HealthDiseases and Conditions

Polyarthritis: treatment with folk remedies.

Polyarthritis, whose treatment is of interest to many elderly people, is a fairly common disease. This disease is not considered dangerous, but it causes a lot of inconvenience.

To treat polyarthritis, you can use many folk methods that will successfully help you get rid of this disease.

Polyarthritis: treatment with folk remedies

A good way of treatment is diet and bath. Early polyarthritis can occur at the age of 40-45 years. Usually swollen arms and legs, it becomes difficult to walk. The following tips will help to get rid of these symptoms, it is enough to follow the month of instruction - until complete recovery.

Ways of treatment:

- drink a tincture of thyme and carrot tops;

- observe a special diet: eat fish (two or three times a week for 150 grams at a time);

- To bathe in a bath (three times a week), rub honey and salt into the joints.

Polyarthritis, treatment with salted wool

Take three tablespoons of birch, as much herb spores and the same hips of dog rose. Then put the mass in a liter jar and fill it with boiling water to the very top. Put the jar on the water bath for 20 minutes. Next, dissolve in it four tablespoons of salt. Then, in this warm infusion, moisten the woolen cloth for a few minutes, dry it and attach it to the diseased joints.

Polyarthritis, herbal bath treatment

With advanced polyarthritis, even modern medicines can not cope. A person can not hold objects in his hands, stand on his feet and experiences strong, aching pains. But the people's means will save the situation.

Initially, you can remove swelling of the joints with the help of vodka compressors, but later they will become ineffective. Then clay compresses should be used, which more severely affect the joint. Also well help baths from medicinal herbs: leaves and rhizome thistles, nettles, Jerusalem artichoke, sporich. Apply baths every day, for 30 minutes a day, with a water temperature of 36 degrees. After one month of treatment, the condition will improve significantly.

In parallel with the bath it is desirable to take infusion spores and rub the joints with a special flour: 2 bitter peppers (you need to grind), one st. A spoonful of dope seeds, half a liter of denatured alcohol and two and a half tablespoons of fuel (kerosene) - all this to insist 15 days.

Infusion sporicha should take 2 years, and use the bath (no more than two or three times a week) - gradually everything will pass.

Polyarthritis, clay treatment

Nowadays clay is becoming more and more popular, it is really effective. To do this, you need to collect blue clay and pour it with pretty hot water to get a thick mixture, like sour cream. Next, apply clay on a cloth, which must be fixed in the area of the affected joint. After one month of treatment in this way, the disease will be completely gone.

Polyarthritis, celery treatment

This method is quite popular. You need to grind in a meat grinder 0.5 kg of celery and as many lemons with skin, add half a kilogram of honey. Let it brew for three days, then take two tablespoons three to four times a day, one hour before meals. Pain in the joints will pass, and they will become mobile.

Rheumatoid polyarthritis, treatment with folk remedies: sabelnik, kalgan

If rheumatoid polyarthritis develops, fetters all joints, it is impossible to sit and walk, hold a spoon, all movements cause pain. In this case, it is best to prepare a saber-calgan tincture. Take this tincture should be two tablespoons three times during the day. Razirat joints with ointment from sabelnik and kalgan need three to four times a day. And after twenty days the pain will be completely gone.

To prepare this tincture, you need 200 grams of rhizome and 100 grams of ginger roots (Kalgan). It is necessary to grind everything to a powder and pour into a jar with a volume of 3 liters, pour water on it to the very top and insist for 21 days in the dark.

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