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"Mitovitan": reviews. Rejuvenating serum from mimic wrinkles, created by Vladimir Skulachev

Millions of people, thanks to the latest successful scientific discoveries, have the opportunity to live up to a hundred years. But at this age, most people are already burdened by diseases old people. But is it possible to do so that a person in his advanced years was active, independent and could fully rejoice at the prolonged life?

Academician Vladimir Skulachev has been working on this issue for many years, the research of which is aimed at understanding the mechanism of cell aging and finding effective ways to cut it off. As a result of the scientist's many years of work, an anti-old-age tool, announced by the revolutionary, "Mitovitan", about which in the networks is quite contradictory, is created.

Users are very much interested in how effective this tool is in combating old age. The theme of prolonging youth worries many.

The product created by the scientist is a rejuvenating serum used in cosmetology. It does not cause any cardinal changes in the body. But to prolong the youth of the face there are quite a few willing. Especially among those who are tired of continuing to unsuccessfully struggle with deep, so-called mimic wrinkles. The product has already been put on the market, many bought it and used it. How do customers react to it?

The word producers

The development of the rejuvenating serum "MitoVitan" (MitoVitan) was produced at the MV Lomonosov Moscow State University. The main active substance of the product is the antioxidant SkQ1.

According to the manufacturers, this component is much more effective than coenzyme Q10 because of its ability to penetrate and accumulate deep in the cells.

Mitovitan: reviews

Many users are skeptical. Some even believe that reviews on networks about products coming to the market are not worth reading at all, as they are custom-made and placed to create advertising.

Others, on the contrary, complain that they can not find the necessary information about the experience of using the Mitovitan serum.

Reviews of the third express a lack of confidence in the tool. After all, no rejuvenating serum or cream will turn a forty-year-old woman into a girl 20 years younger.

A lot of questions are caused by potential buyers of the serum "Mitovitan". Product Reviews are rather meager, if you do not take into account the availability of advertising posts. Users of networks refer to the serum with hope, but also with a significant share of skepticism. Cases of cardinal rejuvenation have not yet been fixed.

On the merits and demerits of the product

Many of those who have already used the product believe that the Mitovitan serum is an expensive high-tech product with a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Its merits include its undoubted effectiveness.

Of the deficiencies note the feeling of tightening, resulting from the use of the product, high cost and specific, not very pleasant smell.

Impressions from the use of the product

Some users share in more detail the impressions caused by the use of serum:

  • The consistency of someone seems too fluid;
  • Smeared badly, and this impression is strengthened because of the feeling of tightness of the skin;
  • After applying the serum to the skin, you also want to apply moisturizing cream, because it under the influence of the product dries up considerably;
  • If you apply the serum at night without using an additional cream, then the feeling of tightening increases, but by the morning it passes, and the face looks much fresher and younger.

Users note a decrease in the rejuvenating effect when applying moisturizer over the serum. So, the authors of the reviews conclude, the remedy should be applied strictly according to the instructions.

"MitoVitan": instruction

Buyers cite in their responses the instruction, which strictly fulfills the requirements of which increases the effectiveness of the means.

Cosmetic serum "Mitovitan", in the production of which Skulachev SkQ1 ions are used, should be applied in the direction of massage lines to clean moistened face and around the eyes until it is completely absorbed.

In this case, you can use light massaging and patting movements. They will contribute to a deeper penetration of the composition, relax the muscles, activate the circulatory process, and saturate the tissues with oxygen.

If insufficient moistening (a feeling of tightness) is noted, it is necessary to apply the basic cream after drying the serum. The serum "MitoVitan" is applied for 10 days 1-2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, 15-20 minutes before going out to the street or going to bed.

About performance

The first results from the use of serum - the effect of rejuvenation and the reduction of facial wrinkles (as the users write) - become noticeable in the second or third month.

If applied to the skin of the entire face, the package may last for a month of use. If the composition is applied only around the eyes, as well as on the forehead skin, i.e., on problematic sites, as some do, it lasts for 3 months. As a result, in two months, deep wrinkles leave 80%.

According to customers

Buyers are satisfied with the effectiveness of serum, but consider the drug's odor of the product unpleasant, although they note that it does not remain on the skin.

The cost of the drug for many is too high - 2800 rubles.

Wishes of users

The authors of the reviews note the absence of information on the effect of serum on the Internet, as well as on the experimental confirmation of its effectiveness.

Many would like to know more about the history of the product: its authors, the manufacturer.

Information, further presented in the article, will fill this gap.

Products based on "Skulachev ions" (SkQ1)

According to the developers, the serum "MitoVitan" is a product in which the work of Academician V. Skulachev has been applied. Many remember the sensational publications about it in the media. The agent, which was based on the "Skulachev ions," was positioned as a revolutionary breakthrough in cosmetology. Promising research has become the theoretical basis for the production of two products, for which a great future is expected in the future. It:

  • Eye drops "Visimitin";
  • Cosmetic means "MitoVitan" (MitoVitan).

Author of the project

Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev (born February 21, 1935 in Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian scientist-biochemist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences.

In 2002, Vladimir Skulachev founded the Faculty of bioinformatics and bioengineering at the Moscow State University, is his dean to this day.

He became widely known for his research, publications and public speeches aimed at overcoming the aging of the human body.

He is the author of numerous scientific works, the nominee of high state awards.

Among Russian biologists has the highest citation index.

Serum, interrupting the aging process

"MitoVitan SkQ 1" is the world's first interventional serum, interrupting the aging process.

It was developed at the MV Lomonosov Moscow State University and supported by the innovative company Mitotech.

Intervention (Latin interventio - "intervention") - the only way to interrupt the program of biological aging, embedded in the human genes.

In mitochondria (cell power stations), the production of free radicals and the synthesis of poisonous proteins increase with age under the influence of this program. As a result, the course of oxidative processes is disrupted, cascade changes, which lead to aging and premature death of the organism, are becoming avalanche-like. These changes affect all cellular structures.

Feature of the product MitoVitan is its ability to interrupt, stop the aging process of the cell.

Innovation: directional antioxidant

Serum MitoVitan stops the aging of the cell at the level of the mitochondrial organelle. Its main active substance providing this ability is the innovative product, the result of many years of research by the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences VP Skulachev, an antioxidant directed by SkQ1, representing a new class of active substances. He is called by the name of the creator - "ion Skulacheva."

Under the guidance of an academician at Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov was created and confirmed a fundamentally new physical method of delivery in the mitochondria of cells with an accuracy of up to 1 nanometer of the extremely effective antioxidant SkQ1.

SkQ1 penetrates into the cell and enters into a fight with free radicals. With this ion, the formation of poisonous proteins is disconnected at the site of their appearance - their synthesis is blocked inside the cellular organelles. Other antioxidants can not do this because the process depends on the unique physical properties of the molecule created. Under the influence of SkQ1, the reactions of transference, damage and apoptosis are prevented. There is a shift of balance towards regeneration (recovery) of the cell, the aging processes are interrupted.

The importance of discovery for the development of cosmetology

The effectiveness of Skulachev ions has been confirmed by long-term scientific and clinical studies that have shown that SkQ1 contributes to slowing, cessation or reversal of aging of body tissues. From an aesthetic point of view, it is most important for an organ whose aging begins faster than all the rest - our skin. At a time when the whole body is still in good physical shape, the face is sometimes marked with the first signs of aging.

On the uniqueness of "Skulachev ions"

The uniqueness of Skulachev's discovery is that, being an extremely effective antioxidant (exceeding the effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 by a factor of 1000), SkQ1 penetrates into cells and accumulates in mitochondria, the place of formation of free radicals (active oxygen species).

Penetrating into the cage, it destroys them, after which it is restored. SkQ1 remains on the border of the organelle. Its presence inhibits the appearance of free radicals and disables the mechanism of cell aging.

Thanks to a unique charge, SkQ is the only proven form of a molecule that can transport an antioxidant to the mitochondria.

"Motor of our cells"

Mitochondria are kind of energy plants in which nutrients are burned and oxidized, releasing the energy necessary for the organism. They can be called a "motor" of the cell. Due to the program of aging inherent in the human genes, the biological defense of the cell decreases with time, as a result of which it is destroyed by free radicals (highly reactive molecules).

How does aging of the skin occur?

Under the harmful effects of free radicals, the number of cells and tissues are decreasing.

Reduction of cellularity leads to thinning of the skin, its degradation: the production of substances necessary to provide elasticity of the skin - elastins and collagens, as well as polysaccharides, which are responsible for saturation with moisture, is reduced.

At a young age, the rate of regeneration (regeneration) is sufficient to maintain the required number of cells and their quality. The skin has a considerable thickness, there is a proper amount of elastin and other substances necessary to maintain a youthful appearance. With age, the balance shifts toward the death of cells-aging.

The results of the intervention of "Skulachev ions"

"Ionami Skulacheva" (SkQ1) the program of aging is interrupted, the oxidation of the cell stops, which saves them from apoptosis (dying). The aging process is interrupted, and the balance is shifted towards regeneration (regeneration), which means rejuvenation.

The use of the "Mitovitan" serum on the basis of "Skulachev ions (SkQ1)" is another, new and still inadequate method of combating the signs of old age. As the users assure, whey really helps to significantly reduce the deep mimic wrinkles. On assurances of developers, the product will allow everyone to always remain young and beautiful.

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