
Medicinal product 'Encephabol'. Instructions

The drug Encephabol (syrup, tablets) refers to nootropic drugs. The drug improves memory. According to reviews of people, the medicine, despite the fact that its mechanism of action is not fully understood, effectively increases the concentration of attention.

The active component of the drug (pyrithinol) increases the utilization and uptake of glucose, enhances the metabolism (exchange) of nucleic acids. Due to the stabilization of the membrane structure of nerve cells, the formation of free radicals is reduced. Increasing the plasticity of erythrocytes and the concentration of ATP, thereby reducing the viscosity of the blood, pyrithinol improves blood circulation in the ischemic areas of the brain.

Tablets "Encephabol" instruction recommends for post-traumatic and dyscirculatory encephalopathy, the consequences of encephalitis, dementia of various nature. In combination with other drugs, medication is indicated with reduced mental performance. The drug "Encephabol" is also prescribed in pediatrics. Indications for use include such childhood pathologies as oligophrenia, cerebroasthenic syndrome, delay in mental development, exogenous intoxications, consequences of encephalitis, encephalopathy.

The "Encephabol" (syrup) medication is recommended as maintenance therapy after traumatic brain injury (traumatic brain injury), complicated by a violation of consciousness, cerebral events, insomnia.

Contraindications for hypersensitivity drug. The instruction "Encephabol" does not recommend the instruction for kidney and liver disorders, expressed changes in the blood picture, children under seven years (for tablets), and also for autoimmune diseases, with increased sensitivity to fructose (for syrup).

The dosage is set by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient's response to therapy and the severity of the pathology.

For adults, the average dosage is 600 milligrams per day (three times two tablets or ten milliliters of syrup).

Recommended reception after or during a meal. When sleep disturbance is not recommended use in the evening.

The duration of the course is determined in accordance with the clinical picture. Treatment of chronic pathologies should last no less than eight weeks. Optimum therapeutic efficacy is noted after a period of six to twelve weeks. Three months after the start of Encephabol, the instruction recommends that you establish the presence of indications for continuing treatment.

When taking the drug in some cases, there are side reactions of varying severity in the form of fever, diarrhea, vomiting, rashes, nausea, itching. To the rare side effects when taking Encephabol, the instruction refers to thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, cholestasis, fatigue or agitation, dizziness. Very rarely there are pains in the muscles, as well as dyspnoea, alopecia, and leukopenia.

Allergic reactions are typical, as a rule, for patients who are hypersensitive to D-penicillamine, which has a similar chemical structure with pyrithinol.

The active component of the Encephabol preparation penetrates the placental barrier. The conducted studies did not reveal the presence of embryotoxic or teratogenic action of the drug. A small amount of pyrithinol penetrates into the milk. In this regard, the rationale for prescribing Encephabol during lactation and pregnancy is determined by the doctor.

In case of an overdose, adverse reactions to the drug are aggravated. To eliminate symptoms washed stomach, assign activated charcoal.

Before applying Encephabol, you should consult your doctor and study the instructions carefully.

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