
Dandelion root. Application and contraindications

Dandelion is a very unpretentious plant, due to which it can grow in a variety of natural conditions, it is omnipresent, and its medicinal properties are widely known. As a medicinal plant, the root of dandelion has found application in folk medicine and in cosmetology.

The root of the plant should be collected in autumn or early spring, but only after the plant completely fades. The composition is the most saturated, the root, which was collected in the fall, as it already absorbed all the power and strength of the plant. The root of dandelion is an effective tool for treating many diseases.

At the same time, the root of a dandelion, which is so widely used in medical practice, can in no way be considered a panacea. Before using it, consult with a specialist.

Under the influence of substances present in the root of the dandelion, blood sugar levels decrease, and due to this property it is very appreciated among diabetics. By the same, this plant helps to effectively purify the blood and the whole body from toxins, normalize metabolic processes and water-salt balance. It has a slight laxative effect, eliminates constipation and normalizes the digestive system.

Does the root of a dandelion have contraindications? Like any medicine, of course. And they need to be read in the first place.

It is strictly forbidden to take the root of a dandelion, if you have a tendency to diarrhea. Also, this tool is not recommended for taking gastritis, which is in the acute stage, allergies to the pollen of dandelion, blockage of the bile duct and stomach ulcer.

It should be remembered that tincture of dandelion can promote the excitement of appetite, as it activates the secretion of gastric juice. That's why, if you decide to lose weight with the help of a dandelion root, it must be taken before the start of the meal.

If as a means to reduce weight you have chosen the root of a dandelion, its application is possible in various forms, and you can choose a means that will suit you perfectly - infusion or decoction.

How to use the dandelion root for weight loss? Here are a few recipes:

- Take the root of the dandelion, crush it thoroughly (you need 1 tablespoon of chopped root), pour boiling water (1 glass), then place in a water bath and cook for 15 minutes. Let it brew for one hour, be sure to filter. Infusion should be taken half an hour before the meal, three times a day, half a glass;

- take the root of the dandelion crushed (10-20 grams) and pour boiling water (1 glass), leave for three hours, filter and take before breakfast, and also lunch two tablespoons;

- Take the root of a dandelion (20 grams), parsley (20 grams), peppermint leaves (20 grams), fennel fruits (20 grams) and buckthorn root (60 grams). Two tablespoons of medicinal collection fill with 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for half an hour, so that the medicine can be infused. Take the remedy on an empty stomach in the morning (you need to drink everything at once);

- Take in the same proportions Senu, dandelion root, mint, nettle, parsley, dill. One teaspoon of the collection should be filled with 200 milliliters of boiling water, let it brew, wait until it has cooled down to room temperature, filter and take two or three drinks of broth.

We remind you that if you decide to use drugs that include the root of a dandelion, the use of such drugs should be agreed with the doctor. They should be used in strictly specified proportions, since otherwise vomiting and diarrhea may occur. For preventive purposes, the dandelion root can be added to any herbal tea, along with lemon and honey.

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