
Masonry of furnaces by own hands

For a comfortable stay in the house you need a stove. Masonry stoves - the process is quite complicated. It is best to handle this task specialist, is not forbidden and laying stoves own hands, if there is a desire and certain knowledge. Today there are quite a lot of types of furnaces, their main difference in design and purpose (heating and cooking, heating, bath, laundry, etc.). Therefore, before starting the masonry, you need to decide what kind of oven is needed. For this purpose, it is necessary to know a number of parameters (heating temperature, heat transfer, gas flow passage, etc.).

Having decided on the type of stove, the issue of its placement is finally decided. Practice shows that it is best to place the heating furnace in the corner of the building near the inner wall (for the chimney device). It is desirable to bring it closer to the entrance door, so as not to walk around the room with wood or other fuel. The walls of the furnace must be accessible for maintenance and repair. It is important that the location of the furnace allows its walls to give off heat evenly. Masonry stoves with their own hands - this is a kind of test for professionalism, on how correctly and qualified it will be performed, depends on the microclimate and the general mood in the house.

The work will be done in a short time and more qualitatively if the scheme and procedure for laying the furnace are prepared in advance. Orderly masonry stoves are usually made with red brick. The brick must meet certain requirements for strength and compression, do not have cracks and surface irregularities. Determine the integrity of the brick can be tapping the hammer, the sound must be distinct and sonorous. For clay, clay and sifted dry sand are needed. Clay a few days before the work is soaked in water, then mix it with dry sand. The ratio of sand and clay depends on the fat content of the clay. The strength and life of the masonry depends on how correctly the proportion is maintained.

The technology of laying stoves is to consistently perform all operations: at the floor level, a base is made of cement-sand mortar, then the masonry is carried out on the basis of a mixture of clay and sand. In the process of laying an ash pan is performed, its function includes supplying fresh air to the furnace and collecting ash from the burnt fuel. An ash door is installed, which allows you to adjust the air supply. Above the ash chamber, the grate is laid , on which the burning process of the fuel will pass. The next stage of the masonry is the installation of the furnace door. Before laying for a more solid connection, it is desirable to hold the brick in water in order to fill its pores.

If the kiln is laid by own hands, it is very important to maintain the thickness of the seam in order not to disturb the technological process. Masonry chimney - a fairly complex stage of work, it is necessary to perform a system of channels, which must with the combustion chamber of the fuel (furnace) to represent a single whole. Thanks to the thrust created by the door, hot gases will move and give heat to the brick walls of the masonry.

When the stonework is done manually without the help of a qualified specialist, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, the observance of which guarantees the necessary heat. Each row of masonry should begin with a corner, the internal surface of the chimney should not have roughness, preventing the movement of flue gases. And, finally, the cross-section of the channels should be sufficient for free passage of the off-gases, but the gases must give away most of the heat. The chimney removes smoke from the ducts of the furnace. The ash door, the temperature difference of the gases at the top and bottom of the pipe create traction, and this allows a complete and uniform burning of the fuel. The chimney, like the chimney, must have a smooth inner surface.

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