
How to paint the ceiling - will prompt experienced specialists.

How we rejoice at the time when, finally, having gathered all our forces into a fist and means in a purse, we can begin the long-awaited repair. Each owner dreams of his house shining clean, differed in interesting design and original interior. But, as it is unfortunate to say, one should always start with the most ungrateful work - correctional. First, we must eliminate all the far from imperfect forms of our walls, establish a solid plumbing. One of the most popular questions remains: how to properly make a ceiling? Naturally, the cases are different, it's easier to just hire experienced masters who will be able to perform the most ungrateful work for you. But not every landlord dares to entrust his apartment to strangers, that's why we have to allocate time and energy for our own home.

Try not to speed up the process when doing this work, as painting the ceiling, floors or walls requires great care, and any hasty decision will turn against you. Also, experts and experienced workers advise that when buying the necessary materials, it is not worth saving.

To learn how to properly make a ceiling, ask what paint will be absorbed faster and easier. Most often it is advised to use water-based materials that smooth the color of the ceiling and are characterized by the strength and persistence of color. After painting, you will understand that such a material will help you then easily make a damp cleaning on the ceiling without creating any defects. Remember that the paint is applied to the ceiling with only three instruments: brush, spray or roller. You need to know how to paint the ceiling, so pay attention to what kind of surface it has: if it has irregularities, it is desirable to cover the ceiling with a primer before the main job. This will greatly help you fix the surface so that the paint does not flake off. Before you start painting the ceiling, you should stir the paint well. Do not be alarmed if you saw that a film has just been formed in a newly purchased bank. Best of all - carefully remove it and then use the paint. How to paint the ceiling, your experienced friends will tell you, who also encountered some problems with finishing works. Special articles devoted to this topic will also help.

After you have received a condensed certificate of what is best to apply for painting, you can safely get down to work. You will need tools such as a roller, a paint brush (the wider, the better), a ceiling paint, a special bathtub, where paint, a stepladder and an adhesive tape will be attached to protect the non-colorable areas. How to paint the ceiling correctly is one of the most common questions. First you need to determine the direction of your painting: paint should be from the window directly to the walls. You must apply the first layer perpendicular to the window. Try to connect neatly the strokes, otherwise you will get an unevenly painted surface. Wait until the first layer is completely dry and then, for a better coating quality, apply a second coat. In order to find out better how to paint the ceiling, you can invite a master for consultation who, seeing the state of your ceiling, will help with practical advice on how you need to cope with work.

Now we proceed to the second stage - we apply a second coat of paint. Please note, we paint the ceiling in the same direction, continuing to apply the paint from the light source to the walls. Please note that it is better to paint the ceiling 2-3 times, rather than once, but with a thick layer. So you firmly fix the paint on the ceiling and achieve the desired even color. Now, knowing how to paint the ceiling, you can achieve positive results in your work.

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