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What is a "dude"? Where did the word come from and what does it mean?

Fussiness is a rather common term. Most often this life style is common among secular young people who do not shine with intelligence and abilities. Dude - what is it? This guy, the native, as a rule, from a rich family, but not shining with knowledge and skills. He likes to dress beautifully and stylishly, to "blot out" naive young ladies. Where did this word come from in Russian and why did it become so popular?

French motifs

What is the "dude", they knew even at the time of the Pushkin balls. Most of the new foreign words came from France at that time. So the word "dude" was borrowed from the same place. If translated from French, it will mean "dove". A foreign dictionary interprets it like this: "An empty young man without special mental data." A person who walks, holding his chest with a wheel, and swells proudly like a dove, in case of the appearance of the opposite sex.

Also, the dove is a free bird, it is a symbol of good and the world. And dudes, as a rule, are free, independent of people's opinions. They feel calm and free in any situation, can quickly adapt to it.

The French were often jokingly called the dudes of their friends, who dressed up for the girls, using an uncharacteristic style of clothing. Light-minded dudes, called dudes, caused more often a grin and disapproval, rather than praise and compliments.

Also, to the question "who is a dude?" You can answer that this is a young man who is prone to narcissism. He is always fashionable, but he is too pretentiously dressed and fixated on his appearance.

What is a dude in France? Historians call them fashion legislators. Ludovic XIV, for example, was considered one of the most important and popular dudes of the seventeenth century.


Like any other word, the "dude" has fellow synonyms. What is a dude? This style, dandy, fashion, narcissus. Or, as in Pushkin, the dandy: "How dandy of London is dressed."

There is a synonym for the word "dude" and for thieves, card cheaters. In this environment dudes are called not fashionably dressed, but stupid young people. They have no experience, they are easily deceived. Dudes in thieves' jargon can be "tattered" (that is, the person who has already been robbed and banned) and "whole" (these are those who are yet to face deception).

Profan with initiative

Who is a dude? This, as many will say, is a profane (fool) with an initiative. Dude always wants to seem like someone, not really being that person. Dudes are excellent at simulating and forging their appearance under the necessary situation.

A normal person, wishing to be, say, an athlete, will go to the stadium and will go in for sports in order to achieve results. What is a dude? This is someone who will not break and try to achieve the goal. He will simply create a suitable image: he will wear a sports uniform, put on fashionable shoes, or maybe an icon of the master of sports will attach. And now the "real" sportsman is ready.

The dude never has enough energy to do something weighty in life. It is easier and easier for them simply to create visibility: fashionable, sporty, businesslike or successful. In some dictionaries, the dude has a simple, but understandable meaning, "upstart".

In the Russian language there have always been dudes, they were simply called dandies. It's amazing, but in Russian and French this word means birds. Goldfinch - the bird is bright, pathetic and screaming, always attracting attention to its person. It is very mobile and loud.

In general, word translations and their relationship with birds have long been used in Russia. Let us recall the expression "floats like a swan" or "proud as an eagle" or "stupid goose". There are a lot of examples.


In the dictionary Efremova explains what a dude, only in the Russian version - "dandy". Brightly dressed, smart man, who has an obvious predilection for everything dear and "screaming" about prosperity. It turns out the description of the same French dude, only in the Russian manner. The only difference between the meanings of these two words is aged. If the dude in France is most often a young man, then our Russian dandy can be a deep old man, who does not forget about his appearance.

As they are called, but dudes, dandies and dandies will always unite the all-encompassing love of oneself. They love everything in themselves, from polished shiny shoes to a fashionable haircut. And for them it is important that the people around them also admire, praise their appearance and the ability to look fashionable.

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