Self improvementGoal Setting

How to get rid of trash and extra things?

In the house of every person there are things that he absolutely does not need. It can be books, CDs, souvenirs, clothes, cosmetics, utensils and much more. People who have lived through the years of shortage or deprivation are used to keeping old things "for a rainy day," with the thought that they will someday come in handy. As a rule, this does not happen, but things that accumulate in the house, office, garage or at the dacha, simply absorb the life-giving resources of their owners. In this article, we will learn how to get rid of trash and unnecessary things, and find out why it's important to do it as quickly as possible.

Why are old things harmful?

When there are too many unnecessary things in the house, it is very difficult to restore order in it. Moreover, no matter how much you clean up, in a house littered with old things, it will not be clean, because all this rubbish will collect a lot of dust. At the same time, to find something really necessary, you have to spend a lot of time. The disorder has an amazing capacity for self-growth.

In a room that is full of unnecessary things, it's hard to concentrate and relax, as they all constantly appear before your eyes and fall on your arm. Feng Shui adherents believe that the accumulation and cluttering of unnecessary things in the room hinders the free circulation of energy, disrupts the positive life processes of household members and depletes their life. Therefore, you should get rid of the trash in the house as soon as possible. All the old is closing us from the new. Especially this problem is felt in small apartments and houses.

Hardly anyone will argue that living in a spacious bright room filled with only pleasant things is much better. So let's figure out how to get yourself rid of junk and thereby greatly facilitate your life.

The strategy of getting rid of unnecessary things

In Europe and America for more than ten years there have been firms that specialize in getting rid of unnecessary things and ordering the right ones. In our latitudes this business is not yet widespread, but this is not a problem, because everything can be done independently. When clearing a room of junk people usually begin to experience a certain excitement and can not stop. So the main thing here is to start.

It is advisable to get rid of junk as quickly as possible, but if time is short, this lesson should be given at least 2 hours a week. Cleaning should be done systematically, dividing the house into several problem areas. An example of such a zone can be a junk-filled cabinet.

Unnecessary items found during the cleaning process can be divided into several categories:

  1. Those that need to be discarded or disposed of. These are morally or physically obsolete things that do not have a material or emotional value. They should be sent without remorse to a dump or disposal.
  2. Those that you can give to other people. This category includes things that are in good condition, but do not represent value to the owner. For example, toys can be given to an orphanage, and books to a library. Charity is a good option for those who experience blame, throwing out good, but unnecessary things. The fact that for one rubbish, for another can be a treasure, so before sending something to the dump, think, it would not be useful for someone else.
  3. Those that can be sold. This includes things you do not need, but still have material value. To sell such things on the Internet, there are many convenient services. In order for the sale to take place, the owner of the item will need to post her photo, take calls from customers and deal with the delivery of the sold goods. If all these efforts are justified, then why not? In addition, in many cities there are so-called "flea markets", where you can hand over everything you need for a small fee. And in some cities, so-called garage sales are gaining popularity, which can bring a good income.
  4. Those that can be repaired. This includes broken things that may still be usable. When deciding to leave such a thing, you need to ask for a period for which it is worth repairing. If nothing changes after a while, then you need to get rid of this junk as quickly as possible.
  5. Those on whose account there are doubts. All things, which are difficult to make a quick decision, should be collected in one package and put aside for a certain period, for example, for a year. If in a year this package remains untouched, it can be safely thrown out, without even looking inside.

Getting rid of the rubbish in the apartment according to the strategy given above, you can largely relieve your home. It remains only practical to organize the remaining things and enjoy the space. But that is not all. Everyone has things that, having no practical value, are endowed with great spiritual value. If you store them indiscriminately, you can force the whole house. We'll talk about this below.

Dear soul, but unnecessary things

In each house there are objects that remind the owner about this or that period of his life, some important person, achievement, and so on. For example, men store a soldier's tunic, and girls - a bridesmaid dress. It can also be gifts that a person does not throw out of a sense of duty to the one who gave them. There are a lot of examples of such examples, but the point is not that, but some of these things must be got rid of.

To protect things that cause a sentimental mood, it is quite natural. Especially when they are associated with especially important people, any recollection of which can cause pleasant feelings. However, it is impossible to keep everything that reminds of happy moments of life. The collection of such things requires too much space, time and energy. To get rid of such rubbish, as a rule, is the most difficult. However, it is not necessary to throw everything out. The most expensive one can be left, and everything else can be arranged using one of these methods.

Photo for memory

As a rule, the image of an object has the same emotional charge as it is itself. Therefore, to throw an expensive object was easier, it just needs to take a picture and save this photo on the computer. In this case it is desirable to write, with which person or event this object is associated, when it was purchased and so on. To make critical photos and files not lost in the event of a computer crash, it's worth copying them to an additional hard drive.

Leave the best

Leaving too many symbolic things is not necessary, it is enough to select the best of them, and quickly get rid of the trash. This is especially true if you have a large number of approximately identical things, for example, a porcelain service inherited from a grandmother. Leaving one cup from it, you can largely relieve the space, while retaining pleasant memories.


If the house has accumulated a lot of paper relics and photographs, they can simply be scanned and stored digitally. Agree, it is much easier to have a folder on the computer than a box on the closet, which only does what the dust collects. If you do not have time to do it yourself, just find a firm that will carry out this work quickly and relatively inexpensively.

Scanning photos, letters and other paper values, you can send them to people who are directly related to them. It's much nicer than just throwing a thing. Most likely, the addressee will get acquainted with it, smile, remember the past and throw out the thing, because it was not stored in his house and soul all this time. It will be easier for him to say goodbye to her, and this should be taken advantage of.


If a thing is not used for its intended purpose, it does not mean that it is time to put a cross on it. By changing the appointment of objects to more practical, you can unload the house and leave important memories in memory. For example, from the old clothes that the owner wore on especially important days, you can make a blanket. Such a blanket not only warms in the cold winter, but also serves as an original decor object. If expensive clothing is small, you can make a pillow out of it.

Friend help

American scientists have established that by touching an object, even the most extraordinary and ordinary, a person enters into an emotional connection with him. This is especially evident in women. As this item is stored, the connection becomes stronger. If you do not want to part with something, but you understand that it is necessary to do this, ask the friend to take this item for a while to himself. In time, you will get out of this thing and be able to throw it out with a clear conscience.

Gift giving

Gifts are a special category of things. When a person gets rid of old rubbish, they are almost the main problem. With his present, the donor tries with all his heart to please a person who is dear to him. Therefore, gifts are always of great emotional value and occupy a special place in the house. Nevertheless, most of them do not carry practical value, but only litter the house, from time to time reminding themselves of another layer of dust. To get rid of such a thing without a twinge of conscience, it can be transferred to another person or donated to charity. Most likely, the donor, if he has a sense of tact, will never ask you about the fate of the thing given to them. And if he asks, you can always leave the question carefully.

Do not hesitate

If you decide to get rid of the rubbish in the apartment, as soon as possible, it is worth implementing the plan. Especially it concerns things that cause sentimental emotions. As long as a person knows that once a thing dear to him lies in a garbage bag and claims to be thrown out, he may change his mind.

Remaining things

All that you decided to keep in your house after getting rid of excess rubbish, should be in sight and used regularly. Such things are not the place in the box on the closet or attic. If the things claiming such storage were left, then the cleaning was of poor quality. Do not keep in the house something that you can not take with you to a new life, for which, in fact, people are asking themselves how to get rid of excess rubbish in an apartment or house.

It is necessary to know the measure

Wanting to change their lives and throw out of it all unnecessary, in order to open themselves to new purchases and emotions, many flirt and throw everything out. Then it turns out that among the discarded rubbish there was something really important, for example, some kind of document. For example, the wife got rid of the old trash and did not notice that there were important things for her husband among him, or vice versa. This often happens with those who use boxes when moving from one house to another. Even if you remember that in a certain box there are really unnecessary things, and that you have not looked into it for several years before it is discarded it is still recommended to check the contents!

Cleaning on the computer

Talking about how to get rid of trash and unnecessary things, many forget that the computer also needs regular cleaning. "Why not fill your computer with unnecessary files, if it does not increase in size?" - a thought that one day comes to most users. Indeed, in a computer you can easily store thousands of files with the confidence that if they are useful, they will always be at hand. But, as a rule, only dozens of files are of real value. The cluttered computer is slower to work and at the most inopportune moment it can fail, as a result of which the user risks losing what he really values (photos of close people, electronic documents, etc.). Therefore, to treat the cleaning of the computer is as responsible as cleaning the house. Trash in the computer also prevents us from working productively, as well as trash in the room.

Especially not recommended to leave on the computer all that you can at any time find on the Internet or download. Also, it is not superfluous to get rid of programs that are not used in everyday life, but take up a lot of space. The most important files are recommended to be stored in two copies: one on the computer, and the second on the removable media.


Today we have learned how to get rid of trash in your home and make the surrounding space more favorable for work and rest. Superfluous things not only take up a lot of space and create discomfort, but also accumulate energy. In this way they shut the person of everything new and unknown. Therefore, periodically it is worth reviewing the appropriateness of finding some things in your home. For residents of a private home, it will be superfluous also to get rid of the trash on the site.

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