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Marsupial mushroom: description, signs

Are there marsupials? This question is of interest to every second school student, who is enthusiastic about studying the course of biology. These fungi belong to the kingdom, which includes representatives with a divided vegetative body. They have specific sexual elements - bags. They include eight ascospores. Some species of these fungi belong to the imperfect, because in the process of vital activity they lose sexual possibilities. They also have asexual reproduction.

The real tissues of these fungi are almost never formed. Exceptions are only some parasitic organisms. Each representative of this class includes chitin (20 to 25 percent) and glucan.

Marsupials live (representatives will be listed below) on the remains of plants or animals.

It is worth noting that many types of mold (red, brown, blue-green) refer to Ascomycetes. Thanks to the orange-pink fungus, the genetics sphere has achieved many successes. Ascomycetes are spread all over the world.

The class of marsupial fungi includes about 2 thousand genera and 30 thousand species. The most famous representatives are yeast, truffle, morel, parmelia, stitch.


The vegetative body consists of several partitions that divide it. Thanks to it, fungi are able to lose less of the cellular substance from the filamentary formation. If you compare the ascomycetes and zygomikoty, it is worth noting that the first live long enough.

The marsupial mushroom is arranged in such a way that its organism is able to exchange between spores of cytoplasm, nuclei, organelles. In the cell, each has, as a rule, one haploid structural element that stores and transmits hereditary information (DNA).

General information on reproduction and development

Marsupial mushrooms have two ways of reproduction:

  • Anamorph (asexual path);
  • Teleomorph (there are sexual structures).

In biology, these two processes are called holomorph. They are completely different from each other. Also from anamorphs, the organism can be transformed into a teleomorph. That is why the born Ascomycetes of the same species, but in different ways, scientists are treated as separate representatives. Thanks to molecular research, science easily makes it clear which process a certain marsupial fungus was formed.

Anamorph (the sexless path)

The process of anamorph is due to conidia. It is worth noting that the morphology of the latter is quite diverse. Each of them can be either unicellular or multicellular. They have unlimited number of transverse partitions. Often conidia have rounded forms.

As a rule, the water marsupial mushroom has elements of increased complexity of the structure. Such representatives live on the leaves of trees, which have long been submerged in water.

Teleomorphs (sexual reproduction) in lower forms

Fungi of this class can reproduce with the help of sexual structures, but without the formation of gametes. To perform this process on the hyphae, male organs and female organs are formed. In this, the characteristics of marsupial fungi are similar to the description of algae - they also have slightly altered oogonia.

If we consider the lower forms, then the teleomorph is similar to zygogamy. This is due to the fact that the educated gametangii have an identical form, and after the process of their unification, fusion of nuclei takes place. But these fungi do not affect the last action of all the structural elements, so multiple karyogamy does not happen. After this, meiosis occurs, after which the zygote passes into the bag.

Teleomorphs (sexual reproduction) in higher forms

Considering the process of reproduction in higher forms, it must be said that it is a little more complicated than the lower ones. Archikarp extends to the askon. In addition, it is differentiated. On the upper part it "comes" in the form of a tube. Antheridium is a unicellular element that has a cylindrical shape. After the fusion of the cytoplasm, the nuclei do not converge, but converge. Dicaryons are formed. Their kernels, in turn, are broken into parts. In the process of reproduction, the marsupial mushroom forms asci, after which the haploid nuclei converge. Without resting time meiosis is carried out. The formed nuclei are divided metrically. As a result, eight structural elements are formed.

Reproduction: conclusions

Depending on the belonging to certain species of this class, multiplication can be simplified to a large extent. For example, antheridia may not form - they are replaced by a vegetative body or conidia. By flowing air, water or through insects, spermations are transferred to the trichogin, after which the cytoplasm of the cells is fused. Hyphae and bags are formed not only randomly, but also on bodies where there are closely intertwined structural branches.

Fruit bodies are divided into four types:

  • Apothecia. Mushrooms indigenous marsupial with this kind of have a huge bag. Paraphysis can form in them.
  • Peritations. Bags of such mushrooms are closed completely or half. Their shape is pitcher-like.
  • Kleistotecii. The fruiting body of such fungi has a closed form.
  • Pseudotemia. Such a body belongs only to a specific type of fungi. The sexual process takes place after the formation of gametangia. Peritia are located on hyphae, which have the name stroma.

Meaning for man and planet

The life cycle of marsupials is useful for terrestrial sphere of the planet. Due to the fact that they destroy dry branches, trees, fallen leaves, the stock of carbon and nitrogen on the Earth is replenished. For animals (for example, rodents, invertebrates, etc.), ascomycetes are food. In the aquatic environment, there are especially many such fungi.

The predominant part of lichens is formed from marsupial fungi. In their composition of these organisms - more than 95%. Mycorrhizas are also formed with their help. Some ants and termites "grow" in their organisms a certain kind of fungi.

Often among the Ascomycetes there are parasitic representatives, which are formed both in plants and in animals. They are the causative agents of many quite serious diseases. In man, marsupials also parasitize. Some foodstuffs consumed by humans can be influenced by Ascomycetes.

Truffles and morels, which are representatives of these fungi, are often eaten by humans. Yeasts are used for baking bakery products, making certain drinks, for creating medicines. Ascomycetes find their application in science.

Yeast - the most popular representative

This name unites 1500 different representatives. They are able to live in liquid and semi-liquid substrates.

The word "yeast" is derived from the pre-Slavic verb, which translates as "crush", "knead". This name is known to every Russian-speaking person. The root "trembling" literally accurately describes all the processes that occur during fermentation of these fungi. It is worth noting that in English the name sounds like yeast . In translation into Russian it means "to allocate gas".

How do marsupials (yeast) look , everyone knows, because they have been used for several centuries by housewives for baking. Beer began to boil about six thousand years ago before Christ, even then these mushrooms were used. Baking technology people mastered a little later - by 1200 BC. E.

For the first time yeast was found in a microscope in 1680, but then because of the absence of any movements, they were not recognized as living organisms. A little later, a theory was put forward that yeast is in fact biological substances, and their reactions are chemical. Over time, this theory was refuted. It is proved that alcohol fermentation is a natural process.

Types of Yeast

Yeast is divided into five types: bakeries, dry, beer, pressed and wine.

Baking mushrooms are available in every store. They are able to be stored for a long time, also their structure is so simple that it is easy to prepare dough from them even for a child.

Pressed mushrooms do not live long: without a refrigerator they can be kept no more than 14 days. And at a high temperature they can spoil less than a week. If you put them below the freezer, the mushrooms will be suitable for another 2 months. Before use, they should be dissolved in warm water.

Dry yeast - fungi, characterized by a long shelf life. In a cool place where there is not high humidity, they are able to lie for 2 years. If they are active, they should be dissolved in water (always warm). Instantly dissolved mushrooms are also bred, but they are ready for use in 10-15 minutes.

Beer mushrooms are divided into a large number of subspecies. If we consider that each of them has different tastes and smells, then the drink made by them also has different characteristics. Such fungi spread in liquid form, so they do not need to be dissolved. They are also used for kvass, but unlike beer in this drink there are also milk bacteria.

There are also fodder yeast, but it is not recommended to add them to human food.

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