
Nails for the beam: types, advantages and features of use

The construction of wooden houses has been and continues to be popular. The fact is that such structures are not only beautiful, but also energy-efficient. And wood is an ecologically pure natural material. For the construction of the presented structures, nails for the beam are most often used. What this is and how they are used, you will learn further.

What is the product?

Nagels for the bar are special nails made of wood. It should be noted that they do not have to be bought, as one can do it on their own. In addition, such fasteners prevent the horizontal displacement of the beams, because it can capture several elements at once.

Nagels for timber are especially important if the house was built of raw wood, which can be deformed before shrinkage. Naturally, the number of such elements must be calculated in advance. It all depends on the type of beam and the design of the structure. In any case, the fastening is reliable.

Product Advantages

Nails for timber have the following advantages:

- Easy installation, because the element must necessarily be drilled hole.

- The beam is fastened securely and tightly.

- The shrinkage of the building occurs evenly (if the wood is dry).

- You can manufacture the fasteners yourself from improvised materials.

- The dowels for the timber can not be corroded and rusted.

- Resistance to temperature drop.

As you can see, the presented elements are much better than ordinary nails or other fasteners.

Varieties of nagels

Dowels for timber are the same wooden nails, which have a special shape. They have small ribs.

There are such types of nagels:

1. By material of manufacture:

- Metal. They are more durable, but can rust and corrode. In addition, shrinkage is more difficult.

- Wooden. They are very simple to manufacture and use, securely fasten the beams, contribute to "painless" shrinkage, are environmentally friendly natural material.

- Fiberglass.

2. In the form:

- Square. Such elements are used less often, since their form involves making complex holes.

- Round. They are the most common. To produce such parts, only dry wood is required.

Wooden nagels are most often made of birch, oak, beech or other hardwood species. They have different length and diameter. The choice of material depends on which logs are used for construction, as well as on what hole was made. Naturally, it is better to choose long elements, however, mounting them will be more difficult.

Features of mounting the beam with nagel

Fixing the beam with nails requires a certain sequence of work:

1. Determine the installation site. Please note that the nagels need to be mounted around the perimeter of the bar, on the locking joints. The distance between the nagels is about 50 cm.

2. Drilling the bar under the casing. This can be done with a perforator.

3. Installation of nagel. Do this as carefully as possible. If the kiink slips from the element, then you can get hurt. It, in turn, can be damaged. The shorter the pin, the easier it is to clog it, but then it is less effective.

Please note that during the installation of the structure it will need to be insulated with jute bands or a stick.


Naturally, during work, you need to follow certain rules that will ensure you the correct installation of fasteners and secure fixation of the building material. For example, you can use these tips:

- Please note that each row should be recorded separately. Otherwise, you can provoke a breakdown nagel.

- One element is able to connect 2 crowns.

- For kicking nagel is used kiyanka. The hammer should not be used, since it can destroy the integrity of the stakes.

- All openings in the frame should be made strictly at an angle of 90 degrees.

- The pins are installed in staggered order.

- In the place of installation of window and door frames, the beam should be fixed at a distance of 15-20 cm to the cutout area.

- The nagel can connect 2 building elements. In this case, he must enter the third to a depth of 7 cm.

- While working, please note that it is necessary to drive nagels some distance from the corner: 30-50 cm.

- The length of the dowel must be slightly less than the depth of the drilled hole. This will promote complete and uniform shrinkage. And the diameter of the element must also be 3 mm less.

If you do not have enough nagel, you can make them yourself. The simplest way is to produce nagels from shanks for shovels. They need to be cut simply according to the set parameters. Naturally, before starting construction it is necessary to collect all the necessary material. That's all the features of using nagely for the construction of a wooden house from a bar.

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