BusinessHuman Resource Management

Perfection of the personnel management system

The transition to a market economy system entailed changes in the management of personnel policy. Today, the leaders of successful companies know that the profitability of their business depends on how the work of their employees is organized. For this reason, the continuous improvement of the personnel management system There is a guarantee of development and stable high growth of the enterprise. The existing concept of organization of work and interaction with employees requires constant adjustments, since rapid changes in the world entail an ever-increasing demand for the quality of the product and those who create it.

The improvement of the personnel management system should begin with a careful analysis of the existing situation in the organization. It is necessary to study the staffing structure, identify the needs for its changes in one or another party, get acquainted with the staffing table and analyze how effectively it is, carefully study the wage payment system and determine how it meets the norms established by law. The study of these aspects should be entrusted to the disinterested person who will eventually provide a report detailing the company's environment and recommendations so that the improvement of the personnel management system is most successful.

It is impossible to improve the organization of labor and production without a good material and technical base. Using innovative methods at the enterprise will not only reduce the costs of the employer, but also provide comfortable and interesting work for its employees. Proceeding from this thesis, it can be said that, along with the introduction of new technologies, the work of staff should be upgraded. Many managers have noticed that it is much more profitable to train their own personnel than to open new jobs for those who already own new knowledge. This allows you to grow in your state of excellent professionals who are interested in their work and who know all of its subtleties.

Improving the methods of personnel management entails changes in the form of the boss-subordinate relationship. When the manager begins to understand that around him there is not a gray, faceless mass of workers, but the sum of personalities and professionals, he gets the biggest and most significant asset for his enterprise - cadres. For the success of the company, it is very important for the boss to establish contact with his subordinates, to give them a sense of their own importance for the cause. This can be realized through conversations, meetings, corporate events. It is very important that the boundary between the different levels in the corporate hierarchy is preserved. It should be a certain distance, allowing to avoid unnecessary familiarity.

Any improvement of the personnel management system is aimed at activating labor resources. To do this, it is important to awaken the employees' sincere interest and interest in what they are doing. The development of incentive measures and their approbation falls on the shoulders of personnel of the personnel department. Relying on the data obtained in the course of the general study, they must develop such a system of motivating activities that will interest workers.

The development and implementation of new methods of personnel management should be carried out in stages, be logically related, accessible for understanding to each employee. It is very important to comply with the spirit of the times and improve the mode of work, ways of paying for it, and maintain healthy competition in the team. Correctly organized work with personnel will help the head to increase profits and acquire high-quality specialists.

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