
How to treat seborrhea. Traditional and folk methods

When the functions of the sebaceous glands are disrupted, mainly in the direction of increased sebum secretion, the antimicrobial properties of the skin decrease and the most favorable conditions for the development of infections are created. This is the skin seborrhea. Disorders in the work of the sebaceous glands can be caused by inappropriate eating, taking certain medicines, hormonal disorders, and in some cases they are directly related to diseases of the nervous system.

This disease is quite common. It gives a lot of inconveniences, both in psychological and in physiological terms, but it is quite amenable to treatment. Do not hope that it will pass by itself. It is best to understand how to treat seborrhea, and at the first signs of its appearance begin to act. In difficult situations, when the disease is already in the advanced stage, a consultation of a trichologist will be required.

How to treat seborrhea? Treatment of oily and dry seborrhea should begin with the application of general strengthening procedures. They include frequent walks in the fresh air, physical activity and sufficient sleep. With all responsibility it is necessary to approach and to questions of a food. The most ideal option would be to abandon all animal fats and table salt, or at least the maximum possible reduction in their consumption. These restrictions will not only help you to cope with the disease much faster, but also significantly improve the condition of our body as a whole.

Ideally, how to treat seborrhea should be decided by a specialist. After the delivery of all necessary tests, he will prescribe the reception of microelements and vitamins necessary for the body. It is possible to use drugs in tablets or injections. If a person shows obvious signs of neurosis and depression, it is recommended to take natural sedatives. It is a tincture of peony, motherwort and drops of valerian. Excellent relaxation and rest help prevent the development of the disease.

How to treat seborrhea in traditional ways? It uses drugs that normalize the functions of the nervous, autonomic and digestive system. It is necessary to take neuroleptic drugs that stimulate the work of the digestive tract, as well as vitamins D, E, A, group B, zinc and calcium. Affected areas of seborrhea treated with solutions of salicylic acid and soda. Seborrhea skin is well cured and with boric acid. It has a drying and antiseptic effect. Used talc and sulfur powder, which are mixed with ichthyol ointment. Speeds up the healing process by performing physiotherapeutic procedures, such as ultraviolet irradiation, cryo- and ozone therapy.

Before treating seborrhea with chemotherapy, you should use no less effective and effective folk methods. The most popular of them is a mask, which consists of a mashed onion head and a few cloves of garlic. The resulting mass is mixed with several spoons of burdock oil and applied to the skin. The mask lasts thirty minutes, and it should not be used more than once in seven days.

Another ancient method of getting rid of this ailment is the use of glycerine and baking soda. They should be mixed with a glass of boiling water, allow the solution to cool and apply to the affected areas of seborrhea. If we talk about how to treat seborrhea, we should mention the effectiveness of massage procedures. When applying the healing solution, massage the skin with the pads of the fingers, knead and stroke. This will allow the healing composition to penetrate deeper layers and improve blood circulation.

When treating this disease requires only a comprehensive approach. Combine therapy, massage and diet, and after full recovery do not forget about preventive measures. Get rid of the old comb, get a new one made of natural materials.

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