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Is always a debt reddish payment?

Surely you have heard the proverb "the debt is red on payment". This is a well-known saying that people often use, referring to the reciprocal gratitude of a person. But what do these words mean?

Have you ever lent money? Probably yes. And for sure, if you took a certain amount of money to a friend or a close person, you understood: by transferring notes you help him out. This is the main meaning of the proverb "the debt is paid in red." Let's talk about this below in this post.

Nobody likes to give a loan

In life, there are situations when the help of close people is needed - and then you have to ask for it. Most often, assistance is expressed in money signs, because without them you can not survive in the modern world. Agree, lending money is not always pleasant, even if you have one. This is because we can not be sure that a person will return them to us on time. A lot of friendly and trusting relationships broke up precisely because of such loans here. You give your hard-earned, comrade can not return them in time and mentally angry at you. Mentally, you are angry with him. There is such a mutual discord, and even when the money comes back, the relationship may be lost.

Remember the "feedback"

Meanwhile, there are individuals who take pleasure and even with pleasure. Why is that? Because these people perfectly understand the meaning of the proverb "the debt is red on payment". Debt itself is not good at all, but nevertheless there is something in it that "colors it". When you lend, you do not only transfer notes for which you can buy something. You show your good attitude towards a person, show your trust and benevolence. The most important thing is that you give him the opportunity to stand upright or feel confident in this world. Alas, it so happened that it is money that is often a measure of happiness. It turns out that you are borrowing a little happiness for a person. This is the meaning of the phrase "the debt is paid in red", the meaning of which is, figuratively speaking, such a payment will consist not only in the return of funds, but also in the reciprocal good attitude of this person.

Is the debt always red in payment?

The meaning of the proverb clearly hints at the fact that in any case, your loan will turn out to be good for you. But you will agree, and for this you need to be protected and observe certain conditions.

The first is to borrow only those who really want to help. Do not borrow out of courtesy or because "so necessary." If you feel that a person is causing you negative emotions, then your loan will not bring you satisfaction, even if the return is made on time.

Have patience

Not always a person can repay the debt on time. When you are occupying someone, you must be aware of this. And remember that any debt is red by payment, which means that's what. If the borrower of money comes to you with a guilty look and asks you to postpone the return of the loan, he again takes you. By showing mercy and patience, you again give a man his good attitude towards him, and the return will be doubly. If you necessarily need to get your money back on time, then it's better not to borrow - otherwise you risk destroying good relations.

It's not just about money

Material is the simplest thing you can do. However, when they say that the debt is red by payment, they mean not only the literal meaning. Today you listened to a crying girlfriend and gave her advice? So tomorrow you can turn to her for help and receive a consolation in return.

Did someone help someone or do you a favor? Remember: the debt is paid in red. The meaning of the proverb extends to everything in human relationships. Sometimes, you will do something insignificant for a person, and after years he will repay you in good time at a difficult time and thereby save you.

Do not wait for anything

If you are helping people only to receive reciprocal good deeds, then the axiom "the debt is paying off red" will not exactly work. The point is this: only by helping you free of charge, you really do good, and, according to the law of the boomerang, you will sooner or later receive good in return. If you wait, when, finally, you return everything that you gave, you have a chance to be disappointed in a person, and again - to destroy the relationship. The third rule is to help people not for gain, but only because you so want and with it your inner voice agrees.

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