
How to wash the stomach to the baby

Proper washing of the stomach at home can save lives for children and adults. Therefore it is necessary to have skills and to have at home the necessary medical preparations.

Purification of the stomach is performed with intestinal infections, food poisoning, ingestion of human medicinal and chemical substances, with acute digestive disorders, with the accumulation of undigested food in the stomach. In such cases, as a pre-hospital care, it is necessary to make a timely gastric lavage, which will prevent the absorption of toxic and toxic substances into the blood, preventing complications of diseases. A timely procedure will facilitate the patient's condition even when serious poisoning with harmful substances.

To purify the stomach, first of all you will need a washing liquid. To do this, take a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) pale pink, which should necessarily be filtered through a folded in several layers of gauze or paper filter, since small crystals of powder, not dissolved in water, can cause burns of the stomach or esophagus. As a washing liquid, you can take ordinary water, adding salt to it, which you can always find in the kitchen. On eight liters of water take five spoons of salt. This saline solution causes a narrowing (spasm) of the outlet from the stomach and does not allow toxic substances and toxins to enter the intestine. Performing gastric lavage for children up to three years, to prevent electrolyte-water metabolism disorders give an isotonic solution of sodium chlorine, which can be found in the pharmacy.

The most effective means is the use of sorbent substances having the properties to bind and remove from the body poisons, microbes, toxins, bacterial or food allergens. These substances include activated carbon. In this case, the gastric lavage is performed with a solution prepared by adding five to ten tablets of coal to the warm boiled water. Effective are also such enterosorbents as polysorb in the form of a 2% suspension (a teaspoon must be dissolved in 100 milliliters of water) or enterosgel. When poisoning with acid as a washing, use a two percent aqueous solution of baking soda, when ingested inside the alkali, a mixture of citric acid is used.

The washing liquid should have a temperature of about 36 degrees, for this it needs to be slightly heated. This is necessary in order to prevent the cooling of the body and slow the peristalsis of the intestine, which will prevent the advancement of toxic substances through the stomach and intestines.

The total volume of liquid to clean the stomach of a child up to a year is 700-800 ml, over a year - one liter for each year of life of the baby, but not more than 10 liters. This volume of liquid is divided into several doses, the reception of each of which must be completed by washing the stomach.

Purification is performed by artificially inducing vomiting, this technique of gastric lavage is achieved by mechanical stimulation of throat and soft palate. Before starting the procedure, the child must be seated on a chair, close it in front with an oilcloth or a towel, put a tray to his mouth or put a large bowl on the floor. Weakened children who are in bed must turn their heads on their sides in such a way that it is below the trunk. The prepared container must be raised. The gastric lavage is performed until the wash water is clear. After the completion of the process, the mouth should be rinsed with boiled warm water.

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