
How to uproot stumps: practical recommendations

When building or arranging a plot of land, it is often necessary to encounter various kinds of inconveniences. In particular, one often has to think about how to uproot the stumps. Of course, heavy construction equipment is a good tool for solving this problem, but it is most often used only by professional builders. But what should a normal gardener do that somehow do not force a heavy excavator onto his six-hundredths?

At the moment, amateurs use chemical and physical methods. The simplest chemical-physical method is available to any gardener. To do this, in the stump drill holes that are filled with ordinary table salt. Within a couple of weeks, the tree will be destroyed. If you can not wait that long, before stamping out the stumps, kerosene or diesel oil is poured into the same holes, wrapped in polyethylene, and after a couple of days they are set on fire.

However, if you are going to use the liberated area for gardening, it is better to hammer holes with nitrate. When the wood is properly soaked, it can be set on fire. Please note that it is necessary to strictly comply with fire safety measures, because the branched root system can go far. If you do not know how to uproot the stumps, you can go to a specialized horticultural store, where you can buy all the necessary chemicals.

You do not feel the talent of a subversive demolition? Then you will have to test the strength of your muscular system by manually uprooting the stump. Before you uproot the stumps, you need to feel like an archaeologist. Do not spare the water, soak the soil around the stump. Then, armed with a long metal rod, feel the location of the thickest roots. Unearth them and start to saw them thoughtfully ... After that, look for the main root (under the stump itself) and saw it.

And only after that the main part of the curing begins. First try to just pull. Repka does not come out? Have to use levers or a powerful winch. Since it is not easy to uproot the stumps on the site, you will get a better mechanism in advance. By tilting the stump, cut off the main roots. Do not try to use an ordinary ax for this purpose, since it is easiest for them to chop off their legs! Use only an ax welded to a metal rod (like a plow)!

If you are not inspired by the prospect of hard work, you can arm yourself with a hose. Blurring the soil, cut off the bare roots. In any case, such an effort can not be called an easy pastime!

You can quickly remove the stump using milling machines with special nozzles. These allow you to "gnaw" the tree from the soil, even if it lies at a depth of up to 0.6 m.

The advantage of physical methods is that the earth does not suffer from chemicals and remains suitable for farming. By the way, before you root out the stump (the price for professionals varies within 3000 rubles), it is worthwhile to find out the cost of renting such equipment, since buying it yourself can be very costly.

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