
How to raise blood pressure or hard life hypotonic.

And how to raise the pressure? This question is posed to itself by many people around the world who suffer from hypotension. Headache, "flies" before your eyes, dizziness - this is not a complete list of symptoms from which these unfortunate suffer. Usually they are interested in how quickly to increase the pressure, those who do not exceed 100 by 60. Recently, in the medical world, hypotonic disease has ceased to be allocated as a hotel disease. If in the Soviet Union doctors beat on this occasion the alarm, then at the moment you, most likely, will not even be given a certificate for work. The only doctors who take seriously hypotension are those who watch pregnant women. As is known, they often suffer from this problem.

What are the feelings of those who are usually interested in the question, how to raise the pressure? Weakness, impotence, apathy, lethargy, a bad mood and a tendency to depression are the standard bouquet of hypotonic symptoms. It is proved that low blood pressure is usually observed among emotional and sensitive people. Many who have not encountered this problem, believe that once the hypotensive does not face a stroke, atherosclerosis and heart attack, then they need to stop whining and rejoice. But how can this be done if the state of health leaves much to be desired?

A good answer to the question of how to raise the pressure is to move more. Scientists have found that most people suffering from hypotension have inactive work, which requires mostly intelligence, and not mobility. Therefore, if you want to start struggling with your problem, adjust your lifestyle.

It also happens that the pressure was normal all the time, and then suddenly it fell sharply. It can be caused by stress, sleepless night, climate change, body fluid loss and so on. It is also believed that if a person feels well, then the low figures of millimeters of mercury are the norm for you.

To raise pressure at home, without resorting to medication, you can by drinking a cup of strong coffee since morning. Many hypotonic people know this method and enjoy using it. Experts advise also to add to it a sandwich with butter and cheese. The thing is that fatty and salty foods can increase blood pressure. If you do not have enough time for breakfast, take salted nuts with you, on the way to work you will feel that they have eliminated weakness and drowsiness.

Hypotonics need at least a nine-hour sleep, and you do not need to pay attention to people's statements that you are sleepy. Your body may require and 12 hours of sleep. After waking up, such people should not get up abruptly, it's better to lie in bed for a few more minutes. You also need to drink plenty of water throughout the day and use 5 meals a day. As mentioned above, you must lead an active lifestyle. Do badminton, volleyball or tennis.

If you do not know how to raise the pressure, then certainly not worth taking medication. You can use such adaprogens, as ginseng, eleutherococcus or magnolia vinegar Chinese. Traditional medicine also offers a lot of prescriptions for hypotonic patients. You can press on the carotid artery under the lower jaw where you feel its pulsation. Grape juice is considered an excellent means to increase pressure. Some supporters of traditional medicine offer standard coffee replaced with pomegranate juice. But remember that it needs to be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The fact is that in the fruit of this fruit there are acids that can irritate the stomach and damage the tooth enamel.

The main thing is that people around you should understand your state of mind and surround you with care. After all, hypotonic - delicate and vulnerable creatures.

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