HealthSupplements and vitamins

"Lactomarin" - a deception or a panacea? Price, product description and reviews

With each passing day science is moving forward, new medicines are being invented, new useful properties of various plants are found. Currently, there are a lot of different new drugs and nutritional supplements, which, judging by advertising, save and treat all diseases. Among the new drugs, the drug is allocated on a natural basis, which, according to the instruction, relieves almost all incurable ailments, regains youth and improves the quality of life. Many consumers are interested in: "Is a drug like Lactomarin deception or really a remedy?"

What is Lactomarine?

The drug with this universal effect is called "Lactomarin." The instruction attached to it asserts that this remedy helps to cure cancer, is used in the complex therapy of atherosclerosis, cleanses the body of poisons, strengthens the immune system, reduces weight and rejuvenates the body. To the use of the drug is not indicated, but only Lactomarin can help in complex therapy.

The use of the drug will not only cure many inflammatory, autoimmune, and hormonal diseases, but it will also promote skin rejuvenation (all wrinkles will miraculously disappear), strengthen the walls of the vessels (the symptoms of stroke and coronary heart disease will disappear), cure diarrhea and constipation, Will increase hemoglobin, the production of hormones with glands of internal secretion. This is an indispensable tool "Lactomarine". This nutritional supplement can cure all diseases of the body from the crown to the toe.

Customer Reviews

On many sites, you can read positive comments about the use of the drug "Lactomarine". The reviews show that with the beginning of the use of the tool, the function of many systems and organs has been normalized and even improved:

  • Disappeared constipation, flatulence, intestines began to work "like a clock";
  • No more heartburn and heaviness in the stomach;
  • The ulcer "cicatrices";
  • Prostatitis disappeared, potency increased;
  • Improved general well-being, increased efficiency and vigor of the spirit;
  • Pain in the heart disappeared, does not disturb migraine, blood pressure normalized;
  • Patients with varicose veins ceased to worry pain in the calf muscles and cramps;
  • In patients with diabetes mellitus, sugar was normalized, and its "jumps" in the blood were not observed, and some patients even noted a reduction in concomitant symptoms;
  • Immunity improved: no catarrhal diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases were not disturbed by exacerbations;
  • "The liver" was healed;
  • From calculous cholecystitis and urolithiasis there is no trace;
  • The weakness disappeared, and the hemoglobin level exceeded the normal values;
  • When poisoning a different kind of organism quickly came back to normal, even salts of heavy metals were excreted;
  • Oncological patients notice a significant improvement in their well-being;
  • The skin cleared, and there was no trace of acne and acne on the face;
  • In severely ill patients, the dosage of medicines was almost halved;
  • External and internal application led to rapid rejuvenation and weight loss in a short period of time.

All consumers who advertise the official site for the sale of Lactomarina, with their reviews convince that without this drug it's impossible to live, consultants will tell the doubters about the benefits and the excellent effect of the drug. On the Internet indicate the phone numbers of those who have already fully cured. You can even call the lucky ones and you will be answered. And all in one voice will advise to buy this particular drug. Of all the biologically active additives, he is the best! He will save you from a near death and prolong the days of your life. If you did not feel a positive action in the first month of admission, for example, your intimate life did not improve (and this should happen immediately after the first intake of "Lactomarin"), as consumers say, then you got a non-patented drug, and another Counterfeiting of scammers. Action should be felt from the first days, after all this natural preparation is simply stuffed with useful microcells and substances.

Consultants not only praise you for Lactomarine. Where to buy and how to apply it still will tell. Moreover, your phone number will be regularly called until you surrender under the pressure of arguments and do not get a set of jars for at least a month's course of "treatment."

What do the doctor's say

Among the many different food additives recently, the Lactomarin remedy has grown in popularity. You can read doctor's opinions on many websites. Ostensibly practicing doctors are simply surprised by all the positive changes taking place with patients who take Lactomarin. This is pure public relations: there is no time for a real expert to sit and write reviews about the appointment and the positive dynamics of the medicinal product. No doctor will offer his patients to use such an expensive remedy with dubious medicinal properties for the prevention and treatment of heart diseases, blood vessels, oncological processes.

And if the professor of medicine on the official site of "Lactomarina" writes that this medicine removes toxins from the body, burns fats and has an antitumor effect, then this is an elementary swindle. Judging by the terminology and the description of the positive effects, this is written by a regular copywriter, not a practicing physician.

Advice from a specialist

But if the drug does not harm your health, and you believe in it, then take it to your health. By its properties, he by nature can not simply possess because of his simple composition. And to help in the treatment of various diseases purely psychologically - a big plus and help for the doctor. But it must be taken into account that in this supplement there is a large amount of iodine, and it can not be used for some thyroid diseases: its hyperfunction, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, nodular forms of goiter. In any case, if you want to buy this food supplement, consult your doctor to avoid adverse side effects.

The same was exactly the excitement during the active distribution of the drug "Moroznik". A lot of jars were sold. And then the ads disappeared somewhere, the sites were closed, and the consultants evaporated. Perhaps, after numerous reviews of people who, after the application of "Frost", had only negative effects, and for some, such "treatment" ended in a hospital bed and a prolonged hospitalization.

In the study of another noisy dietary supplement "Ruidamen" - a drug for weight loss - it was found that one such tablet contains the volume of active substance for weight loss sibutramine, 10 times higher than normal. And this led to the fact that many people, after taking the drug, fainted. After this incident, all food additives were removed from the retail network, and the drug is sold only on prescription.

Structure of the preparation

Beautiful and enticing advertising of biological additives "Lactomarine" is a deception of clean water:

  • There are no analogues in the world;
  • environmentally friendly product;
  • Health from the depths of the sea;
  • Brown algae are extracted not in the polluted sea, but in pure Far Eastern waters;
  • Development on the basis of innovative technologies through freezing;
  • The natural composition of seaweed is not damaged due to the correct cooking technology;
  • The cell membrane of plants is not broken, and therefore all useful substances "sit" on the cells and wait for them to enter the body of the consumer;
  • Bioavailability is about 99%, and not a single milligram will be lost.

All these clever and beautiful statements are not worth the price that the distributors ask for the jar. Exact chemical research on the miraculous drug no one conducted, accurate data on the number of cured no.

Brown algae - the main active ingredient in the dietary supplements "Lactomarine". Its composition: iodine, vitamins, iron, amino acids, carbohydrates, fucoidan and alginates. As you can see, all are only useful components. The form of the drug "Lactomarin" is a gel.

Iodine is the main component of seaweed, but its quantity in Lactomarine is quite small, and this can not cover the daily requirement of the organism for iodine.

Microdoses of vitamins and amino acids do not satisfy the body in these important, vitally necessary substances.

Fucoidan is not a remedy, although according to the instructions it protects the body from pathogenic microorganisms and strengthens the immune system. Probably, so it is, but there is nowhere to find information about its useful properties.

Carbohydrates contained in the "Lactomarine" are not absorbed by the body. And why are they rejected by the human body? Probably because they are as useful as the rest of the components.

Alginates are substances that promote the thickening of foods, and are used in food production. It was they from a mixture of kelp and water that helped create a wonderful gel.

How to apply the drug

So, you still decided to get rid of all diseases with the drug "Lactomarine". Instructions for use offer various ways of taking a remedy: both inside and outside. The minimum dose is 25 g. This is considered a preventive dose. The maximum (or therapeutic) dose is 150 mg per day. However, there are no clear indications to the use of the drug, although the recommended therapeutic dose of such a drug as "Lactomarine" is indicated.

The medication is suggested to be taken in the morning for better digestibility and preferably before eating. This is the only way to fully recover and rejuvenate. It is impossible to get used to such a good drug, and it has no contraindications, side effects and negative effects on the body. And wrapping the skin with a gel will smooth wrinkles on the skin and return youth. You can take Lactomarin indefinitely. The instruction speaks about numerous researches, as a result of which it was found out that with regular application in 14 days anemia will be cured, and in 30-60 days liver cells will be restored and new capillaries will appear. Interesting is the advertisement "Lactomarine": "When taking the drug, bioenergy is allocated." Where and where does it stand out? Or after using the drug a person will forget about fatigue and will work without interruption?

In general, there are still positive effects, and you can take the drug "Lactomarin" all your life, with short breaks for 1 month. This is really beneficial for the body, especially after forty years, when all pathological processes and conditions appear and worsen.

How much is the medicine

The prices "pleasantly" will surprise: 1 a jar in which 500 mg of "medicine" costs about 3,5 thousand rubles. One jar is enough for 3 days. In a month it will be necessary to spend 35 thousand rubles. And the minimum course of treatment is 4 months. Therefore, it is necessary about 140 thousand rubles to feel the real results of the treatment with the drug "Lactomarine". The price of preventive reception is much less - only about 6 thousand per month. But for the prevention of diseases the manufacturer advises to take it for a year. For such money, you will eat 150 grams a day all year round, wrap yourself in or put to your body fodder or fertilizer for the land (it is the sea kale and brown algae that Chinese and Japanese farmers use in the agricultural industry). Such here is a boring arithmetic.

The advertisement reads: "The best of all drugs is Lactomarin!" The deception consists only in the fact that this medication can not be cured of all diseases. The chemical composition of this miracle cure indicates that one of these bioadditives is not enough. "The age of" Lactomarine "came to us!" And many, not knowing the true composition of this food supplement, calmly part with half, and sometimes with all the salary, to be healed.

Substitutes for Lactomarine

Considering such expenses for the purchase of the Lactomarine funds (the price of one jar equals the third part of the pension), consumers are interested, and are there any substitutes for the Lactomarine dietary supplement? Analogues and substitutes are also sold on the same official websites, the price of them is not less. And there are many analogues, depending on what goals you pursue when taking Lactomarine. These are the same food additives. Only with poorly studied side effects.

And the main analogue of this expensive product is sold in an ordinary grocery store and it's called simply: sea kale. This wonderful product contains the same useful substances as Lactomarine. Sea kale contains the amount of iodine that is necessary for the body. In addition, it is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, bromine, folic and pantothenic acids, essential amino acids, a large set of trace elements.

The Japanese believe that such a product should be consumed daily, because it:

  • Replenishes the lack of iodine in the body;
  • Regulates the function of the thyroid gland;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Purifies the blood from toxins;
  • Treats breast diseases and is a preventive measure against breast cancer;
  • Normalizes blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries;
  • Has bactericidal properties and helps with curing many inflammatory processes;
  • Rejuvenates the skin: removes small mimic wrinkles and tightens the skin turgor;
  • Promotes weight loss, because when using kelp in the form of wraps and compresses, the effect of reducing body weight and "lemon peel" - cellulite is noticed.

It is enough to use only 2 tablespoons of sea kale per day to fill the lack of iodine in the body. You can buy dried, frozen and canned cabbage. If the codes of E400, E421, E404 and others are written on canned sea cabbage, then these are not preservatives, but useful elements of kelp. One should not think that sea kale, which is sold in grocery stores, is polluted with oil products waste or heavy metal salts: the suppliers of this product will not risk their reputation.

It is well known that the composition of ordinary kelp is no worse than that of the "Lactomarin" dietary supplements. The doctors' reviews testify to the numerous positive dynamics in patients taking sea kale and the acceleration of the treatment time for many inflammatory processes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.


However, there are contraindications for the reception of sea kale. It can not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under three years of age, since there is a possibility of causing allergy and diathesis. Individual intolerance to iodine or sea cabbage can lead to severe allergic reactions. If the patient suffers from osteoporosis, the use of kelp can lead to complications and even pathological fractures. Sea kale is shown only for the prevention of this disease. If there are kidney diseases with kidney failure, then this product is strictly contraindicated. And the inflammatory processes in the stomach and the duodenum can lead even to anaphylactic shock when taking kelp.

And if harmless sea kale has such contraindications, then "Lactomarine" should also have limitations. However, judging by the advertising, there are no contraindications, and everyone can buy an unlimited amount of the drug, and the more, the better.

A little about advertising

I would like at the end to provide information that can be checked. This concerns the advertising of "Lactomarina", which was sounded on the radio (surprisingly, but for some reason this particular drug was the subject of discussion of the Expert Council on Advertising).

The Expert Council on the application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising of the Bashkortostan OFAS took place on March 31, 2011. It discussed the advertising of "Lactomarina". It was found that this substance is not a medicinal product and does not possess all those medicinal properties that are attributed to it. All the reviews are fabricated, and no cases of curing diseases have been recorded with the help of this drug. All this is misleading consumers and is aimed at the usual pumping out money from consumers.

Proceeding from the above, the doctors' opinion is unequivocal: "Lactomarin" is a fraud, not a panacea.

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