
How to satisfy yourself? Promote the pros!

In the life of girls it often happens that there is a disappointment in a loved one. From this they subsequently simply do not wish to enter into close relations with others. And for a long time they do not let anyone in. It is from this will be extremely grave consequences. All this has an explanation. Lack of tenderness and affection, loneliness mixed with suffering and lack of intimacy develop into a ball of aggression. With such a girl or woman it's just impossible to communicate. Even worse is that she is ready for another's happiness to step on and trample. But some people find a way out of this situation. Then the question arises of how to satisfy oneself. And no one will even argue that in part only girls know how to fully enjoy their own affection. And men have moments of loneliness. It is more difficult for them to overcome all this. According to statistics, 80% of men are self-satisfied and only 20% of women.

Self-satisfaction: harm or benefit?

Many say that masturbation is a sign that a person is not himself or has something wrong with his psyche. Complete nonsense. Masturbation, or self-satisfaction, is of great benefit. When a person gets a sexual discharge, all of his nerve cells come back to normal. How to satisfy yourself? How to get real relaxation if your partner is inexperienced in bed? Each of us knows his weaknesses, what exactly is like and how to satisfy himself in full force. Only by correctly doing everything, you can achieve maximum sexual relaxation. In addition, a long time to endure, that is, to abstain from sex, is very harmful. Especially for men. This seriously affects their sexual health in the future. Therefore, for a male such a sexual discharge (in moderation, of course) is even necessary. This applies specifically to those who remain faithful to their partner at a time when both, for example, on the road.

Ways of self-satisfaction: erotic massage

In fact, there are a lot of ways to satisfy yourself and get a discharge. The most popular is an erotic massage of all intimate zones. From her own touches, the girl is able to get a start in earnest. Such a massage can be done in the bathroom, under the shower. It is necessary that the body is maximally steamed. Hands should begin to massage the neck, especially in the place where a large accumulation of muscles. Breast massage is the most relaxing moment. Then tender massage should massage the breast, gently caressing the nipples. After that, the stomach and thighs gently smooth out the palm. Very good, if the whole massage is carried out underwater. The most intimate part should be caressed last. Here, as you know, the girl is already coming to the end, experiencing a real orgasm. Many in this way satisfy themselves and experience incredible sensations.


This method is known to everyone, even the person reading now. This method does not always lead to a maximum discharge. Many are looking for ways to satisfy themselves with masturbation. A girl who is all alone can be helped by an erotic toy, which is now a lot in various stores of this type. But here there are secrets. Everyone knows how to satisfy a woman. It is absolutely necessary that the entire body of the girl be as relaxed as possible so that she can enjoy maximum. Balsams, oils, candles and light massage will come to help. With their help you can immerse yourself in the erotic atmosphere, play with your body at the highest level and get the most incredible pleasure.

What can be the consequences of constant self-satisfaction?

Of course, it is useful to satisfy yourself in some way. A person is enjoying, experiencing an orgasm. But all this is rather harmful, if you engage in self-satisfaction all the time. A man can later cease to respond to a partner, they may not get close to them. A woman, in the end, can fixate herself on self-gratification. As a result, she already can not feel a partner. It's also dangerous because masturbation is addictive. And this is harder to get rid of. In most cases, it's simply impossible.

Is there any benefit to self-satisfaction?

There is an opinion that the benefits still have from masturbation. Which one? During such a lesson, the human hormone of joy is twice as large. You yourself understand better what you want and how. Each of us has certain points that a partner may not know. A woman can experience the most incredible pleasure, if you find all its sensitive places. Professionals in this case are advised to study acupuncture. Only then you can really enjoy your own caresses. Any girl knows how to satisfy herself.

How to get rid of the "pleasantly harmful" habit?

It is difficult to get rid of it, as a person gets used to the process itself. And it's been noticed for a long time already that own caresses bring a little more pleasure. But still it is possible. Let's figure it out. From a bad habit you can get rid of, finding a permanent partner. But what if stiffness does not allow? Here everything is simple, do not rush. Gradually get used to each other. Romantic walks, meetings, light alcohol. You will feel a real relaxation from the caresses of your partner and then you will cease to need self-satisfaction. In any case, if you can not get out of this, then do not be shy about it. There are many ways of how to satisfy yourself. You can add some flavor to your relationship. Talk to your partner, and together you will find how to solve this pleasant problem or, conversely, diversify your intimacy. Although we can say that today every second fantasy is the most incredible. Therefore, one can always find a reasonable application for such a pleasant habit.

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