
Lincomycin. Instructions for use, indications, dosage and side effects

Lincomycin is released as a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Pharmacological purpose - antibiotic group of lincosamides.

It is a colorless or yellowish liquid, has a subtle specific odor.

Lincomycin, the instruction indicates, destroys the ability of bacteria to multiply, hence, is a bacteriostatic substance. The effect of the drug does not apply to fungi and viruses, to gram-negative bacteria, to protozoa.

After the introduction of lincomycin hydrochloride quickly enters the tissues and body fluids, bypassing the cerebrospinal fluid.

The drug penetrates into the placenta, into breast milk.

Lincomycin, instructions for use

Assign the drug in the treatment of a septic condition caused by staphylococci and streptococci:

  • Acute and chronic form of osteomyelitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • Suppuration of the skin;
  • Purulent infection of soft tissues;
  • otitis;
  • erysipelas.

Lincomycin is used to treat infectious diseases caused by other microbes, which are sensitive to this agent. The drug is prescribed even in cases when other antibiotics, including penicillin, do not act on the pathogenic factor, or an allergic reaction in the patient to one of the medicines prescribed by the doctor with an antibiotic effect was detected.

Lincomycin, instruction. Contraindications

The medicament in question can not be administered with increased sensitivity to this drug and to clindamycin. Pregnant women receive a solution of lincomycin hydrochloride only in cases of vital indications. At other confluence of circumstances, this antibiotic is contraindicated for women bearing a child. Mothers who breastfeed, which the doctor has prescribed a course of treatment with lincomycin, should stop lactation.

It is important to monitor the liver and kidneys of those patients who take the antibiotic, a long course, while they have diagnoses related to the above organs.

Lincomycin, instruction. Dosage

The daily volume for adults, when administered parenterally , is determined in an amount of 1.8 g and a single dose of 0.6 g. The physician can increase the daily dose of the drug to patients with severe diseases - 2.4 g. Lincomycin is administered every eight hours (3 times) .

The daily dose for children is prescribed in an amount from 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight to 20 mg of a child's weight per 1 kg. At appointment age do not consider.

With intravenous administration, the rate of diffusion of the solution is from 60 drops to 80 drops per minute.

To prepare the medicine "Lincomycin" for a dropper, it is diluted with an isotonic sodium chloride solution based on: 2 ml of a 30% strength solution of lincomycin hydroglyceride (0.6 g of active substance) per 250 ml of sodium chloride in the form of a solution.

The duration of therapy is from 7 to 14 days. Patients suffering from osteomyelitis, the course of treatment the doctor increases to 3 weeks. Patients who have renal or hepatic insufficiency are prescribed Lincomycin in a dose of only up to 1.8 grams per day. At the same time, the interval between droppers is maintained at 12 hours.

About side effects

On the part of the digestive organs, the drug "Lincomycin" in rare cases can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, glossitis, exacerbation of stomatitis. The patients had an elevated level of hepatic transaminases, in the blood plasma bilirubin was detected in high concentration.

In some cases, prolonged use of high doses of Lincomycin observed the development of pseudo-colitis.

Violations in the circulatory system were caused by reversible leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis. In very rare cases, doctors indicated aplastic anemia and pancytopenia.

As allergic reactions, symptoms of hives, exfoliative dermatitis, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock were noted.

Perhaps an exacerbation of candidiasis.

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