HealthDiseases and Conditions

Neuralgia: symptoms and treatment. Neuralgia of the facial nerve: symptoms, treatment

Neuralgia is a condition that affects the peripheral nerve. And its structure does not change, but the person feels a pronounced pain. Sensitivity and motor functions are not violated. Depending on which nerve is involved in the pathological process, and classify neuralgia. Symptoms of each of its kind are different.

The causes of neuralgia

The state of tissues in the body is controlled by receptors that are located in the peripheral nerve fibers. The information they receive falls into the central nerve, causing pain, especially if its receptors are unwell. What causes their defeat?

  • One of the causes of neuralgia are microtraumas of the nerve trunk, obtained due to excessive cooling of the body and high physical activity of a person.
  • Infectious nature can be neuralgia. Symptoms and treatment are individual for each patient. The cause of neuralgia can be the defeat of the nerves with various toxins, for example, alcohol or heavy metals.
  • Age changes.
  • Previously transmitted diseases and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Frequent stress and constant overwork.

Than it is dangerous disease and how it is treated by medicamental methods?

An insidious disease is neuralgia. Symptoms and treatment of its different types are different. The danger of pathology lies in the difficulty of diagnosing it. Neuralgia often poses as another disease. It limits movement, disturbs sleep, appetite. A person becomes unreasonably irritable, the disease terrorizes him. Neuralgias are treated:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: "Diclofenac sodium", "Naproxenum", "Nimesulide", "Ibuprofen", a complex - "Analginum + Amidopirinum".
  • With anticonvulsants: "Carbamazepine", "Tegretol", "Diphenin", "Trileptal".
  • Antidepressants: "Amitriptyline," "Duloxetine."
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments of topical application: "Diclofenac", "Ketonalum", "Ibuprofen".
  • Blockade with the use of painkillers: "Novokaina", "Lidocaine" and others.
  • Vitamins C, E and B1, B12 in the form of injections.

Remember, drug treatment is only permissible according to the doctor's prescription!

Intercostal neuralgia, symptoms

  • Sharp or dull pain under the ribs. It has a paroxysmal character.
  • There is a twitching of muscles and plentiful sweating. Skin blushes or, conversely, can turn pale.
  • The area of the intercostal space is nil.
  • The pain increases if the person changes the position of the body, makes a sharp move or sneezes.

  • Pressing on separate points of a back, a thorax, a backbone, edges and other departments causes a pain.
  • Intercostal neuralgia can be responded under the scapula to the left. Symptoms, treatment of this disease are individual. It seems to one person that his back hurts, and to another - that the heart.

Only a comprehensive clinical examination helps to establish the correct diagnosis and exclude heart disease. They are treated by other methods than neuralgia. If you incorrectly establish the diagnosis and thereby miss the time, the patient's condition will permanently deteriorate. To prevent this, you need to know the differences of heart diseases from neuralgia.

  • Accompanied by acute pain in the chest for a long time intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms, medication treatment have a specific character. During neuralgia pain intensifies if you change the position of the body, take a deep breath or exhale, sneeze, make a sharp move or press on the chest.
  • With heart disease, periodically arising pains after 5-10 pass themselves or with the help of medications. They do not increase if you change the position of the body, make a sharp move, take a deep breath or exhale. But the rhythm of contractions of the heart can be disturbed and blood pressure may change. To exclude this disease, an electrocardiogram is made.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia

To treat this disease, first of all, it is necessary to remove the unpleasant pain caused by the involvement of the intercostal nerves. Physiotherapy procedures and acupuncture treat neuralgia. Symptoms and treatment, depending on the exact diagnosis, Are different.

When exacerbation in the first place, bed rest is needed. And the bed should be firm and even, no featherbeds. A nerve blockade is arranged for the injured nerve. Inflammation is removed with anesthetics and nonsteroidal drugs: "Analginum", "No-shpa", "Diclofenac", "Ketorol". To remove muscular spasm apply "Midokalm", and cramps eliminate "Carbamazepine" or "Gabapentin." It is very important for this disease to improve nerve conduction. This is helped by vitamins "Milgamma" or "Neuromultivite." A little later, the treatment continues with electrophoresis, UHF and sollyuc.

Very great benefit is brought by medications with such a disease as intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms, treatment, tablets in each case Are individual. When a patient is worried about something, he comes to the doctor. After the examination and accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication. A good effect has anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments. Muscles begin to relax, blood circulation improves. After applying the ointment you need to take cover with a warm blanket. The room can not be drafted. You can use pepper plaster, which has the same effect as ointments.

In the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, non-standard methods of treatment are used: aromatherapy, phytotherapy, light treatment. There are cases when systematic exposure to light completely healed the patient.

Neuralgia is such a disease, from which it is impossible to get rid if you do not cure the disease that caused the inflammation of one or another nerve. Remember that the removal of pain symptoms only gives relief for a while. Once you stop medication on the body, the pain will come back and become much stronger.

Inflammation of the occipital nerve, symptoms

Neuralgia of the occipital region causes the greatest discomfort. In the head there are strong shooting pains. This occurs when surrounding tissues pinch the nerve. Seizures may be accompanied by fainting, vomiting and nausea. Often the pain can be given in the area of the temples, eyes and forehead. It is important to know the causes of this disease in order to reach a doctor in time.

  • It is accompanied by a headache of the occipital neuralgia. Symptoms, whose treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, are characterized by acute, like a lumbago, pain that begins and stops unexpectedly.
  • There is pain when you turn your neck or touch the back of your neck.
  • Usually the nerve is affected on one side of the head. But it is possible and bilateral inflammation.
  • If you touch the skin on your head, you feel pain and discomfort.
  • In bright light, the eyes begin to hurt.

Therapy of the occipital neuralgia

In medical practice, two methods of treating this disease are used: conservative and surgical. Medication treatment includes:

  • Relax without any physical exertion.
  • Massage of a diseased nerve.
  • Treatment with anticonvulsant drugs: "Gabapentin", "Finlepsin", "Carbamazepine".
  • Use of muscle relaxants.
  • Blockade of nerves of the occipital region. Steroid preparations are used for this procedure. The inflammation "Kenalog", "Metipredom", "Dextamethasone", "Hydrocortisone" is well removed.

If the disease is not treated, the neuralgia of the occipital nerve passes into a chronic stage. Symptoms, the treatment of which will be successful, especially with the use of the occipital nerve blockade method, can be eliminated at an early stage of the disease. Otherwise, surgery will be required. It is carried out in two ways using high-quality medical equipment.

How else is neuralgia of the occipital nerve treated? Symptoms, whose treatment is often associated with surgical intervention, can be alleviated with the help of folk remedies.

  • For cooking herbal infusion, use oregano, peppermint and thyme. It is added to the water when a person takes a bath. Herbs are mixed in equal amounts. On a glass of boiling water put one tablespoon of the mixture, then the solution is insisted and filtered. Treatment lasts for one month for 10 minutes per procedure.
  • Relieve headache compresses of pickled cucumbers, potatoes and onions. Vegetables are crushed, poured with wine vinegar. They insist for two hours. Apply a compress on the forehead and the nape in the morning and evening.
  • Quickly relieve the headache drops in the ears of the beet juice. You do not need to cook it. You can rub a vegetable instead of a drop on a grater, wrap a lot of gauze and put it in your ear.

Facial nerve, disease, symptoms

The trigeminal nerve controls the work of the facial muscles. If it is inflamed, severe pain pierces the face. Neoalgia of the trigeminal nerve can be caused by neoplasms and spikes inside the skull . Symptoms, whose treatment will help to eliminate the causes of the disease, are characterized by pain syndrome and often lead to undesirable intracranial changes. Neuralgia gives complications that cause inflammation in the nasal and oral cavity. Overheating and the usual hypothermia of the body can cause neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms, treatment - long and not always effective - Once again convince the patient that this disease Better to warn. And for this you need to know the signs of its appearance:

  • A sudden pain, which for a few minutes is accompanied by a strong muscle spasm. Painful sensations occur most often in both jaws, at the level of the eyes, lips and nose. The right side of the face suffers more often.
  • When the bouts of pain become more frequent, the eyes begin to water.
  • The pupils dilate.
  • There are discharge from the nose.

Painful sensations are accompanied by neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms, whose treatment is aimed at stopping the pain syndrome, can give such a side effect, as the increase in blood pressure. Symptoms of neuralgia of the facial nerve should not be confused with the symptoms of neuritis, in which the nerve becomes inflamed, rather than irritated or squashed.

Facial nerve, disease, treatment

The main task in the treatment of this disease is to stop the patient's headache and frequency of attacks. This ailment is treated with complex measures: the methods of integral medicine and medicamental methods. Therapy is prescribed individually, the emphasis is on pain points.

  • Relieve pain and convulsive manifestations: "Tegretol", which begin to take 200 mg per day. Gradually, the dose is increased to 600-800 mg for 3-4 doses. "Baclofen" is taken 3-4 times a day for 5-10 mg.
  • Eliminate spasm of the muscles "Papaverin", "Liorasel", "No-shpoy."
  • Improves tissue metabolism "Nerobilin".
  • Vitamin B1, B6, B12 have a restorative effect.
  • Reduce the pain of ice or hot wipes. Do paraffin applications.

Neuralgia of the nerve of the ischial, symptoms

This nerve is responsible for the sensitivity and motor ability of the legs.

  • A characteristic symptom is sudden pain on the back of the leg, right or left.
  • The pain accompanies the person constantly, as though shoot a leg from top to bottom.
  • They intensify when you sit down.
  • Burning and tingling of the limb muscles is felt.
  • Movements are given with difficulty.
  • There may be pain in the back, but not as sharp as in the leg.
  • May be accompanied by numbness or tingling of the muscles of the sciatic nerve neuralgia. Symptoms (pathology treatment will be described below) are very specific, they can not be confused.


Drug treatment is carried out:

  • Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen, Orthophen. These drugs relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues. But they have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach. They are used only for the doctor's prescription. To eliminate pain, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed, but they do not cure the disease. Different neuralgic tinctures, ointments and decoctions treat neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms, the treatment of which can be effective, if you eliminate the cause of the disease, are characterized by a violation of the sensitive function in the area of the innervation of the sciatic nerve. Therefore, the use of these drugs will only help get rid of the pain syndrome.
  • Steroid drugs: Prednisolone, Diprospan, Dexamethasone. These drugs are more often prescribed for injections. They can not be used independently, because they have side effects.

Remember, inefficient treatment helps to remove symptoms for a while. Very soon the pain will return, become even stronger and spread throughout the body. And only complex treatment helps successfully cope with the disease.

Neuralgia of the back, symptoms

  • Sharp, dull, burning pains in the back.
  • Muscle spasm. It is felt when a person moves quickly or lifts weights. Provoke it can be stress, hypothermia or draft.

  • The pain intensifies during coughing, sneezing and even a sigh. It is accompanied by burning or numbness.
  • The neglected form of neuralgia increases pain, fetters motion.
  • Decreased muscle tone.

Characterized by painful manifestations of neuralgia of the back. Symptoms and treatment are individual for each patient. The disease can manifest itself in different ways: to bring relief for a short time and come back with renewed vigor. There are severe cases of paralysis.

How to treat neuralgia of the back?

The main task of treating any disease is to relieve the pain. Then the cause of the disease should be identified. If possible, eliminate it. Neuralgia is successfully treated. The main thing is to call the doctor in time. For the treatment of back pain apply:

  • Medication and manual therapy.
  • Ultrasound and magnetic therapy.
  • It is treated by massage and acupuncture neuralgia of the back. Symptoms and Treatment This disease should not be confused with the neuralgia of other organs.
  • Obligatory training exercises.

Acute pain in the back during the exacerbation is treated with medication: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide and others. After that, ointments for external use are used: Ketonal, Sustamed.

Traditional methods of treatment

Neurology is considered a common disease. Symptoms and treatment can be different. Traditional methods do not always give positive results. People with this disease are sometimes cured due to folk methods. To do this, use various decoctions, tinctures, ointments based on natural plant material.

  • The willow bark has long been used to treat neuralgia. Cooked broth is recommended to take daily several times. At one time - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Pain and a lot of inconvenience delivers neuralgia. Symptoms, the treatment of folk remedies of which in combination with medicinal preparations gives a positive effect, at times, despite the pronounced nature of the inflammation can quickly disappear. If traditional treatment with pills does not help, you should try yarrow tincture. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and quickly relieves pain. A tablespoon of a medicinal plant is poured with boiling water, one glass is enough. Insists for one hour. Infusion should be taken up to four times a day. For every appointment - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • To remove the inflammatory process, a warm water compress helps a lot. As its basis, use fresh leaves of geranium or burdock.

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