Food and drinkRecipes

"Ogonek": a recipe and differences from adzhika

From the middle of summer to late autumn, all owners have a confusing but very important time - it's time to prepare various preserves, compotes, jams, marmalades, marinating and rolling up cucumbers and tomatoes, and preparing dressings and seasonings that will please the household throughout the cold Season with its bright taste, at the same time vitaminizing the body and strengthening its immunity.

One of these gas stations is "Ogonyok." His recipe is very similar to the traditional Abkhazian dish - adzhika. However, it differs from it with extreme acuity and piquancy due to the abundance of garlic and hot red pepper. Few gourmets can cope with even a small piece of bread, oiled with such seasoning, without sipping it with water or seizing with hot soup, and therefore it is often served to ready-made dishes from meat, fish, vegetables or pasta. "Ogonek," whose recipe for the sharpness is ahead of, perhaps, all the other blanks for the winter, is not prepared as hard as it could be imagined. Let's try to do this together.

Preparation of products

Its traditional ingredients are tomatoes (one kilogram will suffice), horseradish (300 g), garlic (half-head, ie about 10 g.), Half a pod of hot pepper (lovers can take whole), one tablespoon of sugar And salt, as well as vegetable oil and half a spoonful (tea) of table vinegar.

You can add another zucchini and eggplant. "Ogonek", the recipe of which, of course, does not include them, can always be creatively improved, using their ideas and personal taste preferences. In addition, if you add other ingredients to the recipe, it will become less burning and more satiated. As we mentioned earlier, the Abkhazians have a very similar dish - adzhika. "Ogonyok" (its recipe is distinguished by a simpler set of products and less piquancy) is more common in the territory of post-Soviet countries. But Adzhika is a traditional refueling of lovers of witticism living in the Caucasus mountains. It is also prepared on the basis of tomatoes, but there are also added apples and Bulgarian peppers. Due to this, it acquires a characteristic sweetish-sour taste, which, combined with a burning acuteness, makes it incredibly bright and pleasant in taste, which causes its incomparable popularity.

The final stage

"Ogonek", its recipe is suitable for those who like fast workpieces and prefers not to bother for long in the kitchen, preparing in three stages. The first is preparatory, the cleaning of the ingredients. Hot pepper is released from the seeds, from the peel - garlic and horseradish, and from the pedicels - tomatoes. At the second stage we attach to the table a mechanical meat grinder and let through it cut into large pieces horseradish, garlic and pepper. And then in the same dishes we add scrolled tomatoes and again we grind everything with a blender. In the third stage, it is only necessary to fill this raw material, adding sugar, salt, vinegar and mixing again. Keep the resulting "Fire", the recipe of which was just described step by step, should be in a cool room, pre-roll it into pasteurized jars and add each one teaspoon of sunflower oil.

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