Arts & EntertainmentMusic

How to read rap correctly: tips for beginners

It's no secret that professional rappers do not like to talk about the secrets of their skills, not at the same time noting that they only achieved thanks to talent, work and dedication. But many young people are very concerned about the question of how to learn to read rap. That's why we decided to help a little beginners who want to express themselves in this popular musical direction today.

How to read rap: rhythm

To begin with, each rapper has his own style of reading - a special manner of performance, characteristic of the musical style in question. But for any artist, it's important to hit the beat. It's not so easy. Despite the fact that rap melodies seem primitive at first sight, they are very rhythmic and it's important to catch this rhythm. Begin training with the fact that download your favorite song in the "minus one" (without text), the manner of execution which you already know well, and try to read the rap for it. In this case, it is not necessary that your reading be identical to the original - you can stretch words, add your intonations, pause. In general, do not be afraid to experiment, because this is only training, and at the same time and the search for your own "I" in rap.

How to read rap: diction

If you have been a listener of this musical direction for a long time , you probably noticed how quickly some of the performers are reading. It's like a tongue twister for a musical accompaniment. In this case, all the words are perfectly audible and understandable. Therefore, if you have a problem with a diction, there are some defects, stuttering, cartilage, then this is extremely bad for a career. Let you write wonderful texts and music, but listeners simply will not be able to make out what you want to convey through their songs. Above the dictation you can and need to work no less than the leading news and other radio and television programs do. Start with traditional exercises - tongue twisters of varying degrees of complexity.

How to read rap: breathing

Some beginners have breathing problems. There may be several reasons for this - smoking, asthma, chronic bronchitis , etc. This is also not good, because the reading in some places of the composition must be performed, as they say, in one breath. And if at the studio during the recording of songs it can still be somehow "retouched", then at a live concert it will not work out in any way. Your breathing should be developed. You can start with stop smoking, and then go in for sports, yoga, performing various breathing exercises and gymnastics (for example, oxysize). In addition, it is important that the texts are spelled correctly so that in certain places there are pauses just for the opportunity to take a breath.

How to read rap: emotions and dynamics

Emotions should be present in general in any songs, regardless of the genre of music. Well, in rap, with his texts of social, political and other orientation, they should be even more so. In addition, emotions help convey to the public the meaning of the song, your words and thoughts about the problems raised in the track. Therefore, you yourself should not only understand, but also feel about what you sing, experience it. And then it does not matter what kind of emotions (joy, disgust, anger, pity, hopelessness, etc.). The main thing is that they just were. In this you also need to train yourself. For example, try simple phrases ("I love you" or "I have a laptop") to pronounce with different emotions (with fatigue, with anger, with joy, fear, etc.).

How to correctly read rap: filing and singing

Submission and chanting are important components, which together give the compositions a dynamic, revive them. The first is a loud, but not reaching the ora or screaming reading, for which emotionality is characteristic. It should also be developed by training a voice that is very easy to disrupt during a live performance.

Raspevka is a transition from reading to half-whelping. There are a lot of such examples in the songs of foreign rappers, and also with our Nois MS, when after reading the verse there is a very melodic chorus. Therefore, it is not enough to learn how to read, it is also necessary to have an understanding of at least the basics of singing.

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