. With improper admission, spontaneous menstrual bleeding may occur and the level of other hormones may be disturbed.

Terms of Use

Apply the remedy "Divigel" to the lower abdominal area or to the buttocks. You can do this only with clean hands. Before use, it is also advisable to shower and do not use a moisturizer. Otherwise, the product may not be absorbed completely.

Use the drug strictly in time. The space between the coatings should not exceed 12 hours. In some cases, an individual scheme of use may be recommended.

Method of application

Squeeze a small amount of the product into the palm and rub the gel with your hands. Apply the product to the selected place and rub it in a little. The application area should not be larger than your palm. Otherwise, the action of the substance may be inadequate.

Summing up and conclusion

After use, allow the product to absorb. To do this, wait 5-10 minutes until it dries. After that, you can put on your clothes and start your business. Do not take water procedures immediately after using the gel. The substance should be on your skin for several hours.

The drug "Divigel" when planning pregnancy should be used under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, the woman will have to visit the ultrasound diagnosis room regularly. As soon as the dominant follicle reaches the right size, the use of the drug stops, and the time of action of other hormones sets in.

The product has contraindications. If you have problems with the liver or kidneys, as well as tumors of the mammary glands or ovaries, then you must stop taking this medication.

Gel-like substance can not be used during breastfeeding. If you need this therapy, then the doctor can prescribe alternative drugs that are allowed to use in this situation.

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