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Lighters Tiger - a stylish and original solution for a gift

уже почти 15 лет занимаются выпуском оригинальных и стильных устройств для получения огня, будь то прикуривание сигареты или разведение костра в лесу и на даче. Manufacturers of lighters Tiger for almost 15 years are engaged in the release of original and stylish devices for obtaining fire, whether it is a cigarette or a fire in the forest and dacha. Tiger — это не просто полезные и удобные инструменты для ежедневного использования, но и яркие аксессуары, способные подчеркнуть индивидуальность и статус владельца. Lighters Tiger - is not just useful and convenient tools for daily use, but also bright accessories that can emphasize the individuality and status of the owner. The manufacturer has responsibly approached the packaging of the goods, making their products a good solution when choosing a gift. Tiger выглядят очень презентабельно, разве что бантика не хватает. Boxes with lighters Tiger look very presentable, except that the bow is not enough.

To whom to give?

Of course, a children's party is not the best place for such gifts, open-fire games are dangerous, but for an adult, a lighter is sometimes necessary, even if it does not smoke. Tiger могут стать отличным сувениром для вашего бизнес-партнёра или постоянного клиента. Tiger lighters can be an excellent souvenir for your business partner or regular customer. To perform a congratulatory engraving on the reverse side will help special services. This personalization of the souvenir, its reliability and durability of design, as well as the nobility of design will not let your gift get lost among other souvenirs. Your friends will also appreciate a useful little thing as a presentation.

Electropulse lighter - new from Tiger

Tiger выполняют с газовым топливом и сенсорными турбо- или пьезоподжигателями, но пару лет назад появилась интересная новинка. Traditionally, Tiger lighters are made with gas fuel and sensory turbo or piezoelectric ignitors, but a couple of years ago there was an interesting novelty. Pulsed electronic lighters work on a completely new principle. The fire of cigarettes and other combustible items of suitable size is caused by a small electric arc. For powering the arc discharge, lighters are equipped with powerful long-lasting batteries, the charge of which is enough for 50-100 uses.

The reviews mark the trouble-free operation of the cigarette lighter on one charge for 1.5-2 weeks with active use for smoking. USB- кабель для зарядки батареи. The lighter kit includes a USB cable for charging the battery. может использоваться десятилетиями, так как ресурс у современных аккумуляторов довольно большой. Thus, the Tiger electric lighter can be used for decades, since the resource of modern batteries is quite large. Such lighters are not afraid of humidity, frost and wind, they can not explode on impact or fall. A robust nickel-plated case serves not only for beauty, but also designed to protect internal parts from damage. Tiger снабжены предохранителями, при закрытой крышке нажатие на кнопку не приводит к включению дуги, таким образом, устройство не потратит заряд аккумулятора самопроизвольно в кармане или сумке. The pulsed Tiger lighter is fused, with the lid closed, pressing the button does not activate the arc, so the device will not consume battery charge spontaneously in the pocket or bag.

Disadvantages of impulse devices

Tiger очевиден самый главный: отсутствие пламени, поэтому раскуривание сигареты затягивается на пару секунд, тогда как от пламени сигарета раскуривается практически мгновенно. Of the minuses of the pulsed Tiger lighters, the most obvious is obvious: the absence of flame, so the smoking of the cigarette is delayed for a couple of seconds, whereas from the flame the cigarette is smoked almost instantly. To light the pipes, cigars, as well as to build a fire and ignite the furnace, you need a flame holder: a piece of paper or a thin chip. For many people, electricity causes well-founded fears, indeed, a pulsed lighter can leave a small burn on the skin when touched. However, burns can leave any lighters, and impulse is not more dangerous than everyone else. The device, like all electrical appliances, is afraid of getting wet, it is possible to completely lose battery power when it enters the water, as well as burn out sections of the circuit.

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