
Hydrostatic protection membrane: application, installation

If you notice that the house warmed with mineral wool has not become warmer, the rooms have a low temperature and the walls are damp, then this may indicate that the thermal insulation was not covered by the membrane. The modern dwelling becomes more technological, in recent times the requirements to insulating materials, the quality of all elements of buildings and structures have increased.

The issue of insulation was decided by the method of using multi-layered structures, which provide for the presence of fibrous heaters. Houses have become warmer thanks to ventilated facades, skeleton exterior walls, insulated ceilings and pitched roofs. But if you use a mineral wool insulation, then he himself needs a reliable protection, this is due to the fact that atmospheric moisture and wind pressure, as well as couples from the premises, reduce the thermal characteristics of the material and the building as a whole. If you want to preserve the design efficiency of the structure, eliminating the formation and accumulation of condensate in the elements of buildings, then it is worthwhile to use special membranes. They became a real breakthrough in construction heat engineering, because without them it is impossible to imagine a modern house erected with the use of thermal insulation.

Necessity of membrane application

Hydrotracking membrane does not absorb moisture, but contains a variety of air channels and pores that promote the movement of moisture inside and its retention in structures. If cotton wool absorbs moisture, then its mass will increase by 5% of its own weight. Water will displace air, insulation characteristics will decrease, even if only 1% of moisture accumulates inside. With fluctuations in temperature, the water will freeze and thaw, expanding and destroying the internal structure of the thermal insulation.

Even if the drainage and enclosing structures will work properly, moisture can get into the cotton wool from the premises. That is why there is a need to use building membranes, which protect structures from atmospheric moisture and wind. Physically, any membrane is a semipermeable film that separates two media, it regulates the directional transport of substances. Some membranes, called building films, are not at all capable of passing water and steam, they consist of perforated layers of polyethylene on a mesh basis.

The fire resistance of such films is also a very topical issue, which is solved in several ways. The nonflammable hydroreconductive membrane, the photo of which is presented in the article, contains flame retardants. Another solution to the problem is the impregnation of the canvas or the application of protective compounds on them.

Application Features

Quite often novice masters are wondering on which side of the thermal insulation to install the membrane. If the facade is insulated with mineral wool, then the steam escaping film must be installed outside. If we are talking about a heated roof, then anti-condensate, volumetric and diffusion membranes are installed over mineral wool. When working with a cold roof vapor barrier membrane is laid from below the rafters. When the walls are insulated from the inside, a continuous vapor barrier is required, represented by a perforated film laid over the side of the room. The hydraulic protection membrane is installed from the bottom, if the insulated ceiling has a higher cold attic.

Which side to cover the membrane

When working with non-professional masters, it is often a reasonable question about which side to lay the membrane. As a rule, vapor barrier films are two-sided, so it does not matter which side to apply the material to the heater, but, as in everything, there are exceptions in this case. Antikondensatnye membranes are laid inside the room with a textile adsorbing layer. On sale, one can also find metalized coatings that are one-sided. They have a foil layer, which is turned towards the living quarters.

Hydrotroprotective membrane, which has steam-extracting characteristics and is called diffusion, is laid according to the instructions. In the assortment of the same company you can find unidirectional or double-sided films. Orientation will be a different coloring of the sides, one of which has a pronounced marking. Most often the colorful side turns outward.

Mounting recommendations

If you are still not familiar with the technology, you should answer the question of whether a ventilation gap is required near the material. Below there should be an air layer, the thickness of which is 50 mm, it will be needed to weather the possible condensate. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of contact between the parobarrier and the inner lining. Diffusive hydrosensor membrane is installed on top of thermal insulation, plywood or OSB coating. On top of such membranes, an air gap should be made to drain excess water. In the roofing system, it can be equipped with the method of mounting the bars, which are laid in the construction of the counterbrush.

When working on a ventilated facade, the interlayer is provided with perpendicularly arranged profiles or posts. The anticondensate film has an air gap of 40 to 60 mm on both sides.

Is overlap required for installation?

Hydrovetroprotection membrane for the facade is laid with overlapping, the width of which can vary from 100 to 200 mm. For the roofing material performs a waterproofing function, so this parameter can vary, depending on the slope of the rays. The overlap of 100 mm is necessary for 30 °, it increases to 150 mm, if the slope is reduced to 20 °, a 200 mm overlap is required for a roof with a slope less than 20 °.

Hydrotrozaschitnaya membrane, a photo of which you can consider in the article, fit in the area of the ridge. If it is a question of diffusion material, then the overlap for it should be equal to 200 mm. In valleys, the material is covered by 300 mm, with minor slopes along the entire length, the second layer should be covered using an additional strip, it will come in 300-500 mm.

For reference

Hydrostatic protection membrane, the advantages of which have been highlighted above, should cover not only the total area, but also the end parts of the thermal insulation. On the metal drip tray or drain chute, the roof membrane should be removed during the installation.

Is it necessary to glue joints

Hydrotroprotective membrane is necessary for warming works. Which side to lay material, was mentioned above, but it is also important to solve the issue of the necessity of gluing joints. Cloths must be glued together. As a result, you should get a perfectly sealed joint, for which special self-adhesive construction tapes are used. They are performed on the basis of non-woven materials such as polyethylene, butyl rubber, foamed polyethylene, butyl or polypropylene. Such tapes are one-sided and two-sided, with their own help it is possible to exclude ruptures and damages of canvases. Do not try to save on the use of ordinary packaging tape, which, among other things, has a small width. This becomes the cause of leakage of joints.

Method of mounting the membrane

Temporary fastening can be nails with wide hats or staples of a construction stapler. But if you want to get a reliable fastening, then you should use a control system. More complex work may seem when adjusting hinged facades. As soon as the bracket is in place, it is necessary to start laying the heat insulation plates, each of which is fixed with two disk dowels. The diffusion membrane is covered over the thermal insulation, which should be cut at the locations of the brackets. Through a layer of cotton wool all this is strengthened by dowels to the surface of the wall. The minimum number of fasteners per square meter should be four pieces. If you can select a location, you should drill a hole in the area where the canvas meets the joint.

The characteristics of the membrane "Izospan AM"

Hydrosensitive membrane "Izospan AM" is a three-layer vapor-permeable material, which is used to protect thermal insulation and roof structures, as well as walls from moisture, wind, condensation and environmental action. Laying should be carried out on a heater, without forming an air gap, this will eliminate the additional costs for the crate. The material is characterized by high water resistance and vapor permeability, provides an increase in the service life of the thermal insulation and the structure as a whole. The temperature range of application of the material is quite wide and varies in the range from -60 to + 80 °.

Reviews about the membrane "Izospan AM"

The above hydrosensitive membrane, reviews of which are only the most positive, can protect the material not only from moisture and condensation, but also from negative temperatures, as well as direct sunlight. According to buyers, stacking can be carried out by either side, and the quality of the vapor barrier is not affected. The material is based on a special film, which is characterized by high resistance to aggressive environmental influences.

Buyers emphasize that the membrane is able to protect the heater from mechanical damage and ruptures. Within 3 months after laying, the membrane can be left exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Hydrosensitive membrane "Izospan" is characterized by a high degree of stretching and excludes tears and deformation of the insulation.


Despite the fact that the building membrane can cope for several months with negative effects, it also needs protection. Therefore, as soon as possible, it is necessary to make finishing work, if it is a façade. Even if you try to seal all the holes and joints, the material will work effectively only in tandem with the finish coat. After all, while waiting for further work, the materials can get wet during the rain.

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