HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to treat cystitis at home and by yourself

Cystitis often affects women unexpectedly. It seems to be, what a trifle: wet your feet, bathed in a still not quite warmed pond, sat on the grass, and after a few hours we feel the first alarming bells in the form of constant urge to urinate, sometimes pain when urinating, discomfort, burning. That such sensations do not become chronic, it is necessary resolutely, once and for all, to finish with this disease. It does not require hospitalization, so let's try to talk about how to treat cystitis at home.

First of all, do not neglect treatment: this is not a headache - I took a pill and went straight to work. If you do this with cystitis, these very tablets will become your faithful companions in life. How to treat cystitis at home so that acute attacks of this illness do not get chronic form? One answer is correct. And the right treatment always starts with the right diagnosis. If you are not a doctor, you should not make a diagnosis yourself. An exception may be the case if you already had cystitis once, the doctor diagnosed this disease, and you again felt the same symptoms. Otherwise, you can not treat what is needed at all.

It is very important not to hesitate, but to take urgent measures, because the ailment develops rapidly. After a while, discomfort gives way to burning, then pains occur, sometimes strong. To stop the development of the disease, you should know how to treat cystitis at home.

First, we need bed rest. Good warmth affects the warmth - a hot water bottle on the bottom of the stomach, a moderately hot bath. But be careful: if you notice blood in the urine, then thermal procedures can not be applied - they can only provoke more bleeding. To relieve the pain, you can take spasmalgic. Sadly, in some neglected cases, you have to drink antibiotics. What kind of antibiotic - the doctor will appoint.

You can reconsider what is in our green medicine chest to understand how to cure cystitis at home. For example, a simple lime tea with honey can warm up the body, increase its immunity in the fight against the disease. And here From coffee and alcohol will have to give up for a while. The diet also contributes a lot to the recovery of the bladder and to the fact that its mucous membrane begins to slowly recover: give up fatty, fried, spicy and sour food, focus on fresh vegetables and fruits.

In response to a natural question, how to treat cystitis at home, folk medicine advises drinking kidney tea, decoction or infusion of bearberry, steamed cowberry leaves, field horsetail. All these herbs work well for cystitis, but they also have their contraindications. So, the bearberry can not be drunk with pregnant women. The broth is done this way: brew two tablespoons of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, and then drink a tablespoon before eating.

Another helpful tip on how to treat cystitis at home. Use more liquid (especially alkaline mineral water, milk, cranberry fruit juice and other berries, compotes, juices) - this will help alleviate the symptoms. Our grandmothers poured 4 teaspoons of horsetail half a liter of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, filtered and applied hot grass as a compress on the lower abdomen, and the infusion was drunk half a cup one hour before meals. But you need to be careful: a field horsetail is contraindicated to jade sufferers.

Burning with urination relieves melon emulsion, which is also a good diuretic. To make it, you need to grind the melon seeds, gradually adding water. Take half a cup before meals.

When cystitis is important to live a calm and measured life - often rest, less nervous, do exercises. Also should be increased attention to personal hygiene: wipe only towards the anus, regularly wash with warm water. Take care that you do not have any diarrhea or constipation, which only contribute to the development of the disease. Do not suffer when you want to go to the toilet, as often you do not want to go there. During sexual contact, use barrier contraceptives.

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