
How to memorize English words? How fast can I learn English words? Learn English words

Knowing English in the 21st century is not just a way to expand your horizons and prove your erudition once again, but also a real necessity. Without the ability to communicate freely and to express themselves, you have effectively closed doors to the world outside the post-Soviet space. And even more so, about any career advancement, too, there can be no question. But if the logical foundations (rules for constructing sentences, questions, punctuation) can be learned without special problems, then the question of how to memorize English words remains one of the most difficult for most people.

Say NO to the tooth-grinder!

The root of the problem lies in the education system itself - in school and university we are forced to memorize new expressions. He repeated the text, translated the passage, roughly speaking, "shot" - and you can safely forget. But this way you will not be able to expand your vocabulary. That is why it's worth to listen to the opinion of experienced teachers and psychologists and learn how to learn English words correctly.

Do you know why it's hard for you?

In fact, when we learn English words (or try to do it), we often simply do not realize why we need all the information we receive and what function it will perform for us in the future. In fact, it is enough to overcome this barrier - and the process of memorization will become absolutely natural and pleasant.

To achieve the result and understand how easy it is to memorize English words, you just need to transfer new foreign expressions from the category "strangers" to the category "your own". The process of filtering all information occurs in a person uncontrollable - the subconscious mind itself decides what part to miss, what to delay, and what to miss in a modified, distorted form. And the first thing we have to do is "crack" this filter.

How to do it?

To make this possible, you first need to minimize the stressful component, which inevitably makes itself felt in the process of memorizing new information.

You may not realize this and not even feel, but subconsciously afraid of that fear of vulnerability and insecurity - for fear of not passing something, forgetting, disgracing yourself, you put yourself in the position of a victim, not a predator. Change your perception of the situation and go hunting! What for? Of course, for new knowledge and a smart vocabulary!

Ready to go to practice? Then we present to your attention the most effective ways of how to memorize English words!

Method number 1. Classical

Perhaps, from all methods this one is the easiest, although it is inferior to others in terms of efficiency. You will need a special notebook to write new words. Write in the column about twenty words and other units of speech so that to the left were the foreign expressions themselves, and to the right - their translation. Just adjust yourself to the fact that you need to learn all these words, and not for a couple of days, but for the rest of your life.

How quickly learn English words in this way? The extent to which you will be given the assimilation of new knowledge, largely depends on you. The main secret of success is to concentrate 100% on learning. Although at first it will be very difficult, but it really should be sought.

  1. Read all the written English words.
  2. Read the translation.
  3. Repeat the above steps again.
  4. Distract for 8-10 minutes - at this time you can do what you want.
  5. Close the column where the translation is written, and try to remember the meaning of each word yourself. Do not suffer from excessive perfectionism - you can not learn everything at once. If the translation of any word stubbornly does not want to emerge to you from the dark depths of memory, just go to the next.
  6. Take another break of 3-5 minutes, relax.
  7. Read again the list of all the words and their translation, paying special attention to those expressions with which you have difficulties.
  8. Again, take a break for 8-10 minutes.
  9. Repeat the exercise, closing in turn, then the English, then the Russian words.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in how to memorize English words in this way. And one more little advice: after working one batch of material, you do not need to immediately move on to the next one - so you will forget what you learned earlier. It is better to take a break and give the brain time for unconscious repetition.

Another common mistake novices - constantly repeat the words you just learned. This should not be done, since you will not contribute to better fixing the material in memory and do not accelerate it, but, on the contrary, interfere with the natural process of memorization. Repeat the acquired expressions is after 7-10 hours, and then - every 24 hours. It is generally believed that after memorizing the words, they should be repeated 4-5 times.

Method number 2. Subconscious

As in the previous case, in advance you need to make a list of 20 words that you plan to learn. We learn English words in this way only before bedtime. Your task is to focus your attention on the process of memorization and abstract from the rest of the world.

Try to strain all your will. After that, choose a new word and try to imagine it in your mind as much as possible alive and brighter. When this happens, repeat it in a whisper, and then to yourself, without opening your eyes. Then you should relax and just work through all the remaining words on the list.

All the information is stored in the subconscious. Falling asleep, it is important not to think about the fact that you want to remember new expressions, get distracted from such thoughts and sleep peacefully. In the morning you will need to repeat everything that you taught in the evening. Those words that you have learned will remain in your memory for a long time.

Method number 3. Background

Another interesting method for those who want to know how to memorize English words well. By itself it will not be very effective, but in combination with other methods can bring just a fantastic effect.

Write down about 40 new words and expressions or a simple text on the tape recorder. Adjust the volume to an average level and just listen to the recording many times in a row. At the same time, one does not have to sit side by side and listen attentively to the pronunciation of every word and translation. Be engaged in what you want - after repeated listening you will unconsciously remember the new information.

Method number 4. Relaxation

How to remember a lot of English words? We offer you another interesting option, in which you can use the hidden potential of your memory. As in the previous case, new words should be recorded on the tape recorder. However, the volume of information should be increased to approximately 80-100 expressions.

It is important that in the background of the recording there is a soft, calm, melodic music. Sit down, try to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts, dream a little. Having included the recording, do not concentrate on it and listen to it - let it just sound. Repeat this little ritual before bedtime and in the morning, immediately after awakening.

The secret of success is simple: when a person is in a state between sleeping and waking, the barriers of internal resistance are almost completely weakened, as a result of which we learn English words much faster and more efficiently than usual. This exercise should take no more than 1/6 of the time that you devote to learning a foreign language.

Method number 5. Hypnotic

So, we move on to the next method. How quickly to remember the English words, without putting almost any effort at all? Probably, this question was set by everyone who reads this article. This option is ideal for those who can not bring themselves to study the language seriously - in a word, a real salvation for the lazy.

Again, I need a tape recorder. This time, we record up to 35-40 words and expressions with a translation. Before you go to bed, read the material twice from the sheet, turn on the tape recorder and listen to the recording twice. Too focus on it is not necessary - just repeat the words for the player. Then go to bed. Within 40 minutes your assistant (yes, you can not cope on your own) should scroll through the recording, gradually reducing the sound. Fortunately, in our age of high technology, a computer program can cope with this task.

In the morning, approximately 30-40 minutes before your awakening, the "assistant" should turn on the recording again. Now, on the contrary, you need to start with a minimum volume and gradually increase it. When you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed - wait until the recording is over. In just 20 sessions, you can replenish your stock by 100-120 words and expressions.

Method number 6. Motor-Muscular

Most likely, you already had to hear about him. The essence is simple - every new English word is compared with some real object and then learns. Naturally, you can not use this method with all expressions, but with many you can still.

How quickly learn English words this way? It's simple - combine them with objects from your surroundings, denoting a particular word. Suppose you need to remember the word "pen". Take the pen in your hands, touch it, even write something, while pronouncing a foreign term.

An important point: it is not enough just to imagine the actions, they must be carried out independently. In this case, the whole process of remembering is based on movements. To better consolidate words, you need to do as many actions as possible. You should not concentrate on the term, but on the movement that you are making.

Method number 7. Imagery

Again, in order to learn the material, you do not need to exert any effort - all information is remembered involuntarily. Just connect your imagination and draw interesting storylines in motion. How to learn a lot of English words in a figurative way? First, select the Russian word for the English word, similar to the sound (for example, "snack" and "snow"). Now imagine how the snow and snack are interconnected. Logic is not important - the main thing is that the picture is suitable.

At a time, you can memorize up to 25 words. When you are a little used to create pictures to individual expressions, you can complicate the task. For example, you can take any dynamic picture or photo from the magazine, memorize it and write out on the sheet the names of all the objects depicted on it, both in English and Russian, and next write a consonant Russian word.

Method number 8. Staking and combining

Regardless of the number of syllables, any foreign word can be divided into three parts. To each of the parts it is necessary to select a Russian word similar in sounding to the beginning. The meaning of what will happen to you as a result of such linguistic manipulations, in fact, does not matter. Having done this with each syllable, we proceed to the next stage. All Russian words should be combined into one meaningful phrase, at the end of which there must be a translation of the word that you want to remember. Consider this with the example of the word "sinister" (sinister): BLUE FOG rasprostsya above the glade.

Some useful tips

And a couple of valuable recommendations for those who want to know how to better remember English words.

  1. It is very useful to combine 5-6 new words in one short text, and then teach it entirely.
  2. Try not to learn all the words in a row, but only those that you really need.
  3. Learn not only certain terms and definitions, but also the features of their use in various stable expressions.
  4. After your vocabulary has passed for a mark of 1000 words, try to memorize special formulating statements and plug-in constructions that will help you make the speech more smooth and natural ("sooner", "probably", "really", "it should be said that. ." etc.).
  5. Use synonyms: even if you can not say exactly what you wanted, it's better than silent for a long time.

How to remember the whole text?

Now that you already know how to memorize English words individually, you need to say a few words about the secrets of memorizing coherent texts. First of all read the whole article and understand it 100% - without this nothing will turn out anything at all. After you finish reading, split the text into several parts and title each one. You also need to learn it in parts, restoring logical chains in memory. At first, do not scoff at yourself, trying to "hammer" into your memory articles longer than a page, you need to increase the volume gradually - only so the learning process will be easy and enjoyable.

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