Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Menu for losing weight. About the cheating system and not only ...

If you ask people what they associate with the word diet, the overwhelming majority will answer: with food restrictions. In the validity of such a statement, it is difficult to doubt. Hardly there is a menu for weight loss, which includes flour, fatty and sweet. However, it is here that the main catch is. Few of us can boast of an iron will. Therefore, it is only necessary to say to myself: "Chocolate from today is a taboo", as it is immediately intolerable to want to eat at least a piece.

"It's impossible to deny yourself everything in life," - you think, and start eating as before. However, I quite admit that some purposeful people will find the strength to adhere to the strict rule - "no extra calories!".

But, as American nutritionists have found out, this is absolutely not necessary. According to the new cheating system of weight loss, forbidden products should not exist. There is everything: cakes, pies, fatty salads - olivier and smoked sausage. Experts say that this way you can eat all your life. At the same time, you will lose excess and easily maintain yourself in good shape. What is this system?

The dieting diet is a simple low-calorie diet, in which there are "boot" days. Simply put, the whole week you eat right, and on Saturday or Sunday you allow yourself the liberty in the form of high-calorie meals. At the same time, you can increase the daily intake by 800-1000 calories, in relation to the dietary intake.

Let's see, what are the advantages of the cheating system? First, such a power scheme spurs the organism, preventing it from moving into the accumulation regime. Secondly, a slimming person removes the psychological stress created by any low-calorie diet. And thirdly, a completely different attitude to high-calorie food is formed. It passes from the usual and everyday to the special and festive category. In addition, with this approach to nutrition reduces the risk of food disruptions, when after a long diet, people begin to absorb exactly those foods in which they have long denied themselves.

The famous Dr. Hein

The weight loss program developed by George Hein is referred to simply as a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of weight loss. However, I will tell you a secret: he did not invent anything new. Take a look at the diet menu he created for weight loss.

On the first day at breakfast, it is suggested to eat a pair of wheat loaves, 60 grams of cheese and 30 grams of ham (all with a low fat content), apple, kefir.
During lunch it is possible to have a snack with chicken (a piece in 120 g), beans (200 g) and vegetable salad without dressing. Radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce are allowed. For dessert - a glass of berries. We are offered supper with a stewed fish (150 g), buckwheat porridge (100-150 g), green salad leaves (300 g) and fresh juice (apple, orange, grapefruit).

A similar menu for weight loss was suggested earlier by the Russian dietician V. Mirkin. The essence of the diet is reduced to a reduction in the total caloric content of the diet, reducing the fat and carbohydrates. Almost all low-carbohydrate nutrition programs, including Dr. Atkins' system, are analogous to the diet. Of course, such a scheme will work, and for two to three months you will get rid of 7-8 kilograms. But a shortage of carbohydrates will cause a decline in strength, drowsiness and dizziness, and a lack of fats will affect the condition of the nails and hair. That's why a healthy diet menu should contain everything you need and in the right proportion. The golden formula 1: 1: 4 (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) will allow you to lose weight without any damage to your health.

A few words about the slimming menu

It's amazing how long we are adults and do not believe in fairy tales, but as soon as it comes to another miracle diet, we are ready to immediately test it on our own body. Chocolate, caramel, sausage, watermelon, grapefruit, pineapple, buckwheat ... Enumerate popular diets can be endless. Discussion of their harm and benefit will also take a lot of time. But the conclusion in all cases sounds about the same - diets give only a short-term effect. To understand why this happens, it is enough to look at the situation as a whole.

Any diet involves restrictions and a special diet. As a consequence, we are forced to adjust our way of life to certain circumstances. But many of us have a family that is not at all inclined to share our "pohudatelnye" impulses. Besides, not everyone can struggle against temptation daily, watching how homemakers absorb delicious sandwiches and high-calorie buns. Therefore, many say that they simply do not have enough time for a diet. Having stayed in the restrictive framework for a while and reduced weight, the person returns to the previous diet and again gets better.
And what if we make a menu for losing weight taking into account all the individual characteristics and turn a diet into a lifestyle? Of course, the search for recipes that can be cooked not only for themselves, but also for loved ones, will take some time. And the caloric content of the dish, along with the size of the portion, you do not immediately learn to determine by eye. But in a month - another healthy diet will smoothly come to normal for your entire family.

Tips for losing weight

Losing weight is not in vain called "fighting with extra pounds." And in war as in war, there is no way to do without theory. Therefore, arm yourself with knowledge.

Recommendations dieticians often eat, but little by little have a good reason. This mode of eating allows you to maintain the level of glucose, and therefore avoid bouts of hunger and overeating. Do not neglect snacks.

Give up the finished products in favor of homemade food. So you not only save money, but you will know exactly what you are eating.

Do not abuse salt. As you know, it holds water in the body. And these are extra centimeters and kilograms.

In your diet, vegetables should be present daily and in large quantities, whereas with fruit you need to be more careful. A large amount of fructose does not contribute to weight loss.

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