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Osteoarthritis of the 1st degree of the hip joint: treatment at home with folk remedies and medicines

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint physicians are called coxarthrosis. The diagnosis involves dystrophic and degenerative changes in this zone of the skeleton, which lead to the thinning of the cartilaginous tissue and the destruction of part of the bone around it. What methods can a person be healed if he has arthrosis of the 1st degree of the hip joint? Treatment with medicines, folk remedies and physical exercises is a fairly effective therapy. We'll talk about it just now.

Features of the disease

Deforming arthrosis of the hip joint is the leader among all pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system. The danger is not only the fact of the thinning of the cartilage, but also the loss of all the damping properties of the limb by the person. And this invariably leads to bone proliferation, which is a compensating reaction of the joint surface to irreversible changes in the body. In addition, when the disease actively progresses, the head of the hip often develops dangerous sclerosis. Also in this zone, numerous cysts begin to form rapidly.

Osteoarthritis of the 1st degree of the hip joint, the treatment of which can be performed without surgery, can affect other bone joints. For example, the knee area, the phalanx of the lower extremities and the feet. Pathology is equally common among both men and women. True, in the latter the disease is much heavier and more prolonged. Osteoarthritis begins to appear after 40 years, sometimes it affects two joints at once.

Main reasons

Virtually no one is immune from this disease - arthrosis of the hip joint. Symptoms and treatment in this case may differ depending on the cause of the development of pathogenic deformities. Physicians distinguish between primary and secondary arthrosis. At the first appearance of the ailment, even for doctors, remains a mystery. It would seem that a person is absolutely healthy, leads a correct way of life, moderately goes in for sports, eats properly and suddenly hears the conclusions of doctors - the thinning of the cartilage in the zone of the hip bone.

As for secondary arthrosis, then the etiology is already clear - the causative factor is often found. First, it can be congenital pathologies: dislocation of the hip when born and Perthes' disease - the dying of the head of a bone of non-infectious nature. Secondly, arthrosis can be earned throughout life. Usually it develops against the background of the traumas, inflammatory processes in the joint, constant loads on the leg and due to the aging of the body. The cause also serves aseptic necrosis, hormonal and biochemical changes, sedentary lifestyle, stressful situations, genetic predisposition and so on.


Osteoarthritis of the hip joint, the symptoms and treatment of which can vary in different patients, also have a number of common characteristics. Among such signs, pain syndrome predominates: it can manifest itself both under physical exertion and in a state of complete rest. It is localized not only in the hip itself, but also in the groin, knee, and foot. The patient sometimes complains of the tightness of the joint, stiffness of movements, lameness. He can have atrophy of the muscles of the hip, a noticeable shortening of the limb, a crunch during walking, a general malaise.

But the pain, of course, is the main problem of the person who was diagnosed with arthrosis. It can change as the disease progresses, change its location, intensity and duration. Usually at the starting stage it is short-lived and barely noticeable: it seems that the joint sips, there is discomfort in this area. Often the syndrome begins to manifest after running or walking, so a person considers it a sign of fatigue or excessive physical stress. Doctors are treated only when the pain is not removed even with the help of strong analgesics.

Characteristics of 1 degree of disease

This is the most initial stage of the disease. It is characterized by periodic pain in the hip joint: they appear during exercise and usually disappear when a person rests or is in a relaxed state. He actually does not pay attention to discomfort, as mobility in the limb is good, there are no restrictions in flexing the leg, the gait is not broken. The changes are still completely reversible, when the patient has arthrosis of 1 degree (hip joint). Treatment can prevent further deformation of the organ and preserve all its functions.

At this stage, the correct diagnosis is very problematic. On examination, the patient usually complains of minor pain: his muscles are not weakened yet, the limb quite easily bends. If you make an X-ray, you can detect small proliferation of bone tissue that is located inside the surface of the joint or from the side of its outer edge. At the same time, its gap is narrowed unevenly, and the head and neck of the bone are not mutated.

General Therapy

Than to treat an arthrosis of a hip joint? First and foremost, doctors recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain and swelling well. Usually, Ketorol, Diclofenac, Piroxicam is prescribed for this purpose. Unfortunately, drugs can not be taken for a long time, since they have many negative side effects, the main one of which is suppression of cartilage's ability to restore. If the patient, despite the course, continues to complain of pain, drugs change it. For example, appoint "Movalis" - the action is similar, but it fixes much less contraindications and pronounced consequences.

Therapy also includes muscle relaxants - drugs that can remove muscle spasms, relax them. After they are taken, blood circulation improves: as a result, the pain syndrome is partially removed and less disturbs the person. As for the vasodilating drugs - "Cinnarizine" or "Trental" - then their action is also aimed at improving the functioning of the circulatory system. Due to its active circulation, the body activates the regenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue.

Other drugs

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint, the extent of which affects the type of treatment chosen, also includes the use of chondroprotectors. These are drugs that slow the degeneration of cartilaginous tissue and activate its full recovery. Among them there are "Dona", "Artroglikan", "Teraflex" and others. These funds give a stunning result - quickly stop the progression of the disease. And even after their abolition, for a certain time, active tissue growth continues.

If arthrosis leads to inflammation of the tendons and muscles, and also with very strong accompanying pain, the patient is prescribed hormonal medications: Kenalog or Hydrocortisone. Often they are injected into the human body through injections. Therapy can not do without local treatment. To this end, appoint various compresses, creams and ointments, which are applied to the part of the body where discomfort is felt. Unfortunately, they are less effective, because the active components in them need to overcome the barrier in the form of a fat layer, tissue and skin. But they have a warming effect, which contributes to better blood circulation.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Their action is similar to ointments and topical creams - warming and stimulating blood flow in the area of the affected area of bone tissue. To this end, patients are referred for cryotherapy, they are advised to undergo a course of manipulations with the use of laser, magnets and electrodes, as well as a course of necessary light therapy and useful inductothermy. Many doctors are sure that amazing results can be achieved with the help of a massage. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, can remove muscle spasms, eliminate swelling of tissues, strengthen muscles and promote good blood flow. Professional massage requires arthrosis of the hip joint. Treatment at home by this method is also provided: you can invite a master or a procedure your relative will spend.

With arthrosis, manual therapy is very helpful. It is carried out only by a qualified orthopedist or neurologist. This technique consists of a complex of movements of the hands that affect the muscle tissue, as well as eliminate various infringements of nerves, pain in the joints.


It is irreplaceable when a person has arthrosis of the hip joints. Healing gymnastics is held daily in the morning and in the evening. Exercises should not increase the load on the joint. Therefore, before starting a physical education course, consult with specialists. Often they advise to use during the exercises a dense burden. For example, a cuff with sand. It is fixed on the ankle joint, after which they start the complex of exercises developed by the doctor.

The amplitude of the movements should not be too sharp or wide. Breathe quietly and slowly. After each exercise, pause in the form of a deep breath and exhalation, without forgetting to raise and lower your hands. After classes, you can use a special massager to "crush" the gluteal region and hip zone yourself. The device is very easy to use and is sold in almost every sports shop. In addition, patients with arthrosis recommended water procedures, especially with the use of sea water, as well as acupuncture, which relieves inflammation and improves mobility of the limb.

Folk remedies

Gymnastics with arthrosis of the hip joints can be accompanied by the reception of various natural remedies. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for medicinal potions and broths that will help with arthrosis:

  1. Lemon water. It will take three lemons, a head of garlic and 250 grams of celery. All the ingredients are passed through a meat grinder and in a three-liter can is filled with boiling water. We insist a day. We take a drink in the morning on an empty stomach: 100 ml for half an hour before a meal. The course usually lasts about 3 months.
  2. Healing cold. A kilogram of beef hooves is poured into two liters of water and cooked on fire for about 4 hours. It turns out a cold that is very useful for arthrosis. Two hundred grams of this dish should be eaten 30 minutes before the main meal - every day as a snack.
  3. Herbal decoction. For its preparation, take 200 grams of root white. Grass is twisted through a meat grinder and poured with pork fat (400 g). We boil for about ten minutes on a small fire, we cool and rub it overnight in a sick joint.

Folk treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint is carried out only after the approval of the attending physician.

Treatment with oils and Jerusalem artichoke

Sessions of folk therapy should be performed daily, only in this case you will slowly forget about arthrosis of the hip joint. Treatment at home is not without the use of celandine oil. You can prepare it yourself: eight tablespoons of herbs are poured with olive oil and insist in a dark place for about three weeks. The mixture must be rubbed into the painful areas of the body, after which the treated area is wrapped in a warm cloth. With arthrosis, oils based on eucalyptus and cloves are also helpful.

I would also like to recommend a bath of Jerusalem artichoke, pine branches, sea salt and honey. It will take about 12 such procedures. After taking a bath in a sore spot, draw a healing net with pork fat and iodine. Heat and leave until the morning. After the bath, you can also make a pack of horseradish mixed with honey. Keep it need not less than two hours. Sore place should be warmed with a mixture of tea tree oils and fir.

Useful tinctures

Osteoarthritis of the 1st degree of the hip joint, the treatment of which is performed with the help of medicinal plants and herbs, is often "powerless" before the usual lemon. From this exotic fruit you can prepare a useful tincture. Three lemons are cut into cubes together with the skin and poured into three liters of boiling water. Add three tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly and cool. Infusion should be taken for a month - one glass every day. You can try and alcoholic tincture of a saber, prepared from 60 grams of grass and a half liter of vodka. The mixture is infused for a month, after which it is taken two or three times a day before meals, 30 drops each.

Remember that deforming arthrosis of the hip joint requires skilled and competent medical personnel, so treatment with folk methods is not the main and dominant. With its help, one can only weaken the main symptoms, as well as improve the condition of the patient, who follows all the recommendations of the treating doctor.

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