
Hyacinth mix - a beautiful flower with a delicious smell

Hyacinth mix - a mixture of different in color, size and shape of the petals of flowers, belonging to the family of lily. This bulbous plant is perennial, allowing you to admire your beauty for many years. The flower has a juicy flower stem, whose height varies between 15-30 cm depending on the variety. The flowers have bell-shaped form. Hyacinths are simple and terry. Most flower growers-lovers appreciate this flower for a variety of varieties and forms, tenderness and brightness of the coloring, a subtle and strong flavor.

The flowers of the hyacinth mix in color are divided into 7 groups: yellow, white, lilac, orange, blue, red and pink. The color of the flower itself determines the color of the bulb. So white flowers have light gray, yellow - cream, pink and lilac - lilac, and blue and violet - purple bulb. Thanks to this variety, the hyacinth mix allows you to create very beautiful compositions, both on flowerbeds and at home, because it, as best as possible, is suitable for distilling flowers in the winter.

These flowers multiply by children, which are formed in the sinuses of the scales of the bulb. Babies should live 2 years in the mother bulb, after which they can be safely separated from it. One adult bulb receives 1-2 children. Children grow up 2 years.

Bulbs of hyacinth are planted to a depth of 15-20 cm. In the autumn, a hyacinth mix is planted in such a way that the bulb can take root before frost. In the open ground hyacinths bloom in April-May. The plant is fed and weeded in the summer. After drying the leaves bulbs are dug, cleaned from the ground, roots and dried for 3-4 weeks in a dark room at room temperature. Before the fall, they should be stored at a temperature of 20 ° C.

The flower is affected by yellow, white and soft rot; Mosaic or patchiness of leaves; Root rot; Stem nematode; Root onion mite. Damaged bulbs are immediately destroyed. In flower shops now special means are being sold for the destruction of flower pests.

Hyacinth mix is grown in apartments, although in this case, the bulbs are planted, depending on which holiday they want to coincide with the appearance of flowers. From the moment of planting to flowering, about 3 months pass. The plant is planted in low pots so that a third of the bulb is located above the ground. After its germination, the onion is placed for 2 weeks in a cool place, after which it is transferred to a warmer place, where it continues its growth until the very flowering. Hyacinth prefers medium humidity. During the vegetation period, moderate watering is needed.

Another of the most frequently grown flowers in the home is the gerbera. The genus of these flowers unites about 70 species of rhizome herbaceous perennials. They have lanceolate leaves up to 30 cm long. From the leaves of the basal rosette appear flower stalks with beautiful single inflorescences resembling a daisy flower.

Gerbera mix, caring for which is not at all complicated, prefers sunny places, so with additional lighting it can bloom from October to March. The ideal temperature for gerbera is considered to be 20-23 ° C. In the active vegetation period, frequent watering at room temperature is required. In winter, minimal watering is required. For the cultivation of these flowers, well-drained soil is required.

Among the diseases that can damage the gerbera the most dangerous is the rot of the root collar and the gray rot. The appearance of rot is prevented by proper irrigation and drainage of the soil. Other diseases are eliminated with the help of modern drugs.

Growing flowers such as hyacinth and gerbera at home allows you to observe their magnificent flowering in the cold season.

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