
Orthofen tablets - why, when and how?

To many of us, unfortunately, the years lived bring not only wisdom and invaluable life experience, but also various diseases. It is possible to discuss the possibilities of a person for preserving his health for a long time, but we will be realistic - while we are young and full of energy, most of us do not take the time to care for the body. Study, work, family - we are turning in this wheel, leaving out of which to retire a few. But then we go to hospitals, pharmacies - and we are surprised to learn a lot about themselves. Unfortunately, these news, concerning our health, are by no means joyful. In this article we will tell about one of the drugs - this is the medicine "Orthofen", whose presence in the medicine cabinet at home, at the dacha, at the workplace or in the car can be considered only as a big plus.

Orthofen tablets, unlike ointments based on it or capsules for injections, are more convenient to use. You do not risk breaking a glass ampoule or crushing a tube. Orthofen tablets do not take up a lot of space in the medicine cabinet, or in your pocket, or even in your purse. But to reduce pain, reduce temperature, remove inflammation - all this is possible, if you have a blister with the drug "Orthofen" at your fingertips. Tablets, instructions for use and a bottle of water - that's what should always be with you, if you suffer frequent pain.

The list of ailments under which the doctor will advise you to resort to orthofen help is wide enough. These are lumbago and neuralgia, bursitis and sciatica, chronic and rheumatoid arthritis, postoperative pain and renal colic, rheumatic soft tissue damage and posttraumatic pains, tendovaginitis and myalgia are those troubles that nobody is immune to.

Diclofenac (25 milligrams per tablet), contained in one orthophane tablet, allows the body to successfully cope with inflammatory processes and reduces pain and pain. By its nature, diclofenac is a nonsteroidal drug, and its effect (anti-inflammatory and anesthetic) on cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 is expressed in the disturbance of the metabolic processes of arachidonic acid and in the reduction of the prostaglandin content in inflammation sites.

However, it should be noted that the pill "Orthofen" should not be taken if your ailments have become chronic. Acute, severe pain, periods of recovery, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis or hernia - this is the time when orthophene will serve your health.

Abuse of the drug in any form, considering it a panacea for all diseases, should not be. In addition to those contraindications, which are described in the instruction on the use of orthophene, a long or immense enthusiasm for this medicine will add to you the problems of the ulcerogenic genus. In other words, helping to cope with malaise, tablets "Orthofen" can have a negative effect on the human stomach. Therefore, you must strictly follow the dosage, if you do not want yourself such troubles as a stomach ulcer, gastritis or duodenitis.

In addition, orthophenes need to be taken carefully by patients with anemia, hypertension, diabetes, as well as elderly people and people experiencing problems with hemostasis and gastrointestinal tract.

The remedy is very effective if the doctor prescribes its administration as one of the components of the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes. This is usually a disease such as otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, inflammatory processes in the throat or ears. If the doctor advised you to take orthothene, please remember - the maximum period of taking this pharmacological agent should not exceed ten days. In addition, in order to avoid further problems with the stomach, it is better to take along with the drug those drugs that will soften its effect on the digestive tract (for example, Almagel).

Take care of your health and remember that a healthy person is a happy person.

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