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Cat okitset: character, breed standard, description and photo

The breed of cats otsiket appeared relatively recently, but its history is filled with interesting facts and events. In the veins of these handsome men with a predatory appearance there is no blood of wild animals. This spotty cat has nothing to do with the American wild representative. Her name was only because of the similarity with her.

History of the breed

In the 20th century (1964), a felinologist from Berkeley (USA) Virginia Daly crossed the Abyssinian Siamese and Siamese cat. The purpose of her experiment was to get a new breed of spotted animals. The first born kittens were Abyssinian. And already in the second litter, besides the Métis of the Abyssinian Siamese, a pretty spotted kitten was born. He was named Tonga, and the breed's name came up with the daughter of the breeder.

The first kitten of the new breed was castrated and sold. Current ocicets are the offspring of kittens from the third litter. At the same time, a special program for the cultivation of ocicets was launched. In the course of its development, many breeders joined the Virginia Daily. Somewhat later, an American short-haired cat was attached to the breed. This allowed to get an extra surprising silver color, as well as a stronger physique.

For the first time, the ocicat cat was registered by the CFA association in 1980. Seven years later (1987), representatives of the breed took part in the exhibition. After that, the cat okitset, a photo of which was immediately published in many special publications, was also recognized by other felinological organizations. The final breed standard was approved in 1988. It is also relevant at the present time.

Standard of the Ocicat breed

Often often, ocicatites are confused with ordinary spotted domestic cats. Outwardly, they quite often have a similarity. So that you will not be deceived when buying a kitten, below we will provide a detailed description of the standard of this breed of the TICA association.

Head - round, having a powerful chin, while not pointed. Muzzle - almost square and elongated in profile. Ears - large, sometimes there are brushes on the tips. Delivered low, at an angle of 45 degrees.

Eyes - large, expressive, almond shaped. They are widely planted and slightly slanting. Colors: golden, yellow, green, orange. The standard allows a discrepancy between the color of the eyes and the color of the animal. However, blue eyes are considered a disqualifying factor.

The body is muscular, powerful, athletic. The back line is slightly raised to the tail.

The limbs are muscular, long. Paws are oval in shape.

The tail is thin, long, with a narrowed, dark tip.

The coat is thin and short. To the touch it is silky, with round or oval spots of contrasting color.

Cat okitset - medium size, although sometimes look pretty powerful. The average weight does not exceed five kilograms, although cats are found and larger ones - up to seven kilograms.


Ocicat - a cat, the description that we presented above, in accordance with the standard has a short and dense coat. The characteristic feature of the ocicette is called ticking - a contrasting and clear pattern on the wool. It is the peculiarities of color that the cat ocicet differs from its distant and close relatives. The main thing is ticked wool. In other words, every hair of a wool should be painted in several shades. Thus, the original spotted pattern is obtained: wool with light tips are placed around the darker inclusions.

Another characteristic feature of the breed - a figure that resembles the letter "M" on the forehead of cats. The remaining spots are located on the head of the animal ripples, and along the spine are built in a row. Paws and tail cover transverse lines.

Types of colors

The standard allows twelve colors, which are divided into eight classes:


Dark brown (almost black) spots are located on a red background. The nose is dark red, surrounded by a darker border, the paw pads are black or dark gray.


On a gentle, milky background, brown spots are scattered. Nose pink, border, its surroundings, chocolate color, cushions of paws of light brown hue.


On a milky background, beige spots. The nose is pink, with a border of brown color, the paw pads can be painted in different shades of pink.


On a pale blue or light yellow background, there are dark blue spots. The nose is pink with a blue border, bluish paw pads.


On a pale yellow or pinkish background - lilac spots. The nose is pink with a dark lilac stroke, the paw pads are pink with a gentle lilac shade.


On a milky background there are spots of a yellow-brown color. Paw pads and nose are pink.

Six more colors are acceptable, which are the ones mentioned above with the addition of silver color. White color is only allowed around the eyes, nose, chin and upper neck.

Disqualification flaws

This spotty cat may be disqualified at the exhibition for one or more of the following:

  • White spots in places not defined by the standard;
  • Hidden or visible defects in the tail;
  • Fluffy or long hair;
  • blue eyes.

In addition, the exhibition will not allow animals that are not allowed by pedigree signs or non-standard colors.

Character of the Ocicat

The predatory appearance of this animal is deceptive. Otsiket - a cat, the nature of which will appeal to all lovers of these pets: both experienced and beginners. It is an affectionate and friendly four-legged friend, perfectly adapted for living near people. Cat okitset, photo of which you can see in this article, are smart, smart, and sometimes cunning. They like to solve various riddles: to get there, where for some reason it is impossible to climb, and discover what the owner has closed from them. Instantly remember their name and easily give in to the training. And from the walk on the harness Ocicles will not refuse.

Need for communication

It is not advisable to start such a pet for those who are rarely at home. A cat ocicet needs a human society. Like most representatives of artificially bred breeds, it is difficult to tolerate loneliness and with pleasure goes to contact with a person. It is interesting that, asking for something, these animals look into the owner's eyes.

This cute pet feels much better in large families, where there is always the opportunity to communicate with someone. And if the house has children with whom you can always play - your friend will be happy. Surprisingly, despite such an acute need for communication, the ocicat cat does not tolerate tenderness at all, if at the moment she has other plans. A pleasant discovery for the owner will be the fact that his pet easily accepts the daily routine of the family and never disturbs him at night.

Attitudes towards family members

Cat okitset is a very loving person. When she has a need for affection - she will declare this very aggressively, and literally "kiss" her master. These cats are loved by both children and elderly people. For the elderly, they are irreplaceable listeners and interlocutors. For children - the best comrades for mobile games and antics. But in doing so, the child must understand that the cat is not a toy. Ocicat - a strong animal, liberties and familiarity does not tolerate and can always stand up for themselves.

There is another interesting feature of the character of the ocicat, which distinguishes it from its fellow tribesmen - it applies to strangers without the usual cat-like alertness. If the guest cat likes - he immediately demonstrates this: he will offer to play, he will jump on his knees in anticipation of caress.


It is not difficult to look after the ocicle. For bathing brown, tan or chocolate individuals, shampoo of bronze shade is used. Pearl shampoo is suitable for blue, purple, beige, and for silver needs a whitening shampoo.

To care for the hair, in addition to the usual brushes, you need a suede napkin, which will help maintain the shine of your pet's coat.


The diet of the ocicle must be carefully thought through and carefully treated with the recommendations of experienced breeders and veterinarians:

  • If you decide to feed your pet with dry food, then get premium compounds that are recommended for oriental or Siamese cats;
  • The basis of a natural diet should be meat: boiled beef or chicken; In addition, the cat should regularly receive sour-milk products;
  • Supplement the diet with boiled sea fish, as well as chicken eggs and vegetables, such supplements should be given once a week.

Categorically prohibited products such as pork, river fish, sweet, spicy, fried foods, milk. It is justified to use powdered bioadditives and a special paste prepared on the basis of vegetable oils. All natural products are given to animals in a warm freshly prepared form.


Ocicates are hardy and healthy animals. But we should not forget that they are derived from the crossing of three breeds, each of which has hereditary diseases. This may be a deficiency of pyruvate kinase (PK), anemia and, as a consequence, renal amyloidosis.

By the line of Siamese ancestors, predisposition to serious heart disease, which causes sudden death of young animals, is possible. In addition, there is a risk of plaque formation on the teeth and the development of periodontal disease. To prevent these diseases, veterinarians recommend the use of special toothpastes, which are applied with the help of small brushes. If you do not manage to master this procedure, you will have to visit the veterinary clinic on a regular basis. The life span of ocicetes is about twenty years.


Cats of this breed tolerate pregnancy and childbirth well, as a rule, they pass without problems. Ocicates are magnificent mothers who are distinguished by caress and solicitude: they patiently bring up their young. Little kittens otsiket - great owners: they are very jealous of their toys. If you have children, explain to them that kids can not take toys, hide them.

The cost of a kitten

According to the owners of cats, this breed has only one, but quite a serious drawback. Ocicat is a cat, the price of which is quite high. This is due to the rarity of these animals in our country. In a kennel with a good reputation, a kitten of this breed costs from thirty thousand rubles and more. Breeders selling purebred ocicates will explain to you the prospects of a kitten: for example, mandatory sterilization or castration, the opportunity to participate in exhibitions and so on.

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