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Modern organizational forms of training

The theory and practice of teacher training includes many different forms. The emergence, development and extinction of individual forms is associated with new demands arising in society. Each of the stages leaves its mark, due to what affects the development of the next. In this regard, science contains a lot of knowledge about the types and forms of education. Modern didactics includes compulsory, facultative, home, classroom forms of instruction, divided into frontal, group and individual classes.


MA Molchanova describes the organizational forms of instruction as a dialectical basis, consisting of content and forms. IM Cheredov notes that the main direction of organizational forms is the fulfillment of the integration function. This definition is based on the fact that the forms include almost all the main elements of the educational process. IF Kharlamov argues that not only can he not accurately determine what organizational forms of education are, but, in principle, it is impossible to find a clear description of the term in didactics.

Performed functions

In general, the opinion of all researchers boils down to the fact that the functions that perform the organizational forms of the learning process contribute to the professional development of the teacher and the personal perfection of the student.

The list of main functions includes:

  1. Training is the design and use of this form to obtain the most effective conditions for submitting knowledge to children, as well as shaping the worldview and improving abilities.
  2. Education - to ensure the gradual introduction of students in all kinds of activities. The result - intellectual development, the identification of moral and emotional personal qualities.
  3. Organization - methodical study and formation of tools to optimize the educational process.
  4. Psychology - the development of psychological processes that help the learning process.
  5. Development is the creation of conditions conducive to the full implementation of intellectual activity.
  6. Systematization and structuring - the formation of consistency and consistency of the material brought to the students.
  7. Integration and coordination - the interconnection of all forms of training to increase the effectiveness of the learning process.
  8. Stimulation is the product of the desire to learn new things from different age groups.

Frontal training

The situation when the teacher carries out educational and cognitive activity in relation to a class that is working on a single task is an example of a frontal form of organization. Organizational forms of training of this kind impose on the teacher responsibility for organizing the joint work of students, as well as for the formation of a single rate of work. How pedagogically effective is the front-line training, directly depends on the teacher. If he is experienced and easily keeps the class in the field of his vision in the general mass and every student in particular, then the efficiency is at a high level. But this is not the limit either.

The development of organizational forms of training has led to the fact that in order to increase the effectiveness of frontal training, the teacher must create a creative atmosphere that unites the collective, and also reinforce the attention and active desire of the students. It is important to understand that frontal learning does not imply a distinction of students according to individual parameters. That is, all training takes place according to the basic norms, calculated for the average student. This leads to the appearance of lagging and bored.

Group training

Types of organizational forms of training also include a group form. Within the framework of group teaching, it involves learning and cognitive activities aimed at a group of students. This form has a division into four types:

  • Link (formation of a permanent group for the organization of the learning process);
  • Brigade (aimed at creating a temporary group that will perform tasks of a certain subject);
  • Cooperative-group (splitting the entire class into groups, each of which is responsible for performing one of the parts of one voluminous task);
  • Differentiated group (the union of students in both permanent and temporary groups, according to their common characteristic for each feature, this can be the level of available knowledge, the same potential of opportunities, equally developed skills).

Work in pairs also refers to group training. The activity of each group can be led either by the teacher himself or by his immediate assistants: foremen and link officers, whose purpose is based on the opinion of the students.

Individual training

Organizational forms of education differ from each other in the degree of contact with students. So, with individual training, direct contact is not expected. In other words, this form can be called independent work on the fulfillment of tasks with the same complexity for the whole class. It is important to understand that if a teacher gives a student a task according to his educational capabilities and that he does it, then the individual form of training grows into an individual one.

To achieve this goal, the use of special cards is characteristic. Cases when the main body is engaged in self-fulfillment of tasks, and the teacher works with a certain number of students, is called individual group training.

Organizational forms of training (table of features)

A distinctive feature of each form of education is the different degree of participation in the process of teaching and cognitive activity of the teacher and class. In order to understand these differences in practice, you should familiarize yourself with the specific examples of training for a particular form.

Symptom Characteristics
Form of training Mass Group Individual
The participants Teacher and the whole class Teacher and a number of class pupils teacher and pupil

Olympiads in subjects, scientific conferences, practice in production

Lesson, excursion, laboratory, facultative and practical lessons

Homework, additional occupation, consultation, credit, interview, exam

Signs of Teamwork

Most often in practice, two modern organizational forms of training are used: individual and frontal. Group and steam are used less often. It is important to note that both frontal and group forms are often not collective, despite the fact that they try to be like them.

In order to understand whether this is really a collective work, H.J. Liimetsa singled out a number of inherent features:

  • The class understands that it bears collective responsibility for the fulfillment of the task and, on the basis of the result, receives a social assessment corresponding to the level of implementation;
  • Class and separate groups under the strict guidance of teachers organize the task;
  • In the process of work a division of labor is shown that takes into account the interests and capabilities of each member of the class, which enables each student to prove himself as effectively as possible;
  • There is mutual control and responsibility of each student before his class and working group.

Additional organizational forms of training

Conducting additional sessions with an individual student or group is due to the knowledge gaps they have made. If the student lags behind in studies, it becomes necessary to identify the reasons that will help determine the methods, methods and organizational forms of training that are appropriate for a particular situation. Most often, the reason is the inability to systematize the learning process, loss of interest, or a slow pace of development of the student. Experienced teacher uses additional classes as an opportunity to help the child, for which he uses the following types of techniques:

  • Clarification of certain issues that previously caused misunderstanding;
  • Attachment to a strong disciple of the weak, allowing the second to pull up his knowledge;
  • Repetition of a previously completed topic, allowing to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

The concept of "teaching method", classification

Most authors come to the fact that the method of instruction is nothing more than a method that allows organizing the educational and cognitive activity of students.

Depending on the nature of the educational and cognitive process, the methods of teaching are divided into:

  • Explanatory-illustrative (story, explanation, lecture, demonstration of cinema, etc.);
  • Reproductive (practical application of accumulated knowledge, task performance according to the algorithm);
  • Problem-developing;
  • Partial search;
  • Research (independent solution of the problem, using the methods studied);

Depending on the method of organization of activities, methods are divided into:

  • Facilitating the acquisition of new knowledge;
  • Formative skills;
  • Checking and evaluating knowledge.

This classification is perfectly coordinated with the main tasks of the learning process and contributes to a better understanding of their purpose.

How best to consolidate the material studied

Organizational forms of teaching pedagogy uses constantly. Due to the study of forms, science has come to the conclusion that not only the process of obtaining knowledge, but also their fixation, is of particular importance. To achieve this effect in pedagogy, it was decided to use two methods:

  1. Method of conversation. It is actual in a situation when the information provided by the teacher is simple for perception and understanding, and the recurrence reception is sufficient for fixing. At the heart of the method lies the picture, when the teacher, wisely arranging the questions, awakens in the students the desire to reproduce the material previously presented, which contributes to its early assimilation.
  2. Work with the textbook. Each textbook includes both simple for the perception of the topic, and complex. In connection with these teachers, it is necessary, having stated the material, to repeat it without delay. For this, students independently study the given paragraph, and then reproduce it to the teacher.

Knowledge Application Training

In order to test your knowledge in practice, it is recommended to pass a training consisting of several stages:

  • The teacher's explanation of the goals and objectives of the upcoming training process, based on previously acquired knowledge;
  • Demonstration by the teacher of the correct model for the performance of the forthcoming task;
  • Test repetition by the students of the example of application of knowledge and skills;
  • Further repetition of the process of accomplishing the task to its full automatism.

This gradation is basic, but there are cases when one or another stage is excluded from the training chain.

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