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Treatment of Epilepsy In Israel

Epilepsy is a neurological disease characterized by sudden recurrent seizures. Primarily epilepsy develops in childhood and at the age after 60 years.

Treatment of epilepsy in Israel - Causes of development

In most cases, the cause of this pathology can not be identified. A similar form of epilepsy is called primary. At 30 percent of cases, the disease becomes the cause of other pathological processes and is called secondary. Consider the factors that can cause the development of epilepsy:

1. Craniocerebral injury in severe form.

2. Postponed stroke.

3. Tumor neoplasms of the brain of a different nature.

4. Brain abscess, encephalitis, meningitis.

5. Different types of sclerosis: disseminated, tuberous, hippocampal, mesial temporal.

6. Alcoholism.

7. Congenital malformations of the brain: heterotopy, etc.

Certain forms of epilepsy are inherited. If the mother has the disease, the percentage of epilepsy in the child may reach about 9%, if the father - up to 4%. If both parents are healthy, then approximately one percent.

The death rate among epileptic patients is twice that of the rest of the population. The main causes are the syndrome of sudden death and suicide.

Treatment in Israel - Diagnosis of epilepsy

In order to diagnose epilepsy in Israel, perform a series of examinations. Treatment of epilepsy in Israel deals with a neurologist-epileptologist, he determines the type of the disease, conducts an examination. Laboratory methods of research are used: they take a blood test. Conduct an electroencephalogram, as a rule, magnetic resonance examination of the brain using contrast medium. If there are indications for surgery, the patient is given a functional magnetic resonance imaging, which finds out the location of the motor zones and speech centers. In addition, MEG can be performed, during which the exact location of the epilepsy focus within the brain is determined. Also, for the diagnosis of epilepsy in Israel, a MI, a Wada test, a positron emission tomography can be performed.

Treatment of epilepsy in Israel

In the treatment of epilepsy in Israel, two types of treatment are used: drug therapy and surgical intervention. More than half of cases of this pathology are treated with the help of a medicamentous method of treatment. In the case of ineffective drug therapy, surgery is performed, during which a site of the brain is removed, which causes electrical impulses that promote the development of seizures. Early operation increases the effectiveness of treatment.

In the process of drug treatment of epilepsy in Israel, the following drugs can be used: Vigabatrin, Felbamate, Felbamate, Topiramate, Lamotrigine, Vigabatrin, Tiagabine, etc. They cause some side effects: they can cause allergic reactions, in case of an overdose - double vision, nausea, dizziness. Therefore, the treatment of epilepsy in Israel begins with small dosages of drugs. The indicator of the effectiveness of these medications is determined by the level of their concentration in the blood. This level is determined by a blood test.

In most cases, medical treatment in Israel begins after the second attack of epilepsy. If magnetic resonance imaging of the brain determines pathological neoplasms, drug treatment is prescribed after the first attack of epilepsy. At the same time, the question of surgical intervention is being raised.

Drug treatment is discontinued when control over the attacks of the disease is established. Doctors recommend stopping treatment with medications for adults - five years later, for children 2 years after the last attack. Special attention is paid to the treatment of children in Israel. It can be noted that in more than half of the patients, seizures no longer occur, and 40% have a risk of renewal.

There are such types of surgical treatment as:

• Removal of pathological neoplasm

• The implantation of a generator to stimulate the vagus nerve

• Removal of a focus that provokes a bout of the disease

• Callosotomy

• Temporal lobectomy

• Multiple subpial transections.

In the treatment of epilepsy in Israel, patients receive highly qualified care with an excellent level of service.

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