Self improvementPsychology

Motivational sphere of personality

What is inherent only in man, what creates his individuality and distinguishes him from other people? This is his inner world, which is formed only by his own individual laws and has a specific content, based on a special way refracted and reinterpreted by a person's external reality. What, then, is the inner world? It consists of the stable meanings of phenomena and objects of external reality formed under the influence of personal experience of man, the attitude towards them, as well as the needs and personal values that are formed taking into account these meanings. In psychology, the inner world is called the value-semantic sphere of personality. It controls the behavior of a person who, unlike the behavior of an animal, is not limited only to satisfying biological actual needs, but also has social and psychological needs.

To explain the motivating reasons in human behavior in psychology use the concepts of motive and motivation. Motivation is a psychological reason for explaining a person's behavior. This is the search for answers to the questions "for what?", "Why?", "What purpose?", Etc. A motive is an internal property of a person, which encourages him to do something. With the concept of the motive, the needs are closely related; Essential needs, arising in certain conditions, necessary for normal development and life activity.

The presence of needs distinguishes living beings from inanimate ones. Forcing to seek ways of satisfaction, they excite the body, stimulate behavior. Of course, as a higher being, a person has the widest range of needs necessary for his full-scale existence. In addition to physical, there are also material, social and spiritual, and individuals differ from each other in their inherent needs and their special combination. Motives or needs constitute a complex structure, structured along the hierarchy's steps - this is the motivational sphere of the individual. The American psychologist A. Maslow first created the motivational model in the fifties of the last century.

This outstanding psychologist made up a seven-stage pyramid, each stage of which - a certain kind of needs. The first - physiological needs, the second - the need for security, the third - the social need for love and belonging to the community of people, the fourth - the desire to achieve success and respect, the fifth - the cognitive, the sixth - the cultural and aesthetic, finally, the seventh - the desire for self-development, Self-improvement. All of these steps, from which the motivational sphere of personality develops, was built by Maslow into the pyramid in strict sequence not by chance, thus he showed that in its foundation there are lower physiological needs, only satisfying which a person is able to move and develop further, and his behavior can Manage the already higher needs. A need-motivational sphere of the personality consists of several components: the content, the strength of desire, its periodicity and ways of satisfaction.

In the framework of the topic under consideration, one more important concept should be singled out - the goal. The goal is the result, the achievement of which is aimed at meeting the actual need. From motives, needs and goals, the motivational sphere of personality develops. Each person develops very individually, and it is possible to evaluate it according to the following three parameters: breadth, plasticity and hierarchy.

The more diverse the motives, needs and goals of a person, the wider and develop his motivational sphere. More plastic means such a person's motivational sphere, when he uses more diverse means (in comparison with others) to achieve the result and satisfy the need. Here is the simplest example. Striving for knowledge, one person uses only the Internet, and the other, who has a more plastic incentive sphere, uses books, communication with people, and the media for this. It should be noted that latitude and plasticity are different concepts. Latitude is the variety of objects with which a person meets the actual need, and plasticity is the interaction between different levels that make up the motivational sphere of the person: motives and goals, needs and motives, needs and goals.

Hierarchy is the structure of each separately taken level of the motivational sphere. In each of them motives, needs and goals have different strength and frequency of occurrence. The more such differences, the more the motivational sphere of personality is hierarchized.

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